Admin Security

User Add/Delete Jython Script for RSA Authentication Manager

I thought I might save someone else the trouble of re-creating a respectable program using the Authentication Manager SDK for version 7.1 which can simply add and delete users to keep the local database in sync with an external database.

History Lesson
We had this problem licked under Authentication Manager v 6.1.2. In that version the sdk was TCL-based and for whatever reason, it seemed a whole lot simpler to understand the model and get working code. When we began to look at v 7.1 we saw we were confronted with a whole different animal that required new understanding and new skills to master.

The Details
Jython is Python plus Java. I really don’t know either language so I used a technique you might call programming by extrapolation. Here is the code. Not really understanding python I preserved as much as possible for fear of breaking something. I nevertheless had to be a little innovative and create a new function.

 * Jython class demonstrating the Administration API
 * usage from a Jython script.
 * Run this script in the utils directory of the Authentication Manager installation.
 * Execute the command "rsautil jython create <admin user name> <password>"
 * Execute the command "rsautil jython assign <admin user name> <password>"
 * Execute the command "rsautil jython update <admin user name> <password>"
 * Execute the command "rsautil jython delete <admin user name> <password>"
 * If you are executing this script in an environment other than the predefined
 * rsautil scripting tool you must make the CommandClientAppContext.xml file
 * available in the end of the classpath for this script. You must also configure
 * the necessary connection parameters in a properties file located in the process
 * working directory. See the provided samples for more information.
# imports
from jarray import array
import sys
# DrJ required import
# Not Workign! from org.python.modules import re
from java.util.regex import *
from java.lang import *
from java.util import Calendar,Date
from java.lang import String
from org.springframework.beans import BeanUtils
from com.rsa.admin import AddGroupCommand
from com.rsa.admin import AddPrincipalsCommand
from com.rsa.admin import DeleteGroupCommand
from com.rsa.admin import DeletePrincipalsCommand
from com.rsa.admin import LinkGroupPrincipalsCommand
from com.rsa.admin import LinkAdminRolesPrincipalsCommand
from com.rsa.admin import SearchAdminRolesCommand
from com.rsa.admin import SearchGroupsCommand
from com.rsa.admin import SearchPrincipalsCommand
from com.rsa.admin import SearchRealmsCommand
from com.rsa.admin import SearchSecurityDomainCommand
from com.rsa.admin import UpdateGroupCommand
from com.rsa.admin import UpdatePrincipalCommand
from import AdminRoleDTOBase
from import GroupDTO
from import IdentitySourceDTO
from import ModificationDTO
from import PrincipalDTO
from import RealmDTO
from import SecurityDomainDTO
from import UpdateGroupDTO
from import UpdatePrincipalDTO
from com.rsa.authmgr.admin.agentmgt import AddAgentCommand
from com.rsa.authmgr.admin.agentmgt import DeleteAgentsCommand
from com.rsa.authmgr.admin.agentmgt import LinkAgentsToGroupsCommand
from com.rsa.authmgr.admin.agentmgt import SearchAgentsCommand
from com.rsa.authmgr.admin.agentmgt import UpdateAgentCommand
from import AgentConstants
from import AgentDTO, ListAgentDTO
from import HostDTO
from com.rsa.authmgr.admin.principalmgt import AddAMPrincipalCommand
from import AMPrincipalDTO
from com.rsa.authmgr.admin.tokenmgt import GetNextAvailableTokenCommand
from com.rsa.authmgr.admin.tokenmgt import LinkTokensWithPrincipalCommand
from com.rsa.authn import SearchPasswordPoliciesCommand
from com.rsa.authn import UpdatePasswordPolicyCommand
from import PasswordPolicyDTO
from com.rsa.command import ClientSession
from com.rsa.command import CommandException
from com.rsa.command import CommandTargetPolicy, ConnectionFactory
from com.rsa.command.exception import DataNotFoundException, DuplicateDataException
from import Filter
 * This class demonstrates the usage patterns of the
 * Authentication Manager 7.1 API.
 * <p>
 * The first set of operations performed if the first
 * command line argument is equal to "create".
 * The sample creates a restricted agent, a group, and a user.
 * Links the user to the group and the group to the agent.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * The second set of operations performed if the first
 * command line argument is equal to "delete".
