Admin Linux Security

My favorite openssl commands

openssl is available on almost every operating system. It’s a great tool if you work with certificates regularly, or even occasionally. I want to document some of the commands I use most frequently.

The details

Convert PEM CERTs to other common formats
I just used this one yesterday. I got a certificate in PEM format as is my custom. But not every web server out there is apache or apache-compatible. What to do? I’ve learned to convert the PEM-formatted certificates to other favored formats.

The following worked for a Tomcat server and also for another proprietary web server which was running on a Windows server and wanted a pkcs#12 type certificate:

$ openssl pkcs12 −export −chain −inkey drjohns.key -in drjohns.crt −name “” −CAfile intermediate_plus_root.crt −out drjohns.p12

The intermediate_plus_root.crt file contained a concatenation of those CERTs, in PEM format of course.

If you see this error:

Error unable to get issuer certificate getting chain.

, it probably means that you forgot to include the root certificate in your intermediate_plus_root.crt file. You need both intermediate plus the root certificates in this file.

And this error:

unable to write 'random state'

means you are using the Windows version of openssl and you first need to do this:

set RANDFILE=C:\MyDir\.rnd

, where MyDir is a directory where you have write permission, before you issue the openssl command. See for more on that.

The beauty of the above openssl command is that it also takes care of setting up the intermediate CERT – everything needed is shoved into the .p12 file. .p12 can also be called .pfx. so, a PFX file is the same thing as what we’ve been calling a PKCS12 certificate,

How to examine a pkcs12 (pfx) file

$ openssl pkcs12 ‐info ‐in file_name.pfx
It will prompt you for the password a total of three times!

Examine a certificate

$ openssl x509 −in certificate_name.crt −text

Examine a CSR – certificate signing request

$ openssl req −in certificate_name.csr −text

Examine a private key

$ openssl rsa −in certificate_name.key −text

Create a SAN (subject alternative name) CSR

This is a two-step process. First you create a config file with your alternative names and some other info. Mine, req.conf, looks like this:

default_bits = 4096
prompt = no
default_md = sha256
req_extensions = req_ext
distinguished_name = dn
[ dn ]
ST=New Jersey
CN =
[ req_ext ]
subjectAltName = @alt_names
[ alt_names ]
DNS.1 =
DNS.2 =
IP.3 =

Note this shows a way to combine IP address with a FQDN in the SAN. I’m not sure public CAs will permit IPs. I most commonly work with a private PKI which definitely does, however.

Then you run openssl like this, referring to your config file (updated for the year 2022. In the past we used 2048 bit length keys but we are moving to 4096):
$ openssl req −new −nodes −newkey rsa:4096 −keyout mykey.key −out myreq.csr -config req.conf

This creates the private key and CSR in one go. Note that it’s recommended to repeat your common name (CN) in one of the alternative names so that’s what I did.

Let’s examine it to be sure it contains the alternative names:

$ openssl req ‐text ‐in myreq.csr

Certificate Request:
        Version: 0 (0x0)
        Subject: C=US, ST=New Jersey,
        Requested Extensions:
            X509v3 Subject Alternative Name:
    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption

Looks good!

SAN on an Intranet with a private PKI infrastructure including an IP address
On an Intranet you may want to access a web site by IP as well as by name, so if your private PKI permits, you can create a CSR with a SAN which covers all those possibilities. The SAN line in the certificate will look like this example:, IP:,,,

Note that additional IP:10… with my server’s private IP? That will never fly with an Internet CA, but might be just fine and useful on a corporate network. The advice is to not put the IP first, however. Some PKIs will not accept that. So I put it second.

Create a simple CSR and private key

$ openssl req −new −nodes −out myreq.csr

This prompts you to enter values for the country code, state and organization name. As a private individual, I am entering for organization name – same as my common name. Hopefully this will be accepted.

