
Azure DevOps: how to run python in a virtual environment


My pipeline job has been running without issue for the last year+. All of a sudden I started to receive this error right after my pip3 install -r requirements.txt:

× This environment is externally managed

Well I never had that problem before. I assumed that ADO sprinkles some magic dust onto the agents in the pool and creates an already virtual environment so why bother requiring further vitrualization?? I don’t know. And that’s how I rationalized how it might have ever worked in the first place if I ever bothered to think about it at all.

But I guess I was living on borrowed time and that house of cards came down hard, probably after the agents were upgraded.

The details

With some small effort I have managed to have the pipeline build up a virtual python environment and install my needed packages into it. Here is the relevant code section in the yaml file.

This by the way is my job to check that all pipelines have run correctly in the last hour:

# As of 2/2024 we need to run pytho in a virtual environment
- script: |
    python3 -m venv venv
    source ./venv/bin/activate
    pip3 install -vvv --timeout 60 -r requirements.txt
    python3 conf_check_all.ini
  displayName: 'Run script'
  workingDirectory: $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/Pipeline_check
    ADO_AUTH: $(ado_auth)
    PYTHONPATH: $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/Pipeline_check:$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)

The requirements.txt simply contains the line



We have shown how to set up a python virtual environment within your yaml file for an Azure DevOps pipeline. You might need this if you rely on any external packages which are not present in the OS version of python on the agents.

References and related

Wrtie-up of my ADO pipeline checker pipeline

How an ADO piepline can modify its own git repository

My favorite python tips


How an ADO pipeline can modify its own repo


I wanted to run a job on an Azure DevOps pipeline which did a backup of DNS zones on Cloudflare and write the results, in the form of a compressed tar file, into the ADO repository since everyone on the team has access to it and knows how to make a clone of the repo.

My first attempts produced some stunningly bad results. I was wiping out recently created files in the repo and such. That is very undesirable.

The solution

By “stealing with pride” from colleagues and such, I arrived at this AFAIK working solution. Here is the yaml file.

trigger: none

  name: backup_agents

# next two lines needed so we can modify the git repo and add our backups
- checkout: self
  clean: true
  persistCredentials: true
  fetchDepth: 1

- script: pip3 install -vvv --timeout 60 -r Cloudflare-backup/requirements.txt
  displayName: 'Install requirements'

- script: python3
  displayName: 'Run script'
  workingDirectory: $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/Cloudflare-backup
    CLOUDFLARE_API_TOKEN: $(cloudflare_api_token)
    PYTHONPATH: $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/Cloudflare-backup:$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)
- script: |
    git config --global http.sslVerify false
    git config --global "[email protected]"
    git config --global "pipeline"
    cd Cloudflare-backup
    git add backups/zones-*
    git commit -m "adding todays backup files"
    git push origin HEAD:refs/heads/main

- cron: "47 23 * * *"
  displayName: Run the script at 23:47 UTC
    - main

I’m not exactly where all the magic happens. I think the section at the top that does the self checkout must be important. Then, obviously, there are the git add/git commit -m/git push commands. I do not claim to understand the origin HEAD:refs/heads/main argument to git push. I just copied it from a working example.

And branches: include -main. I’m not sure what this does either.

I need a few more days of testing, to be really certain, but I no longer am reverting my repo to an old state as I was with my initial attempts which involved doing a git fetch and probably missed the self checkout step as well.


One day I hope to understand git. But that today is not today! nevertheless I got my ADO pipeline to add backup files to its own ADO repository! So that’s cool.

References and related

My own git cheatsheet

Cloudflare python api examples


ADO: Check pipeline runs


I have previously written how to copy all Azure DevOps (ADO) logs to a linux server. In this post I share a script I wrote which does a quality check on all the most recent pipeline runs. If there are any issues, a message is sent to a MS teams channel.

Let’s get into the details.