 * Lookup the user, group and agent created above.
 * Delete the user, group and agent.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * A third set of operations is performed if the first
 * command line argument is equal to "assign".
 * Lookup the user and assign the next available
 * SecurID token to the user.
 * Lookup the SuperAdminRole and assign it to the user.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * A fourth set of operations performed if the first
 * command line argument is equal to "update".
 * Update the Agent, Group, and User objects.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * A fifth set of operations performed if the first
 * command line argument is equal to "disable".
 * Lookup a password policy with a name that starts
 * with "Initial" and then disable the password history
 * for that policy. Use this to allow the sample to
 * perform multiple updates of the user password using
 * the same password for each update.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * The APIs demonstrated include the use of the Filter
 * class to generate search expressions for use with
 * all search commands.
 * </p>
class AdminAPIDemos:
     * We need to know these fairly static values throughout this sample.
     * Set the references to top level security domain (realm) and system
     * identity source to use later.
     * @throws CommandException if something goes wrong
    def __init__(self):
        searchRealmCmd = SearchRealmsCommand()
        searchRealmCmd.setFilter( Filter.equal( RealmDTO.NAME_ATTRIBUTE, "SystemDomain"))
        realms = searchRealmCmd.getRealms()
        if( len(realms) == 0 ):
            print "ERROR: Could not find realm SystemDomain"
            sys.exit( 2 )
        self.domain = realms[0].getTopLevelSecurityDomain()
        self.idSource = realms[0].getIdentitySources()[0]
     * Create an agent and set it to be restricted.
     * @param: name the name of the agent to create
     * @param: addr the IP address for the agent
     * @param: alt array of alternate IP addresses
     * @return: the GUID of the agent just created
     * @throws CommandException if something goes wrong
    def createAgent(self, name, addr, alt):
        # need a HostDTO to be set
        host = HostDTO()
        host.setNotes("Created by AM Demo code")
        # the agent to be created
        agent = AgentDTO()
        agent.setRestriction(1) # only allow activated groups
        agent.setNotes("Created by AM Demo code")
        cmd = AddAgentCommand(agent)
        except DuplicateDataException:
            print "ERROR: Agent " + name + " already exists."
        # return the created agents GUID for further linking
        return cmd.getAgentGuid()
     * Lookup an agent by name.
     * @param: name the agent name to lookup
     * @return: the GUID of the agent
     * @throws CommandException if something goes wrong
    def lookupAgent(self, name):
        cmd = SearchAgentsCommand()
        cmd.setFilter(Filter.equal(AgentConstants.FILTER_HOSTNAME, name))
        # the scope flags are part of the SecurityDomainDTO
	if (len(cmd.getAgents()) < 1):
            print "ERROR: Unable to find agent " + name + "."  
        return cmd.getAgents()[0]
     * Update an agent, assumes a previous lookup done by lookupAgent.
     * @param agent the result of a previous lookup
     * @throws CommandException if something goes wrong
    def updateAgent(self, agent):
        cmd = UpdateAgentCommand()
        agentUpdate = AgentDTO()
        # copy the rowVersion to satisfy optimistic locking requirements
        BeanUtils.copyProperties(agent, agentUpdate)
        # ListAgentDTO does not include the SecurityDomainId
        # use the GUID of the security domain where agent was created
        # clear the node secret flag and modify some others
        agentUpdate.setNotes("Modified by AM Demo code")
        # set the requested updates in the command
        # perform the update
     * Delete an agent.
     * @param: agentGuid the GUID of the agent to delete
     * @throws CommandException if something goes wrong
    def deleteAgent(self, agentGuid):
        cmd = DeleteAgentsCommand( [agentGuid] )
     * Create an IMS user, needs to exist before an AM user can be
     * created.
     * @param: userId the user's login UID
     * @param: password the user's password
     * @param: first the user's first name
     * @param: last the user's last name
     * @return: the GUID of the user just created
     * @throws CommandException if something goes wrong