Look at a certificate and certificate chain of any server running SSL

$ openssl s_client ‐showcerts ‐connect https://host[:port]/

Cool shortcut to fetch certificate from any web server and examine it with one command line

$ echo|openssl s_client ‐servername ‐connect|openssl x509 ‐text

Alternate single command line to fetch and examine in one go

$ openssl s_client ‐servername ‐connect</dev/null|openssl x509 ‐text

In fact the above commands are so useful to me I invented this bash function to save all that typing. I put this in my ~/.alias file (or .bash_aliases, depending on the OS):

# functions
# to unset a function: unset -f foo; to see the definition: type -a foo
certexamine () { echo|openssl s_client -servername "$@" -connect "$@":443|openssl x509 -text|more; }
# examinecert () { echo|openssl s_client -servername "$@" -connect "$@":443|openssl x509 -text|more; }
examinecert () { str=$*;echo $str|grep -q : ;res=$?;if [ "$res" -eq "0" ]; then fqdn=$(echo $str|cut -d: -f1);else fqdn=$str;str="$fqdn:443";fi;openssl s_client  -servername $fqdn -connect $str|openssl x509 -text|more; }

In a 2023 update, I made examinecert more sophisticated and more complex. Now it accepts an argument like FQDN:PORT. Then to examine a certificate I simply type either

$ examinecert

(port 443 is the default), or to specify a non-standard port:

$ examinecert

The servername switch in the above commands is not needed 99% of the time, but I did get burned once and actually picked up the wrong certificate by not having it present. If the web server uses Server Name Indication – information which you generally don’t know – it should be present. And it does no harm being there regardless.

Example wildcard certificate
As an aside, want to examine a legitimate wildcard certificate, to see how they filled in the SAN field? Yesterday I did, and found it basically impossible to search for precisely that. I used my wits to recall that WordPress, I thought I recalled, used a wildcard certificate. I was right. I think one of those ecommerce sites like Shopify might as well. So you can examine, and you’ll see the SAN field looks like this:

 X509v3 Subject Alternative Name:

Verify your certificate chain of your active server

$ openssl s_client ‐CApath /etc/ssl/certs ‐verify 2 ‐connect

verify depth is 2
depth=3 /C=US/O=The Go Daddy Group, Inc./OU=Go Daddy Class 2 Certification Authority
verify return:1
depth=2 /C=US/ST=Arizona/L=Scottsdale/, Inc./CN=Go Daddy Root Certificate Authority - G2
verify return:1
depth=1 /C=US/ST=Arizona/L=Scottsdale/, Inc./OU= Daddy Secure Certificate Authority - G2
verify return:1
depth=0 /OU=Domain Control Validated/
verify return:1
Certificate chain
 0 s:/OU=Domain Control Validated/
   i:/C=US/ST=Arizona/L=Scottsdale/, Inc./OU= Daddy Secure Certificate Authority - G2
 1 s:/C=US/ST=Arizona/L=Scottsdale/, Inc./OU= Daddy Secure Certificate Authority - G2
   i:/C=US/ST=Arizona/L=Scottsdale/, Inc./CN=Go Daddy Root Certificate Authority - G2
 2 s:/C=US/ST=Arizona/L=Scottsdale/, Inc./CN=Go Daddy Root Certificate Authority - G2
   i:/C=US/O=The Go Daddy Group, Inc./OU=Go Daddy Class 2 Certification Authority
 3 s:/C=US/O=The Go Daddy Group, Inc./OU=Go Daddy Class 2 Certification Authority
   i:/C=US/O=The Go Daddy Group, Inc./OU=Go Daddy Class 2 Certification Authority
Server certificate
    Protocol  : TLSv1
    Cipher    : DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA
    Session-ID: 41E4352D3480CDA5631637D0623F68F5FF0AFD3D1B29DECA10C444F8760984E9
    Master-Key: 3548E268ACF80D84863290E79C502EEB3093EBD9CC935E560FC266EE96CC229F161F5EF55DDF9485A7F1BE6C0BECD7EA
    Key-Arg   : None
    Start Time: 1479238988
    Timeout   : 300 (sec)
    Verify return code: 0 (ok)

