Web Site Technologies

WordPress Templates are a Nightmare

Like a typical opensource effort, WordPress is a mixed bag. It’s wonderful for scripters like me to get so much access to the source. But the documentation and concepts are opaque, and this is coming from a seasoned IT veteran. Could they have possibly made it more complicated?

I hope to help you cut through the inscrutable explanations on such pages as and cut to the chase for knowing how to change what matters, whether or not, like me, you really understand what the heck they’re talking about.

Say you want to modify something in the appearance of your posts.  That’s what I wanted.  Once I learned the “easy way” to install plugins (see, I wanted to get a plugin to count the millions of expected visitors, ha, ha!

Now more comfortable with plugins, I actually installed WP-PostViews using my SmartPhone.  Cool, right?  Except that I found installation is one thing, configuring it to actually do something another.  Fortunately, I do have a PhD in a technical field, so I refused to be daunted.

I wanted to display the view count above or below each post.  From the exceedingly poor documentation available on WP-PostViews, I gathered that I needed to insert this php code:

<?php if(function_exists('the_views')) { the_views(); } ?>

into one or more of my template files to display the view count.  The (incorrect) PostViews documentation said just put it into index.php, inside the section

<?php while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?>

Great.  That simply doesn’t exist in my index.php in my theme (twentyten).

So now we’re looking at all these files in that directory, wp-content/themes/twentyten, to figure out which may be the right one:

404.php         comments.php   loop-attachment.php  page.php            tag.php
archive.php     footer.php     loop-page.php        search.php
attachment.php  functions.php  loop.php             sidebar-footer.php
author.php      header.php     loop-single.php      sidebar.php
category.php    index.php      onecolumn-page.php   single.php

As I promised I’ll cut through all the bluster about themes, templates, hierarchies and other WordPress nonsense.  My degree is in experimental physics.  I experiment.  By experimentation and some tiny understanding of their concepts I can now say you need to change these two files:


That’s it.  I just saved you three hours of useless research.

I see they try to make it easier for you by allowing you to edit the template files from within the admin GUI, including some function documentation. It still leaves a lot to be desired.

To be continued…

Web Site Technologies

Security Considerations for WordPress Plugins and Upgrades

The following comments apply to WordPress v 3.1.3 and may not apply to earlier versions, with which I have no familiarity.

WordPress has an interesting idea for doing upgrades and downloading plugins. It took some getting used to until I learned to embrace it. I needed to understand the security considerations. Now I have a much better handle on it and feel comfortable with it.

First thing after installing WordPress, Murphy’s law you know, I was presented with an important security upgrade the very next day. I did the upgrade the hard way, doing all the file manipulation by hand. Copying files here and there, etc. I run the web server with a different user than the owner of the HTML documents to make things more secure. So I naively figured there was no way WordPress’s offer of automatically updating my installation would be possible in my case. After all all it could do was to run with the permissions of the web server, which as I say doesn’t have permissions to write to the relevant parts of the filesystem, right?

Then I learned that my colleagues on the Newton Robotics Team were managing to do it under the same conditions, so it piqued my curiosity. The next plugin I wished to install, WP-Syntax, offered me the same possibility of automatically installing it from the WordPress Admin GUI. It suggested that all I needed was to enter FTP credentials or use FTP/SSL. It did not explain how those credentials were going to be used, and I feared that they would be shared with another site.  Let’s think about this (this is how an IT person thinks).  There are two main possibilties. 1) The FTP client is initiated from an external site, probably where the repository where the plugin is housed, e.g.,  It was my gut feeling that was the case.  2) that the FTP client is on my local server where I run WordPress.  But, huh, what’s the point of that?

Turns out that 2) is what’s happening.  But then what is the point and how does it work?  By reverse engineering and reasoning, it must work as follows.  WordPress must download the plugin from the distribution site, perhaps through HTTP or FTP.  Perhaps it uses the FTP proxy feature where an intermediate can have an FTP connection to twp FTP servers and transfer files between them.  To expand it and put it into the local WordPress plugins directory, where the web server doesn’t have permissions to write, it definitely has to use FTP, but you gave it the credentials of the account that does have permissions to write to the plugins directory!  Clever, huh?  Of course this presupposes something.  Maybe if I read the WordPress requirements I would see that running an FTP server is strongly recommended. But I didn’t so this is another lesson learned through the school of hard knocks!  You see,  Ubuntu server and I think most linux distributions do not even bother to give you an FTP server.  Without a local FTP server WordPress cannot pull off its trick.  I’m not sure why they cannot use sftp, which is pretty universal these days.  In Ubuntu, you have the FTP client, but not the server.

I tried to run ftpd on my server to see what I would get.  It was missing and several packages which provide it were mentioned.  I chose inetutils-ftpd:  sudo apt-get install inetutils-ftpd.  I quickly learn that it relies on inetd, which I see I am not even running.  But it also has the option to run as a daemon: ftpd -D, which I chose to do (it won’t start after reboot without more jiggering, but I can start it by hand as I don’t need it often).