Preliminary details

I am using the api, needless to say. I cannot say I have mastered the api or even come close to understanding it. I however have leveraged the same api call I have previously used since I observed it contains a lot of interesting data.


This config file is written as json to make importing a breeze. You set up optional trigger conditions for the various pipeline runs you will have, or even whether or not to perform any checks on it at all.

"comment":{"maximum_processing_time_in_seconds":"integer_value","minimum_processing_time_in_seconds":"integer_value","(optional) check_flag - to potentially disable the checks for this pipeline":"either true or false"},
"Discover new vEdges":{"max_proc_time":3600,"min_proc_time":3,"check_flag":true},

So you see at the bottom is a dictionary where the keys are the names of the pipelines I am running, plus a default entry.

# fetch raw log to local machine
# for relevant api section, see:
import urllib.request,json,sys,os
from datetime import datetime,timedelta
from modules import aux_modules

conf_file = sys.argv[1]

# pipeline uses UTC so we must follow suit or we will miss files
#a_day_ago = (datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(days = 1)).strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')
startup_delay = 30 # rough time in seconds before the pipeline even begins to execute our script
an_hour_ago = (datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(hours = 1, seconds = startup_delay)).strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')
print('An hour ago was (UTC)',an_hour_ago)
format = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ'

#url = ''

# dump config file into a dict
config_d = aux_modules.parse_config(conf_file)
test_flag = config_d['test_flag']
if test_flag:
    print('We are in a testing mode because test_flag is:',test_flag)

url_base = f"{config_d['url_base']}{config_d['organization']}/{config_d['project']}/_apis/build/builds"
url = f"{url_base}?minTime={an_hour_ago}{config_d['url_params']}"
req = urllib.request.Request(url)
req.add_header('Authorization', 'Basic ' + os.environ['ADO_AUTH'])

# Get buildIds for pipeline runs from last 1 hour
with urllib.request.urlopen(req) as response:
   html =
txt_d = json.loads(html)
#{"count":215,"value":[{"id":xxx, "buildNumber":"20230203.107","status":"completed","result":"succeeded","queueTime":"2023-02-03T21:12:01.0865046Z","startTime":"2023-02-03T21:12:05.2177605Z","finishTime":"2023-02-03T21:17:28.1523128Z","definition":{"name":"PAN-Usage4Mgrs-2"
value_l = txt_d['value']
all_msgs = ''
header_msg = '**Recent pipeline issues**\n'
# check for too few pipeline runs
if len(value_l) <= config_d['run_ct_min']:
    all_msgs = f"There have been fewer than expected pipeline runs this past hour. Greater than **{config_d['run_ct_min']}** runs are expected, but there have been only **{len(value_l)}** runs.  \nSeomthing may be wrong.  \n"

for builds in value_l:
    msg = aux_modules.check_this_build(builds,config_d,url_base)
    if msg: all_msgs = f"{all_msgs}  \n{msg}  \n"

if all_msgs:
    if not test_flag: aux_modules.sendMessageToTeams(header_msg + all_msgs) # send to WebHook if not in a testing mode
    print(header_msg + all_msgs)
    print('No recent pipeline errors')

Short explanation

I consider the code to be mostly self-explanatory. A cool thing I’m trying out here is the f- format specifier to write to a string kind of like sprintf. I run this script every hour from, yes, an ADO pipeline! But since this job looks for errors, including errors which indicate a systemic problem with the agent pool, I run it from a different agent pool.