Wrong way to verify your certificate chain
When you first start out with the verify sub-command you’ll probably do it wrong. You’ll try something like this:

$ openssl s_client ‐verify 2 ‐connect

which will produce these results:

verify depth is 2
depth=3 /C=US/O=The Go Daddy Group, Inc./OU=Go Daddy Class 2 Certification Authority
verify error:num=19:self signed certificate in certificate chain
verify return:0
16697:error:14090086:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed:s3_clnt.c:983:

Using s_client menu through a proxy
Yes! Use the -proxy switch, at least with newer openssl implementations.

Using OCSP
I have had limited success so far to an Online Certificate Status Protocol verification. But I do have something to provide as an example:

$ openssl ocsp ‐issuer cert‐godaddy‐g2.crt ‐cert crt ‐no_nonce ‐no_cert_verify ‐url

Response verify OK
crt: good
        This Update: Nov 15 19:56:52 2016 GMT
        Next Update: Nov 17 07:56:52 2016 GMT

Here I’ve stuffed my certificate into a file called crt and stuffed the intermediate certificate into a file called cert-godaddy-g2.crt. How did I know what URL to use? Well, when I examined the certificate file crt it told me:

$ openssl x509 ‐text ‐in crt

           Authority Information Access:
                OCSP - URI:

But I haven’t succeeded running a similar command against certificates used by Google, nor by certificates issued by the CA Globalsign. So I’m clearly missing something there, even though by luck I got the GoDaddy certificate correct.

Check that a particular private key matches a particular certificate
I have to deal with lots of keys and certificates. And certificate re-issues. And I do this for others. Sometimes it gets confusing and I lose track of what goes with what. openssl to the rescue! I find that a matching moduls is pretty much a guarantee that private key and certificate aer a match.

Private key – find the modulus example
$ openssl rsa ‐modulus ‐noout ‐in key


Public key – find the modulus example
$ openssl x509 ‐modulus ‐noout ‐in crt


The key and certificate were stored in files called key and crt, respectively. Here the modulus has the same value so key and certificate match. Their values are random, so you only need to match up the first eight characters to have an extremely high confidence level that you have a correct match.

Generate a simple self-signed certificate
$ openssl req ‐x509 ‐nodes ‐newkey rsa:2048 ‐keyout key.pem ‐out cert.pem ‐days 365

Generating a 2048 bit RSA private key
writing new private key to 'key.pem'
You are about to be asked to enter information that will be incorporated
into your certificate request.
What you are about to enter is what is called a Distinguished Name or a DN.
There are quite a few fields but you can leave some blank
For some fields there will be a default value,
If you enter '.', the field will be left blank.
Country Name (2 letter code) [XX]:US
State or Province Name (full name) []:New Jersey
Locality Name (eg, city) [Default City]:.
Organization Name (eg, company) [Default Company Ltd]:.
Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) []:
Common Name (eg, your name or your server's hostname) []
Email Address []:

Note that the fields I wished to blank out I put in a “.”

Did I get what I expected? Let’s examine it:

$ openssl x509 ‐text ‐in cert.pem|more

        Version: 3 (0x2)
        Serial Number: 16616841832876401013 (0xe69ae19b7172e175)
    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
        Issuer: C=US, ST=New Jersey,
            Not Before: Aug 15 14:11:08 2017 GMT
            Not After : Aug 15 14:11:08 2018 GMT
        Subject: C=US, ST=NJ,
        Subject Public Key Info:
            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
                Public-Key: (2048 bit)

Hmm. It’s only sha1 which isn’t so great. And there’s no Subject Alternative Name. So it’s not a very good CERT.