    def createUser(self, userId, password, first, last):
        cal = Calendar.getInstance()
        # the start date
        now = cal.getTime()
# DrJ: add 50 years from now!    
        cal.add(Calendar.YEAR, 50)
        # the account end date
        expire = cal.getTime()
        principal = PrincipalDTO()
        principal.setUserID( userId )
        principal.setFirstName( first )
        principal.setLastName( last )
        #     principal.setPassword( password )
        principal.setSecurityDomainGuid( self.domain.getGuid() )
        principal.setIdentitySourceGuid( self.idSource.getGuid() )
        principal.setDescription("Created by DrJ utilities")
        cmd = AddPrincipalsCommand()
        cmd.setPrincipals( [principal] )
	except DuplicateDataException:
            print "ERROR: User " + userId + " already exists."
        # only one user was created, there should be one GUID result
        return cmd.getGuids()[0]
     * Lookup a user by login UID.
     * @param: userId the user login UID
     * @return: the GUID of the user record.
    def lookupUser(self, userId):
        cmd = SearchPrincipalsCommand()
        cmd.setFilter(Filter.equal(PrincipalDTO.LOGINUID, userId))
	if (len(cmd.getPrincipals()) < 1):
            print "ERROR: Unable to find user " + userId + "."
        return cmd.getPrincipals()[0]
     * Update the user definition.
     * @param user the principal object from a previous lookup
    def updateUser(self, user):
        cmd = UpdatePrincipalCommand()
        updateDTO = UpdatePrincipalDTO()
        # copy the rowVersion to satisfy optimistic locking requirements
        # collect all modifications here
        mods = []
        # first change the email
        mod = ModificationDTO()
        mod.setValues([ user.getUserID() + "" ])
        mods.append(mod) # add it to the list
        # also change the password
        mod = ModificationDTO()
        mod.setValues([ "MyNewPAssW0rD1!" ])
        mods.append(mod) # add it to the list
        # change the middle name
        mod = ModificationDTO()
        mod.setValues([ "The Big Cahuna" ])
        mods.append(mod) # add it to the list
        # make a note of this update in the description
        mod = ModificationDTO()
        mod.setValues([ "Modified by AM Demo code" ])
        mods.append(mod) # add it to the list
        # set the requested updates into the UpdatePrincipalDTO
        # perform the update
     * Delete a user.
     * @param: userGuid the GUID of the user to delete
     * @throws CommandException if something goes wrong
    def deleteUser(self, userGuid):
        cmd = DeletePrincipalsCommand()
        cmd.setGuids( array( [userGuid], String ) )
        cmd.setIdentitySourceGuid( self.idSource.getGuid() )
     * Create an Authentication Manager user linked to the IMS user.
     * The user will have a limit of 3 bad passcodes, default shell
     * will be "/bin/sh", the static password will be "12345678" and
     * the Windows Password for offline authentication will be "Password123!".
     * @param: guid the GUID of the IMS user
     * @throws CommandException if something goes wrong
    def createAMUser(self, guid):
        principal = AMPrincipalDTO()
        # these next three innocent-looking lines cost you a license! do not use them!! - DrJ 
        cmd = AddAMPrincipalCommand(principal)
     * Create a group to assign a user to.
     * @param: name the name of the group to create
     * @return: the GUID of the group just created
     * @throws CommandException if something goes wrong
    def createGroup(self, name):
        group = GroupDTO()
        group.setDescription("Created by AM Demo code")
        cmd = AddGroupCommand()
	except DuplicateDataException:
            print "ERROR: Group " + name + " already exists."
        return cmd.getGuid()
     * Lookup a group by name.
     * @param: name the name of the group to lookup
     * @return: the GUID of the group
     * @throws CommandException if something goes wrong
    def lookupGroup(self, name):
        cmd = SearchGroupsCommand()
        cmd.setFilter(Filter.equal(GroupDTO.NAME, name))
	if (len(cmd.getGroups()) < 1):
            print "ERROR: Unable to find group " + name + "."
        return cmd.getGroups()[0]
     * Update a group definition.
     * @param group the current group object
    def updateGroup(self, group):
        cmd = UpdateGroupCommand()
        groupMod = UpdateGroupDTO()
        # copy the rowVersion to satisfy optimistic locking requirements
        # collect all modifications here