import json,re
import os,urllib.request
from datetime import datetime,timedelta
import pymsteams

def parse_config(conf_file):
# config file should be a json file
    f = open(conf_file)
    config_d = json.load(f)
    return config_d

def get_this_log(config_d,name,buildId,build_number):
# leaving out the api-version etc works better
        buildId_s = str(buildId)
        log_name = config_d['log_dir'] + "/" + name + "-" + build_number
# check if we already got this one
        if os.path.exists(log_name):
        #url = url_base + organization + '/' + project + '/_apis/build/builds/' + buildId_s + '/logs/' + logId + '?' + url_params
        url = config_d['url_base'] + config_d['organization'] + '/' + config_d['project'] + '/_apis/build/builds/' + buildId_s + '/logs/' + config_d['logId']
        print('url for this log',url)
        req = urllib.request.Request(url)
        req.add_header('Authorization', 'Basic ' + config_d['auth'])
        with urllib.request.urlopen(req) as response:
            html =
        print("Getting (name,build_number,buildId,logId) ",name,build_number,buildId_s,config_d['logId'])
        f = open(log_name,"wb")

def check_this_build(builds,config_d,url_base):
    format = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ'
    buildId = builds['id']
    build_number = builds['buildNumber']
    status = builds['status'] # normally: completed
    result = builds['result'] # normally: succeeded
    queueTime = builds['queueTime']
    startTime = builds['startTime']
    finishTime = builds['finishTime']
    build_def = builds['definition']
    name = build_def['name']
    qTime = re.sub(r'\.\d+','',queueTime)
    fTime = re.sub(r'\.\d+','',finishTime)
    sTime = re.sub(r'\.\d+','',startTime)
    qt_o = datetime.strptime(qTime, format)
    ft_o = datetime.strptime(fTime, format)
    st_o = datetime.strptime(sTime, format)
    duration_o = ft_o - st_o
    duration = int(duration_o.total_seconds())
    queued_time_o = st_o - qt_o
    queued_time = int(queued_time_o.total_seconds())
    queue_time_max = config_d['queue_time_max']
# and from the config file we have...
    pipes_d = config_d['pipelines']
    this_pipe = pipes_d['default']
    if name in pipes_d: this_pipe = pipes_d[name]
    msg = ''
    if 'check_flag' in this_pipe:
        if not this_pipe['check_flag']:
            print('Checking for this pipeline has been disabled: ',name)
            return msg # skip this build if in test mode or whatever
    if duration > this_pipe['max_proc_time'] or duration < this_pipe['min_proc_time']:
        msg = f"ADO Pipeline **{name}** run is outside of expected time range. Build number: **{build_number}**. \n  Duration, max_proc_time, min_proc_time: **{duration},{this_pipe['max_proc_time']},{this_pipe['min_proc_time']}**"
    if not status == 'completed' or not result == 'succeeded':
        msg = f"ADO Pipeline **{name}** run has unexpected status or result. Build number: **{build_number}**. \n  - Status: **{status}** \n  - Result: **{result}**"
    if queued_time > queue_time_max: # Check if this job was queued for too long
        msg = f"ADO Pipeline **{name}** build number **{build_number}** was queued too long. Queued time was **{queued_time}** seconds"
    if msg:
# get the logs meta info to see which log is the largest
        url = f"{url_base}/{buildId}/logs"
        req = urllib.request.Request(url)
        req.add_header('Authorization', 'Basic ' + os.environ['ADO_AUTH'])
# Get buildIds for pipeline runs from last 1 hour
        with urllib.request.urlopen(req) as response:
            html =
        txt_d = json.loads(html)
        value_l = txt_d['value']
        l_ct_max = 0
        log_id_err = 0
# determine log with either an error or the most lines - it differs for different pipeline jobs
        for logs_d in value_l[4:]:      # only consider the later logs
            url = f"{url_base}/{buildId}/logs/{logs_d['id']}"
            req = urllib.request.Request(url)
            req.add_header('Authorization', 'Basic ' + os.environ['ADO_AUTH'])
            with urllib.request.urlopen(req) as response:
                html ='utf-8')
                log_id_err = logs_d['id']
                print('We matched the word error in log id',log_id_err)
            l_ct = logs_d['lineCount']
            if l_ct > l_ct_max:
                l_ct_max = l_ct
                log_id_all = logs_d['id']
        if log_id_err > 0 and not log_id_all == log_id_err: # error over long log file when in conflict
            log_id_all = log_id_err
        url_all_logs = f"{url_base}/{buildId}/logs/{log_id_all}"
        msg = f"{msg}  \n**[Go to Log]({url_all_logs})**  "
    return msg