Create a better self-signed CERT
$ openssl req ‐x509 ‐sha256 ‐nodes ‐newkey rsa:2048 ‐keyout key.pem ‐out cert.pem ‐days 365

That one is SHA2:

    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
        Issuer: C=US, ST=New Jersey,

365 days is arbitrary. You can specify a shorter or longer duration.

Then refer to it with a -config argument in your

Listing ciphers
Please see this post.

Fetching the certificates from an SMTP server running TLS

$ openssl s_client −starttls smtp −connect <MAIL_SERVER>:25 −crlf
That’s a good one because it’s hard to do these steps by hand.

Working with Java keytool for Tomcat certificates
This looks really daunting at first. Where do you even start? I recently found the answer. Digicert has a very helpful page which generates the keytool command line you need to crate your CSR and provides lots of installation advice. At first I was skeptical and thought you could not trust a third party to have your private key, but it doesn’t work that way at all. It’s just a complex command-line generator that you plug into your own command line. You know, the whole

$ keytool −genkey −alias −keyalg RSA -keystore drj.jks −dname=”, O=johnstechtalk, ST=NJ, C=US” …

Here’s the Digicert command line generator page.

Another good tool that provides a free GUI replacement for the Java command-line utilities keytool, jarsigner and jadtool is Keystore Explorer.

List info about all the certificates in a certificate bundle

openssl storeutl -noout -text -certs cacert.pem |egrep ‘Issuer:|Subject:’|more

Appendix A, Certificate Fingerprints
You may occasionally see a reference to a certificate fingerprint. What is it and how do you find your certificate’s fingerprint?

Turns out it’s not that obvious.

Above we showed the very useful command

openssl x509 ‐text ‐in <CRT‐file>

and the results from that look very thoroough as though this is everything there is to know about this certificate. In fact I thought that for yeas, but, it turns out it doesn’t show the fingerprint!

A great discussion on this topic is

But I want to repeat the main points here.

The fingerprint is the hash of the certificate file, but in its raw, 8-bit form. you can choose the hash algorithm and learn the fingerprint with the following openssl commands:

$ openssl x509 ‐in <CRT‐file> ‐fingerprint ‐sha1 (for getting the SHA1 fingerprint)

similarly, to obtain the sha256 or md5 fingerprint you would do:

$ openssl x509 ‐in <CRT‐file> ‐fingerprint ‐sha256

$ openssl x509 ‐in <CRT‐file> ‐fingerprint ‐md5

Now, you wonder, I know about these useful hash commands from Linux:

sha1sum, sha256sum, md5sum

what is the relationship between these commands and what openssl returns? How do I run the linux commands and get the same results?

It turns out this is indeed possible. But not that easy unless you know advanced sed trickery and have a uudecode program. I have uudecode on SLES, but not on CentOS. I’m still trying to unpack what this sed command really does…

The certificate files we normally deal with (PEM format) are encoded versions of raw data. uudecode can be used to obtain the raw data version of the certificate file like this:

$ uudecode < <(
sed ‘1s/^.*$/begin‐base64 644;

This example is for an input certificate file called It creates a raw data version of the certificate file called

Then you can run your sha1sum on It will be the same result as running

$ openssl x509 ‐in ‐fingerprint ‐sha1


So that shows the fingerprint is a hash of the entire certificate file. Who knew?

Appendix B
To find out more about a particluar subcommand:

openssl <subcommand> help


$ openssl s_client help

Some useful openssl commands are documented here. A way to grapple with keytool for Tomcat certificates is also shown as a bonus.

References and related
Probably a better site with similar but more extensive openssl commands:

Digicert’s tool for working with keytool.
GUI replacement for keytool, etc; Keystore Explorer.

The only decent explanation of certificate fingerprints I know of:

Server Name Indication is described in this blog post.

I’m only providing this link here as an additional reminder that this is one web site where you’ll find a legitimate wildcard certificate: Otherwise it can be hard to find one. Clearly people don’t want to advertize the fatc that they’re using them.