        mods = []
        mod = ModificationDTO()
        mod.setValues([ "Modified by AM Demo code" ])
        # set the requested updates into the UpdateGroupDTO
        # perform the update
     * Delete a group.
     * @param: groupGuid the GUID of the group to delete
     * @throws CommandException if something goes wrong
    def deleteGroup(self, groupGuid):
        cmd = DeleteGroupCommand()
        cmd.setGuids( [groupGuid] )
        cmd.setIdentitySourceGuid( self.idSource.getGuid() )
     * Assign the user to the specified group.
     * @param: userGuid the GUID for the user to assign
     * @param: groupGuid the GUID for the group
     * @throws CommandException if something goes wrong
    def linkUserToGroup(self, userGuid, groupGuid):
        cmd = LinkGroupPrincipalsCommand()
        cmd.setGroupGuids( [groupGuid] )
        cmd.setPrincipalGuids( [userGuid] )
     * Assign the group to the restricted agent so users can authenticate.
     * @param: agentGuid the GUID for the restricted agent
     * @param: groupGuid the GUID for the group to assign
     * @throws CommandException if something goes wrong
    def assignGroupToAgent(self, agentGuid, groupGuid):
        cmd = LinkAgentsToGroupsCommand()
        cmd.setGroupGuids( [groupGuid] )
        cmd.setAgentGuids( [agentGuid] )
     * Assign next available token to this user.
     * @param: userGuid the GUID of the user to assign the token to
     * @throws CommandException if something goes wrong
    def assignNextAvailableTokenToUser(self, userGuid):
        cmd = GetNextAvailableTokenCommand()
        except DataNotFoundException:
            print "ERROR: No tokens available"
            tokens = [cmd.getToken().getId()]
            cmd2 = LinkTokensWithPrincipalCommand(tokens, userGuid)
            print ("Assigned next available SecurID token to user jdoe")
     * Lookup an admin role and return the GUID.
     * @param name the name of the role to lookup
     * @return the GUID for the required role
     * @throws CommandException if something goes wrong
    def lookupAdminRole(self, name):
        cmd = SearchAdminRolesCommand()
        # set search filter to match the name
        cmd.setFilter(Filter.equal(AdminRoleDTOBase.NAME_ATTRIBUTE, name))
        # we only expect one anyway
        # set the domain GUID
	if (len(cmd.getAdminRoles()) < 1):
            print "ERROR: Unable to find admin role " + name + "."
        return cmd.getAdminRoles()[0].getGuid()
     * Assign the given admin role to the principal provided.
     * @param adminGuid the GUID for the administrator
     * @param roleGuid the GUID for the role to assign
     * @throws CommandException if something goes wrong
    def assignAdminRole(self, adminGuid, roleGuid):
        cmd = LinkAdminRolesPrincipalsCommand()
        cmd.setPrincipalGuids( [ adminGuid ] )
        cmd.setAdminRoleGuids( [ roleGuid ] )
        print ("Assigned SuperAdminRole to user jdoe")
     * Lookup a password policy by name and return the object.
     * @param name the policy name
     * @return the object
     * @throws CommandException if something goes wrong
    def lookupPasswordPolicy(self, name):
        cmd = SearchPasswordPoliciesCommand()
        # match the policy name
        cmd.setFilter(Filter.startsWith(PasswordPolicyDTO.NAME, name))
	if (len(cmd.getPolicies()) < 1):
            print ("ERROR: Unable to find password policy with name starting with " + name + ".")
        # we only expect one anyway
        return cmd.getPolicies()[0]
     * Update the given password policy, currently it just disables
     * password history.
     * @param policy the policy to update
     * @throws CommandException if something goes wrong
    def updatePasswordPolicy(self, policy):
        cmd = UpdatePasswordPolicyCommand()
        # disable password history
     * Create a collection of related entities, user, agent, group, token.
     * @param admin the administrator user name
     * @param password the administrator password
     * @throws Exception if something goes wrong
    def doCreate(self):
        # Create a hypothetical agent with four alternate addresses
        addr = ""
        alt = [ "",  "", "", "" ]
        # create a restricted agent
        agentGuid = self.createAgent("Demo Agent", addr, alt)
        print ("Created Demo Agent")
        # create a user group
        groupGuid = self.createGroup("Demo Agent Group")
        print ("Created Demo Agent Group")
        # assign the group to the restricted agent
