This is an actual dream, or more like a nightamre, that I had recently. I guess it’s illustrative of an IT person’s worst fears.
The dream
Well I don’t remember dreams very well and I’m not the kind ot embellish stories to make them sound more interesting so this is going to be brief.
So in this dream I am at the office. My work situation seems to be that I have slightly more access than I need to various systems. The workpllace is a lagre corporate office where processes are followed but still individual contributors want to make a difference so there is some self-imposed pressure to do something of value.
So anyway I find myself in this dream needing to make a configuration change to a monitoring system. Something like a Zabbix implementation. Now I know that I am not chiefly responsible for it, and in fact I should not be modifying it, but I have some idea that what I plan to do will make it better in some way. It’s in fairly widespread usage – about 150 users.