Admin Internet Mail SLES

The IT Detecive Agency: emails began piling up this week, no obvious cause

Today I had my choice of problems I could highlight, but I like this one the best. Our mail server delivers email to a wide variety of recipients. All was going well and it ran pretty much unattended until this week when it didn’t go so well. Most emails were getting delivered, but more and more were starting to pile up in the queues. This is the story of how we unraveled the mystery.

The details
It’s best to work from examples I think. I noticed emails to were being refused delivery as well as emails to The latter is a smaller company so we heard from them the usual story that we’re the only ones who can’t send to them.

So I forced delivery with verbose logging. I’m running sendmail, so that looks like this:

> sendmail -Cconfig_file -v

That didn’t work out, producing a no route to host type of error. I did a DNS lookup by hand. That showed one set of results, while sendmail was connecting to an entirely different IP address. How could that be??

I was at a loss so I do what I do when I’m desperate: strace. That looks like this:

> strace -f sendmail -Cconfig_file -v > /tmp/strace 2>&1

That produced 12,000 lines of output. All the system calls that the process and any of its forked processes invoke. Is that too much to comb through by hand? No, not at all, not when you begin to see the patterns.

I pored over the trace, not knowing what most of it meant, but looking for especially any activity regarding networking and DNS. Around line 6,000 I found it. There was mention of nscd.

For the unaware the use of nscd (nameserver caching daemon) might seem innocent enough, or even good-intentioned. What could be wrong with caching frequently used DNS results? The only issue is that it doesn’t work right! nscd derives from UC Berkeley Unix code and has never been supported. I didn’t even like it when I was running SunOS. It caches the DNS queries but ignores TTLs. This is fatal for mail servers or just about anything you can think of, especially on servers that are infrequently booted as mine are.

I stopped nscd right away:

> service nscd stop

and re-ran the sendmail queue runner (same command as above). The emails flowed out instantly! Soon hundreds of stuck emails were flushed out.

Of course for good measure nscd had to be removed from the startup sequence:

> chkconfig nscd off

An IT pro always keeps unsolved mysteries in his mind. This time I knew I also had in hand the solution an earlier-documented mystery about email to

nscd might show up in your SLES or OpenSuse server. I strongly suggest to disable it before you wind up with old DNS values and an extremely hard-to-debug issue.

Case closed!

Admin Linux Raspberry Pi

Ssh access to your Raspberry Pi from anywhere

Editor’s 2017 note: Lots of great alternatives are discussed in the Comments section.

I’ve done a couple things with my Raspberry Pi. There’s this post on setting it up without a monitor, keyboard or mouse, and this post on using it to monitor power and Internet connection at my home.

I eventually realized that the Pi could be accessed from anywhere, with one big assumption: that you have your own hosted server somewhere on the Internet that you can ssh to from anywhere. This is the same assumption I used in describing the power monitor application.

The details
I can’t really take any credit for originality here. I just copied what I saw in another post. My only contribution is in realizing that the Pi makes a good platform to do this sort of thing with if you are running it as a server like I am.

What you can do is to create a reverse ssh tunnel. I find this easier and probably more secure than opening up ssh (inbound) on your home router and mapping that to the Pi. So I’m not going to talk about that method.

First ssh log in to your Pi.

From that session ssh to your hosted server using syntax like this:

> ssh −f −N −R 10000:localhost:22 username@ip_address_of_your_hosted_sever

You can even log out of your Pi now – this reverse tunnel will stay*.

Now to access your Pi from “anywhere,” log into your server like usual, then from that session, login to your Pi thusly:

> ssh −p 10000 pi@localhost

That’s it! You should be logged on after supplying the password to the pi account.

*Except that in my experience the reverse tunnel does not stay! It’s staying up less than two hours.

But I think the approach is sound.