def sendMessageToTeams(msg: str):
    Send a message to a Teams Channel using webhook
# my Pipeline_check webhook
    webHookUrl = ""
        # escaping underscores to avoid alerts in italics.
        msg = msg.replace('_', '\_')
        teams_msg = pymsteams.connectorcard(webHookUrl)

    except Exception as e:
        print(f'failed to send alert: {str(e)}') contains most of the logic with checking each pipeline against the criteria and constructing an alert in Markdown to send to MS Teams. I’m not saying it’s beautiful code. I’m still learning. But I am saying it works.

I’ve revised the code to find the log file which is most likely to contain the “interesting” stuff. That’s usually the longest one excluding the first five or so. There are often about 10 logs available for even a minimal pipeline run. So this extra effort helps.

Then I further revised the code to fetch the logs and look for the word “error.” That may show up in the longest log or it may not. It not, that log takes precedence as the most interesting log.


# Python package
# Create and test a Python package on multiple Python versions.
# Add steps that analyze code, save the dist with the build record, publish to a PyPI-compatible index, and more:

##- main

trigger: none

  name: dsc-adosonar-drjohns4ServicesCoreSystems-agent
#  name: visibility_agents

#  matrix:
#    Python36:
#      python.version: '3.6'

#- task: UsePythonVersion@0
#  inputs:
#    versionSpec: '$(python.version)'
#  displayName: 'Use Python $(python.version)'

- script: pip3 install -vvv --timeout 60 -r Pipeline_check/requirements.txt
  displayName: 'Install requirements'

- script: python3 conf_check_all.ini
  displayName: 'Run script'
  workingDirectory: $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/Pipeline_check
    ADO_AUTH: $(ado_auth)
    PYTHONPATH: $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/Pipeline_check:$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)
- cron: "19 * * * *"
  displayName: Run the script at 19 minutes after the hour
    - main
  always: true

This yaml file we sort of drag around from pipeline to pipeline so some of it may not appear too optimized for this particular pipeline. But it does the job without fuss.

Success compels further development

This pipeline watcher has been so successful – and frankly I’m surprised this post isn’t more popular than it is because it gives away for free a great idea – that I decided what we really need is a second pipeline checker to do nothing other than to check the first pipeline_checker! Fortunately I had written it in such a general-purpose way that this proved to be easy. I created a second yaml file and a second config file. The second config file made the defaults to NOT check other pipeline, and had an explicit entry for pipeline_check to enable checking. Then I run it on other ADO agents available to me. And all is good. This was needed because the pipline_check job itself has stopped running twice in the last couple months due to no fault of my own.

The hardest part was recalling my ADO_AUTH value, which is a secret variable. For the record It is the mime-encoded string formed from


where {PAT} is my Personal Access Token (which I had recorded). On any linux server you can mime encode by running base64. Encode is the default action. So, echo -n :{PAT}|base64 should produce the needed string. The -n argument is needed or else you may throw in an extra newline character which will definitely produce the wrong conversion!


My ADO pipeline checker is conveniently showing us all our pipeline runs which have failed for various reasons – takes too long, completed with errors, too few jobs have been run ni the last hour, … It sends its output to a MS Teams channel we have subscribed to, by way of a webhook we set up. So far it’s working great!

I guess(?) the right way to do such monitoring is to use the Azure Pipelines app. I did not get it to work on my first try. It’s described pretty well here.

References and related

Here’s my post on fetching the script log resulting from the pipeline run.

Microsoft’s document on personal access tokens is pretty helpful:

The Azure Pipelines app is probably the professional way to accomplish the same things as my code.