        self.assignGroupToAgent(agentGuid, groupGuid)
        print ("Assigned Demo Agent Group to Demo Agent")
        # create a user and the AMPrincipal user record
        userGuid = self.createUser("jdoe", "Password123!", "John", "Doe")
        print ("Created user jdoe")
        # link the user to the group
        self.linkUserToGroup(userGuid, groupGuid)
        print ("Added user jdoe to Demo Agent Group")
     * add user by DrJ
     * @param admin the administrator user name
     * @param password the administrator password
     * @throws Exception if something goes wrong
    def doAdd(self):
        # create a user and the AMPrincipal user record
        # loop over all users listed in addusers.txt
        f = open('addusers.txt','r')
        str = f.readline()
        while str:
            strs = str.rstrip()
            cols = strs.split(",")
            userid = cols[0]
            fname = cols[1]
            lname = cols[2]
            print userid
# if user already exists we want to go continue with the list
                userGuid = self.createUser(userid, "*LK*", fname, lname)
                print "Created user userid,fname,lname: ", userid,",",lname,",",fname,"\n"
                print "exception for user ",userid,"\n"
            str = f.readline()
     * Assign the next available token to the user.
     * @param admin the administrator user name
     * @param password the administrator password
     * @throws Exception if something goes wrong
    def doAssignNextToken(self):
        # lookup and then ...
        userGuid = self.lookupUser("jdoe").getGuid()
        # assign the next available token to this user
        # now that he has a token make him an admin
        roleGuid = self.lookupAdminRole("SuperAdminRole")
        self.assignAdminRole(userGuid, roleGuid)
     * Delete the entities created by the doCreate method.
     * @param admin the administrator user name
     * @param password the administrator password
     * @throws Exception if something goes wrong
    def doDelete(self):
        # lookup and then ...
        # loop over all users listed in delusers.txt
        f = open('delusers.txt','r')
        str = f.readline()
        while str:
            # format: userid,fname,lname  . We just want the userid
            cols = str.split(",")
            userid = cols[0]
            print userid
# if user doesn't exist we want to go continue with the list
                userGuid = self.lookupUser(userid).getGuid()
                # ... cleanup
                print "Deleted user ",userid
                print "exception for user ",userid,"\n"
            str = f.readline()
     * Update the various entities created by the doCreate method.
     * @throws Exception if something goes wrong
    def doUpdate(self):
        # lookup and then ...
        agent = self.lookupAgent("Demo Agent")
        group = self.lookupGroup("Demo Agent Group")
        user = self.lookupUser("jdoe")
        # ... update
        print ("Updated Demo Agent")
        print ("Updated Demo Agent Group")
        print ("Updated user jdoe")
     * Disable password history limit on default password policy so
     * we can issue multiple updates for the user password.
     * @throws Exception if something goes wrong
    def doDisablePasswordHistory(self):
        # lookup and then ...
        policy = self.lookupPasswordPolicy("Initial")
        # ... update
        print ("Disabled password history")
# Globals here
 * Show usage message and exit.
 * @param msg the error causing the exit
def usage(msg):
    print ("ERROR: " + msg)
    print ("Usage: APIDemos <create|delete> <admin username> <admin password>")
 * Use from command line with three arguments.
 * <p>
 * First argument:
 * create - to create the required entities
 * assign - to assign the next available token to the user
 * delete - to delete all created entities
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * Second argument is the administrator user name.
 * Third argument is the administrator password.
 * </p>
 * @param args the command line arguments
if len(sys.argv) != 4:
    usage("Missing arguments")
# skip script name
args = sys.argv[1:]
# establish a connected session with given credentials
conn = ConnectionFactory.getConnection()
session = conn.connect(args[1], args[2])
# make all commands execute using this target automatically
    # create instance
    api = AdminAPIDemos()
    # call delusers before addusers
    print "Deleting users...\n"
    print "Adding users...\n"
    # logout when done