Feb 15th Update
This is a case of RTFM. That same web page I cited above has the necessary settings. I needed to have them on the Pi. It didn’t help when I put them on my Amazon server. Here they are repeated:

TCPKeepAlive yes
ClientAliveInterval 30
#ClientAliveCountMax 30
ClientAliveCountMax 99999
GatewayPorts yes
AllowTcpForwarding yes

This goes into the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file. Make sure you don’t have these mentioned a second time in that file.

With these settings my reverse tunnel has been up all day. It’s a real permanent tunnel now!

Security note
Make sure you modify the default passwords to your Pi before attempting this. You’re potentially exposing your whole home network in creating a reverse tunnel like this so you really have to be careful.

You can use your Raspberry Pi to create a reverse tunnel tht allows you to access it from anywhere, assuming you have a cooperating hosted server on the Internet as a mutual meeting point for the ssh sessions. Exercise caution, though, as you are opening up your Home network as well.

Currently the tunnel doesn’t stay up for very long – perhaps an hour or so. If I find a way to extend that I’ll revise this post.

Having trouble ssh’ing to your Ras Pi under any conditions? This article explains how to get past one common cause of this problem.

Internet Mail Linux Perl Raspberry Pi

Raspberry Pi phone home

In this article I described setting up my Raspberry Pi without ever connecting a monitor keyboard and mouse to it and how I got really good performance using an UHS SD card.

This article represents my first real DIY project on my Pi – one of my own design. My faithful subscribers will recall my post after Hurricane Sandy in which I reacted to an intense desire to know when the power was back on by creating a monitor for that situation. It relied on extremely unlikely pieces of infrastructure. I hinted that it may be possible to use the Raspberry Pi to accomplish the same thing.

I’ve given it a lot of thought and assembled all the pieces. Now I have a home power/Internet service monitor based on my Pi!

This still requires a somewhat unlikely but not impossible combination of infrastructure:
– your own hosted server in the cloud
– ability to send emails out from your cloud server
– access log files on your cloud server are rolled over regularly
– your Pi and your cloud server are in the same time zone
– Raspberry Pi which is acting as a server (meaning you are running it 24×7 and not rebooting it and fooling with it too much)
– a smart phone to receive alert emails or TXT messages

I used my old-school knowledge of Perl to whip something up quickly. One of this years I have to bite the bullet and learn Python decently, but it’s hard when you are so comfortable in another language.

The details
Here’s the concept. From your Pi you make regular “phone home” calls to your cloud server. This could use any protocol your server is listening on, but since most cloud servers run web servers, including mine, I phone home using HTTP. Then on your cloud server you look for the phone home messages. If you don’t see one after a certain time, you send an alert to an email account. Then, once service – be it power or Internet connectivity – is restored to your house, your Pi resumes phoning home and your cloud monitor detects this and sends a Good message.

I have tried to write minimalist code that yet will work and even handle common error conditions, so I think it is fairly robust.

Set up your Pi
On your Pi you are “phoning home” to your server. So you need a line something like this in your crontab file:

# This gets a file and leaves a timestamp behind in the access log
* * * * * /usr/bin/curl --connect-timeout 30`perl -e 'print time()'` > /dev/null 2>&1

Don’t know what I’m talking about when I say edit your crontab file?

> export EDITOR=vi
> crontab -e

That first line is only required for fans of the vi editor.

That part was easy, right? That will have your server “phone home” every minute, 24×7. But we need an aside to talk about time on the Pi.

Getting the right time on the Raspberry Pi
This monitoring solution assumes Ras Pi and home server are in the same time zone (because we kept it simple). I’ve seen at least a couple of my Raspberry Pi’s where the time zone was messed up so I need to document the fix.

Run the date command
$ date

Sat Apr 29 17:10:13 EDT 2017

Now it shows it is set for EDT so the timezone is correct. At first it showed something like UTC.