But how do I test my new FTP server?  Will it really work when WordPress tries to use it?  

Feb 2012 Update
I am now comfortable with directing WordPress to do my upgrade. I got tired of it bugging me about the 3.3.1 release so I relented and upgraded to it. I learned how to backup my database first, which is when I saw it was dominated by all the spam and scams I have been receiving. So I went back to the dashboard, got rid of 600 spam comments and re-ran the database mysqldump. The database dump file reduced in size from 10 MB to 3 MB! So it was 70% spam. Great people out there, huh? But I digress. I temporarily enabled my FTP daemon as described above and all went fine.

Then I enabled simple captcha challenge for POSTers. For now simple math seems to be flummoxing the auto-scam submitters! Next day my instance died. No idea why…

IT Operational Excellence Network Technologies

Swapping Servers while Preserving IPs – What Might Go Wrong

The Setup

I had this experience last week. I needed to swap a virtual server in place of a physical server. I had all the access I needed on both servers to do the necessary network changes, which is how I customarily do these things. I implement network configuration changes as opposed to, say, plugging cables in and pulling others out.

The Issue

Anyways, this sounded straightforward enough.  The physical server had  a backup interface on a different segment – one that I could access from the backup interface of another server also on that backup segment (so that I wouldn’t disconnect myself as I was shutting down the primary interface).  So as I was saying, simple: shutdown the primary interface on the physical server, configure the VM’s intereface similar to the physical server, reboot the virtual server so the interface changes take effect and can be seen to be working even after a reboot.  But it didn’t work, or more precisely, it half-worked.  Why?

A Trail of Hints

Here’s what I didn’t yet say that turns out that has a significant role though I did not know it at the time.  See, that interface had two IPs defined, a primary and a virtual, I’ll call it secondary since virtual is a loaded term, IP, both on the same segment, i.e., eth0 and eth0:ns2v.  After the switch eth0 was working OK, but eth0:ns2v was not!  I also need to mention how they are used, from a network perspective, to see if you are following the hints and can guess what the problem might be before I spell it out.  I have different DNS servers bound to these interfaces.  They are resolving DNS servers.  It actually does not matter (another hint!) but the OS is SLES 11.

Final hint: eth0 probably took a few minutes to work, eth0:ns2v was not working even after 17 minutes.  By not working I mean that I could see the interface on the VM come up OK, my DNS server was bound to it and I could send it queries from the VM itself.  But queries from servers on other segments to this secondary were not being returned.  I tried a trace on the VM: tcpdump -i eth0:ns2v  (OK. I lied.  More hints on the way.  This is how you solve such problems!), while doing a PING from a server on another segment. Nothing coming in.  PINGs and DNS queries to primary interface were coming in fine however.  So I know I had my routing correct.

Biggest hint of all: I could PING this secondary interface from another server on the same segment!

So what the heck is going on here?  And it’s late at night of course so no one is disturbed by this change.  I begin to suspect the router.  After all, everything else is good, right?

Do I bother the network guy to fix his router?  For me that’s akin to admitting failture to plan.  So, no, I don’t want to.  That secondary interface isn’t that important.  it could wait until morning.  But it nags at me…

First Inkling

Then it hits me.  The Aha moment.  Let me back up.  Like I said I become convinced that the router is simply wrong.  But it’s one device I do not have any administrative access to.  What do I mean by “wrong” from a network engineer’s point-of-view?  I became convinced that its ARP table hadn’t aged out its entry for the secondary IP as it ought to have.  All hosts maintain an ARP table which stores the correspondence between IP address and MAC address of other devices on the same segment.  It’s how a device “knows” to talk to the right device when an application specifies an IP address – by correctly converting it into a MAC address.  So, you see, I preserved IPs.  But what if  the router held onto the old MAC address for the secondary IP?  It would try to send traffic destined for that IP which came in from other segments to the wrong place, or no place at all, since the old MAC was now offline.  I’m not exactly sure what happens to those packets.  I’d have to investigate and think about it some more.  Could be they get sent out via the switch but dropped by the switch as there’s no place to deliver them.

But the one IP, the main one, was working.  If you can’t solve what’s wrong, it’s a good idea to review what’s gone right amongst the things which are closely related.  And try to understand the difference in the two cases.

Aha Moment

That was the real Aha moment.  A server is always doing a bit of communication.  This and that chatter.  I realized the router was seeing some of that, and that it was all coming from the main IP.  Why? Because that’s just how things work in IPv4.  Usually.  So it made some sense that the router would update the ARP entry of the main IP.  After all it was seeing these packets come to it which contained the new MAC address/old IP address.  So it probably “knew” to update its ARP table with the new MAC from those packets.  But it wasn’t getting any packets that contained the new MAC address/old secondary IP address combination!  Knowing this situation, you would hope, as a reasonable person, that there would be an ARP table timer on all the ARP entries and they would simply age out and be renewed from time-to-time to prevent just such a situation.  You would hope, but it wasn’t happening.  17 minutes is a long time.  I later learned that this was an old router.  Supposedly it has an ARP timer of five or ten minutes.  But I know that isn’t correct. 

