Consumer Tech

The IT Detective Agency: The case of the iPhone mystery alarm


My wife asked my assistance to find the source of the daily alarm which was nagging her at 6:20 AM every morning. I don’t use an iPhone so I was pretty clueless myself.

The details

Of course she had done the obvious things like look at the clock for set alarms. And at installed apps for alarms. Nothing.

Yet every day – unless the iPhone was turned completely off – this alarm would go off at 6:20 AM. And her Apple iWatch, or whatever it’s called, also had some message about this alarm.

We searched all installed apps for “alarm” and “clock” but there was nothing left to look at. Maybe one of her health apps? Nope. doesn’t seem to be. Maybe the Army Knife app with all its little useful gadgets? Nope, no alarm clock there.

The breakthrough

Then I got an idea. Since the wake-up screen mentioned domething about sleep, I decdied to search the phone for sleep. And voila, there is a sleep app, or at least sleep settings. And it was set to end her sleep at 6:20 AM.

So you see the misdirection at work? We kept thinking in terms of clock and alarm. But Apple just thinks of it as sleep and calls it as such.

Case: closed


Two people were frustrated for days trying to find the source of an iPhone alarm, which eventually was found. Beware that there is a sleep app. We followed the leads on the Internet about turning off certain notifications, which led nowhere.