Make sure you are running ntp:
$ ntpq ‐p

     remote           refid      st t when poll reach   delay   offset  jitter
==============================================================================     2 u  689 1024  377   78.380    2.301   0.853     2 u  312 1024  377  116.254   11.565   5.864
+choppa.chieftek     3 u  909 1024  377   65.430    4.185   0.686
*   .GPS.            1 u  106 1024  377  162.089  -10.357   0.459

You should get results similar to those above. In particular the jitter numbers should be small, or at least less than 10 (units are msec for the curious).

If you’re missing the ntpq command then do a

$ sudo apt-get install ntp

Set the correct timezone with a

$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata

and choose Americas, then new York, or whatever is appropriate for your geography. The Internet has a lot of silly advice on this point so I hope this clarifies the point.

Note that you need to do both things. In my experience time on Raspberry Pis tends to drift so you’ll be off by seconds, which is a bad thing. ntp addresses that. And having it in the wrong timezone is just annoying in general as all your logs and file times etc will be off compared to how you expect to see them.

On your server
Here is the Perl script I cooked up. Some modifications are needed for others to use, such as email addresses, access log location and perhaps the name and switches for the mail client.

So without further ado. here is the monitor script:

# send out alerts related to Raspberry Pi phone home
# this is designed to be called periodically from cron
# DrJ - 2/2013
# to test good to error transition,
# call with a very small maxDiff, such as 0!
use Getopt::Std;
getopts('m:d'); # maximum allowed time difference
$maxDiff = $opt_m;
$DEBUG = 1 if $opt_d;
unless (defined($maxDiff)) {
# use values appropriate for your situation here...
$mailsender = '[email protected]';
$recipient = '[email protected]';
$monitorName = 'Raspberry Pi phone home';
# access line looks like:
# - - [02/Feb/2013:22:00:02 -0500] "GET /raspberrypiPhoneHome?136456789 HTTP/1.1" 200 455 "-" "curl/7.26.0"
$magicString = "raspberrypiPhoneHome";
# modify as needed for your situation...
$accessLog = "/var/log/drjohns/access.log";
# pick up timestamp in access file
$piTime = `grep $magicString $accessLog|tail -1|cut -d\? -f2|cut -d' ' -f1`;
$curTime = time();
$date = `date`;
# your PID file is somewhere else. It tells us when Apache was started.
# you could comment out these next lines just to get started with the program
$PID = "/var/run/";
($atime,$mtime,$ctime) = (stat($PID))[8,9,10];
$diff = $curTime - $piTime;
print "magicString, accessLog, piTime, curTime, diff: $magicString, $accessLog, $piTime, $curTime, $diff\n" if $DEBUG;
print "accessLog stat. atime, mtime, ctime: $atime,$mtime,$ctime\n" if $DEBUG;
if ($curTime - $ctime < $maxDiff) {
  print "Apache hasn't been running long enough yet to look for something in the log file. Maybe next time\n";
$goodFile = "/tmp/piGood";
$errorFile = "/tmp/piError";
# Think of it as state machine. There are just a few states and a few transitions to consider
if (-e $goodFile) {
  print "state: good\n" if $DEBUG;
  if ($diff < $maxDiff) {
    print "Remain in good state\n" if $DEBUG;
  } else {
# transition to error state
    print "Transition from good to error state at $date, diff is $diff\n";
    sendMail("Good","Error","Last call was $diff seconds ago");
# set state to Error
    system("rm $goodFile; touch $errorFile");
} elsif (-e $errorFile) {
  print "state: error\n" if $DEBUG;
  if ($diff > $maxDiff) {
    print "Remain in error state\n" if $DEBUG;
  } else {
# transition to good state
    print "Transition from error to good state at $date, diff is $diff\n";
    sendMail("Error","Good","Service restored. Last call was $diff seconds ago");
# set state to Good
    system("rm $errorFile; touch $goodFile");
} else {
  print "no state\n" if $DEBUG;
  if ($diff < $maxDiff) {
    system("touch $goodFile");
    sendMail("no state","Good","NA") if $DEBUG;
    print "Transition from no state to Good at $date\n";
# don't send alert
  } else {
    print "Remain in no state\n" if $DEBUG;
sub sendMail {
($oldState,$state,$additional) = @_;
print "oldState,state,additional: $oldState,$state,$additional\n" if $DEBUG;
$subject = "$state : $monitorName";
open(MAILX,"|mailx -r \"$mailsender\" -s \"$subject\" $recipient") || die "Cannot run mailx $mailsender $subject!!\n";
print MAILX qq(
$monitorName is now in state: $state
Time: $date
Former state was $oldState
Additional info: $additional
- sent from pialert program
sub usage {
  print "usage: $0 -m <maxDiff (seconds)> [-d (debug)]\n";