But I did not know any of that at the time.  I knew the main interface worked, the secondary didn’t.   Packets were streaming out of the primary to the router, no packets were streaming from the secondary to the router.  So I asked myself: how can I send packets from the secondary interface??  How do you do that?

I suspected two ways offhand.  I’m sure there are lots of others.  I suspected PING could do it.  Check the man pages.  Yup. ping -I interface_address.  Bingo.  I decided to ping the router, which is, of course, my default gateway, with the secondary IP as source.  The packets were returned.  Good.  Then I noticed that my monitors were completing.  I checked seconds later.  Sure enough, I could now reach that secondary IP from other segments.  Yeah!  Problem resolved.

Mystery solved, and no cold call to the networking group required.

Tying Up the Loose Ends

What would I have asked for if I had called the networking group?  I would have told them I suspect the ARP table on their router was not updating and could they please delete the ARP entry for that secondary IP, that’s what.  That’s what I would have done right away myself if I had had that kind of access.  On *ix devices there is usually a command like arp -d ip_address to delete a specific ARP entry. 

This also explains why another device on that segment could see that secondary IP while at the same time the router couldn’t.  The other device obviously had a more well-behaved ARP time-out mechanism.  Or perhaps it  didn’t but it had had no ARP entry for that secondary IP until after the server switch?  And of course the way modern switches work the traffic is all directed and carved up.  So the communication between those two devices, which would have contained nice and uptodate MAC/IP entries was completely segregated and none of it would have been seen by the router, so in that sense wasn’t helping any.  And what was the other way to send packets from a specific IP?  dig.  I use dig constantly in my capacity as a DNS admin, so I was aware it also allows you to specify your source IP address (dig -b).  Another way that most people would have thought of?  nmap.  I haven’t really checked, but I’m willing to bet nmap could easily also have been used.  But that’s kinf of a “nasty” utility and actually isn’t normally available on self-respecting servers.  It certainly wasn’t on this one.  sendmail MTA could also be used for this same purpose (setting the source IP), but that’s a pain in the rear to set up.  As I say there are probably lots of other utilities that do this.  nc or netcat, depending on your version of Linux, may also be promising.  The aspiring programmers could write a simple PERL (or pick your language) client to do the same thing, etc.   I now see that even telnet allows you to specify your source IP with the -b switch.  So it seems to be a fairly common feature – though not universal, just try to find it on an FTP client – in most networking utilities.

An IT person benefits from having lots of tools which accomplish the same things in different ways.

More Details As Time Permits

Apache Web Site Technologies

WordPress, Apache2, Permalinks and mod_rewrite under Ubuntu

Installing WordPress is pretty straightforward and needs no further clarification here.  But getting Permalinks to work – well that is a different story.  That is not well documented. Permalinks are those nice-looking URLs you can optionally create for your blog postings in WordPress.  I myself like this style: WPROOT/YYYY/MM/nice-title/.

When you try to activate that you’ll see it wants to put a .htaccess file in your blog top-level directory, which you may not have permission to write to from your admin account.  I do not because I feel that is a more secure way to run the server – as a user who cannot write to the HTML directories.  Fortunately, it generates the desired contents of the .htaccess file, which is characteristically inscrutable like most things in Apache server (I’m not a big fan of Apache).  So it will look something like this (bear in mind my WordPress blog was put in the /blog directory).

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /blog/
RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule . /blog/index.php [L]

The main point is that it relies on the mod_rewrite module in apache2, which probably won’t work for you under a straight-up Ubuntu LAMP installation for two reasons.  And if you dig around you’ll quickly latch onto one or the other reason, but not both.

You need to activate mod_rewrite.

You need to enable mod_rewrite in your conf file.

To activate mod_rewrite run

sudo a2enmod rewrite

(of course I’m assuming you have root access).  This stands for, more-or-less, Apache2 enable module rewrite.  Note what it does, it creates symlinks from the /etc/apache2/mods-enabled directory for each module which has been enabled.  By default, mod_rewrite is NOT enabled in Ubuntu server 10.10, for some reason.

In your Apache configuration file (yours may be /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default or another file in that directory) you’ll probably have this statement in your Directory section that pertains to your WordPress document root:

AllowOverride none

You will need to change it to

AllowOverride All

For instance, for me with my WordPress blog root at /var/www/blog, my Apache configuration file now looks like this:

<VirtualHost *:80>
        <Directory /var/www/blog>
                AllowOverride All

Restart Apache, make sure those .htaccess lines are in your blog’s main directory, and you should be good to go.

Web Site Technologies

Setting a Background Color Based on User Choice Using PHP and Cookies

This simple example hopefully shows what you can do with cookies as well as some simple PHP.  Click Here to check out this example.