This is called from my server’s crontab. I set it like this:

 Call monitor that sends an alert if my Raspberry Pi fails to phone home - DrJ 2/13
0,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55 * * * * /home/drj/ -m 300 >> /tmp/pialert.log

My /tmp/pialert.log file looks like this so far:

Transition from no state to Good at Wed Feb  6 12:10:02 EST 2013
Apache hasn't been running long enough yet to look for something in the log file. Maybe next time
Apache hasn't been running long enough yet to look for something in the log file. Maybe next time
Transition from good to error state at Fri Feb  8 10:55:01 EST 2013, diff is 420
Transition from error to good state at Fri Feb  8 11:05:02 EST 2013, diff is 1

The last two lines result from a test I ran – i commented out the crontab entry on my Pi to be absolutely sure it was working.

The error message I got in my email looked like this:

Subject: Error : Raspberry Pi phone home
Raspberry Pi phone home is now in state: Error 
Time: Fri Feb  8 10:55:01 EST 2013
Former state was Good
Additional info: Last call was 420 seconds ago
- sent from pialert program

Why not use Nagios?
Some will realize that I replicated functions that are provided in Nagios, why not just hang my stuff off that well-established monitoring software? I considered it, but I wanted to stay light. I think my approach, while more demanding of me as a programmer, keeps my server unburdened by running yet another piece of software that has to be understood, debugged, maintained and patched. If you already have it, fine, by all means use it for the alerting part. I’m sure it gives you more options. For an approach to installing nagios that makes it somewhat manageable see the references.

A few words about sending mail
I send mail directly from my cloud server, I have no idea what others do. With Amazon, my elastic IP was initially included in blacklists (RBLs), etc, so I really couldn’t send mail without it being rejected. they have procedures you can follow to remove your IP from those lists, and it really worked. Crucially, it allowed me to send as a TXT message. Just another reason why you can’t really beat Amazon hosting (there was no charge for this feature).

And sending TXT messages
I think most wireless providers have an email gateway that allows you to send a TXT message (SMS) to one of their users via email (SMTP) if you know their cell number. For instance with Verizon the formula is




We have assembled a working power/Internet service monitor as a DIY project for a Raspberry Pi. If you want to use your Pi for a lot of other things I suggest to leave this one for your power monitor and buy another – they’re cheap (and fun)!

I will now know whenever I lose power – could be any minute now thanks to Nemo – and when it is restored, even if I am not home (thanks to my SmartPhone). See in my case my ISP, CenturyLink, is pretty good and rarely drops my service. JCP&L, not so much.

Admittedly, most people, unlike me, do not have their own cloud-hosted server, but maybe it’s time to get one?

Open Monitoring Distribution (OMD) makes installing and configuring nagios a lot easier, or so I am told. It is described here.
I’ve gotten my mileage out of the monitor perl script in this post: I’ve recently re-used it with modifications for a similar situation except that the script is being called by HP SiteScope, and, again, a Raspberry Pi is phoning home. Described here.