I of course worked from their demo file,, and kept the name for simplicity. I added a a doAdd routine and modified their doDelete function.

These modified functions expect external files to exist, addusers.txt and delusers.txt. The syntax of addusers.txt is:


Delusers.txt has the same syntax.

The idea is that if you can create these files once per day with the new users/removed users from your corporate directory by some other means, then you have a way to use them as a basis for keeping your AM internal database in sync with your external enterprise directory, whatever it might be.

Other Notes
Initially I saw my users were set to expire after a year or so. The original code I borrwed from had lines like this:

        cal = Calendar.getInstance()
        # the start date
        now = cal.getTime()
        cal.add(Calendar.YEAR, 1)
        # the account end date
        expire = cal.getTime()

which caused this. I eventually found how to set a flag to create the account with unlimited validity.

I also introduced a very simple regex handling to break up the input lines. This caused the need for importing additional classes:

from java.util.regex import *
from java.lang import *

I could not get python regexes to work.

I also found these three innocent-looking lines were costing me a license unit for each added user:


So I commented them out as I did not need them.

That’s it!

Getting the SDK running cost me a few days but at least I’ve documented that as well in pretty good detail: Problems with Jython API for RSA Authentication Manager.

We’ve shared with the community an actual, working jython API for adding/removing users from an RSA Authentication Manager v 7.1 database.

Admin Security

Problems with Jython API for RSA Authentication Manager

This session is not for the faint-of-heart. I describe some of the many issues I had in trying to run a slightly modified jython program which I use to keep the local directory in sync with an external directory source. Since I am a non-specialist in all these technologies, I am describing this from a non-specialist’ point-of-view.

The Details
RSA provides an authentication manager sdk,, which is required to use the API.

I had it all working on our old appliance. I thought I could copy files onto the new appliance and it would all work again. It’s not nearly so simple.

You log on and su to rsaadmin for all this work.

Let’s call RSAHOME = /usr/local/RSASecurity/RSAAuthenticationManager.

Initially the crux of the problem is to get
$RSAHOME/appserver/jdk/samples/admin/src/ to run.

But how do you even run it if you know nothing about java, python, jython, and, IMS and weblogic? Ha. It isn’t so easy.

As you see from the above path I unpacked the sdk below appserver. I did most of my work in the $RSAHOME/appserver/jdk/samples/admin directory. First thing is to very carefully follow the instructions in the sdk documentation about copying files and about initializing a trust.jks keystore. You basically grab .jar files from several places and copy them to $RSAHOME/appserver/jdk/lib/java. Failure to do so will be disastrous.

Ant is apparently a souped-up version of make. You need it to compile the jython example. They don’t tell you where it is. I found it here:


I created my own run script I call jython-build:

# compiles the examples
#$Ant compile
#$Ant verify-setup
# this worked!
#$Ant run-create-jython
$Ant run-add-jython

This didn’t work at first. One error I got:

$Ant verify-setup
Error: JAVA_HOME is not defined correctly.
  We cannot execute java

OK. Even non-java experts know how to define the JAVA_HOME environment variable. I did this:

$ export JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/RSASecurity/RSAAuthenticationManager/appserver/jdk

I did a

$ $Ant verify-setup

and got missing com.bea.core.process. I eventually found it in …utils/jars/thirdparty. And so I started copying in all the missing files. This was before I discovered the documentation! Copying all the jar files can get you so far, but you will never succeed in copying in wlfullclient.jar because it doesn’t exist! Turns out there is a step described in the sdk documentation which you need to do that creates this jar file. Similarly, trust.jks, your private keystore, does not exist. You have to follow the steps in the sdk documentation to create it with keytool, etc. You’ll need to augment your path, of course:

$ export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/RSASecurity/RSAAuthenticationManager/appserver/jdk/bin

Some errors are experienced in and around this time:

org/apache/log4j/Appender not found
org/apache/commons/logging not found

This was when I was copying jar files in one-by-one and not following the sdk instructions.

I also got class not found. This was more vexing at the time because it didn’t exist in any of my jar files! This is when I discovered that wlfullclient.jar has to be created by hand. It contains that class. Here’s how I check the jar contents:

$ jar tvf wlfullclient.jar|grep weblogic/security/SSL/Trust

   481 Wed May 09 18:12:02 EDT 2007 weblogic/security/SSL/TrustManager.class

For the record, my …lib/java directory, which has a few more files than it actually needs, looks like this:

activation-1.1.jar                commons-pool-1.2.jar                    opensaml-1.0.jar
am-client.jar                     commons-validator-1.3.0.jar             oscache-2.3.2rsa-1.jar
am-server-o.jar                   console-integration-api.jar             replication-api.jar
ant-1.6.5.jar                     dbunit-2.0.jar                          rsaweb-security-3.0.jar
antlr-2.7.6.jar                   dom4j-1.6.1.jar                         rsawebui-3.0.jar
asm-1.5.3.jar                     EccpressoAsn1.jar                       serializer-2.7.0.jar
axis-1.3.jar                      EccpressoCore.jar                       spring-2.0.7.jar
axis-saaj-1.3.jar                 EccpressoJcae.jar                       spring-mock-2.0.7.jar
c3p0-0.9.1.jar                    framework-common.jar                    store-command.jar
certj-2.1.1.jar                   groovy-all-1.0-jsr-05.jar               struts-core-1.3.5.jar
cglib-2.1_3.jar                   hibernate-3.2.2.jar                     struts-extras-1.3.5.jar
classpath.jar                     hibernate-annotations-3.2.1.jar         struts-taglib-1.3.5.jar
classworlds-1.1.jar               hibernate-ejb-persistence-3.2.2.jar     struts-tiles-1.3.5.jar
clu-common.jar                    hibernate-entitymanager-3.2.1.jar       systemfields-o.jar
com.bea.core.process_5.3.0.0.jar  ims-server-o.jar                        trust.jks
commons-beanutils-1.7.0.jar       install-utils.jar                       ucm-clu-common.jar
commons-chain-1.1.jar             iScreen-1-1-0rsa-2.jar                  ucm-server-o.jar
commons-cli-1.0.jar               iScreen-ognl-1-1-0rsa-2.jar             update-instance-node-ext.jar
commons-codec-1.3.jar             jargs-1.0.jar                           wlcipher.jar
commons-collections-3.0.jar       javassist-3.9.0.GA.jar                  wlfullclient.jar
commons-dbcp-1.2.jar              jboss-archive-browsing-5.0.0.Alpha.jar  wrapper-3.2.1rsa1.jar
commons-digester-1.6.jar          jdom-1.0.jar                            wsdl4j-1.5.1.jar
commons-discovery-0.2.jar         jline-0.9.91rsa-1.jar                   xalan-2.7.0.jar
commons-fileupload-1.2.jar        jsafe-3.6.jar                           xercesImpl-2.7.1.jar
commons-httpclient-3.0.1.jar      jsafeJCE-3.6.jar                        xml-apis-1.3.02.jar
commons-io-1.2.jar                jython-2.1.jar                          xmlsec-1.2.97.jar
commons-lang-2.2.jar              license.bea                             xmlspy-schema-2006-sp2.jar
commons-logging-1.0.4.jar         log4j-1.2.11rsa-3.jar
commons-net-2.0.jar               ognl-2.6.7.jar

I don’t know if these steps are necessary, but they should work at this stage:

$Ant compile
$Ant verify-setup
$Ant run-create-jython

But are we done? No way. Don’t forget to edit your

# JNDI factory class.
java.naming.factory.initial = weblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactory
# Server URL(s).  May be a comma separated list of URLs if running against a cluster
# NOTE: Replace with the hostname of the managed server
java.naming.provider.url = t3s://
# User ID for process-level authentication.
# run rsautil manage-secrets --action list to learn these
com.rsa.cmdclient.user = CmdClient_blahblahblah
# Password for process-level authentication
com.rsa.cmdclient.user.password = blahblahblah
# Password for Two-Way SSL client identity keystore = password
# Password for Two-Way SSL client identity private key = password
# Provider URL for Two-Way SSL client authentication
ims.ssl.client.provider.url = t3s://
# Identity keystore for Two-Way SSL client authentication
ims.ssl.client.identity.keystore.filename = client-identity.jks
# Identity keystore private key alias for Two-Way SSL client authentication
ims.ssl.client.identity.key.alias = client-identity
# Identity keystore trusted root CA certificate alias = root-ca
# SOAPCommandTargetBasicAuth provider URL
ims.soap.client.provider.url =

As it says you need to run

$ rsautil manage-secrets –action list


$ rsautil manage-secrets –action listkeys

to get the correct username/password. The URLs also need appropriate tweaking of course. Failure to do these things will produce some fairly obvious errors, however. Strangely, the keystore-related values which look like placeholders since they say “password” really don’t have to be modified.

Try to run jython-build now and you may get, like I did,

Cannot import name AddGroupCommand

which is a clear reference to this line in the python file:

from com.rsa.admin import AddGroupCommand

Rooting around, I find this class in ims-server-o.jar which I already have in my …lib/java. So I decided to make a ~/.api file which contains not only the JAVA_HOME, but a CLASSPATH:

export JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/RSASecurity/RSAAuthenticationManager/appserver/jdk
export CLASSPATH=/usr/local/RSASecurity/RSAAuthenticationManager/appserver/jdk/lib/java/ims-server-o.jar

Actually my ~/.api file contains more. I just borrowed $RSAHOME/utils/rsaenv and added those definitions, but I’m not sure any of the other stuff is needed.

Are we there yet? Not in my case. Now we get a simple “Access Denied.” I was stymied by this for awhile. I went to reporting and found this failure logged under Authentication Monitor:

(Description) User admin attempted authentication using authenticator RSA_password.

(Reason) Authentication method failed.

What this was about is that I had forgot to update my build.xml file with the correct username and password:

    <property name="" value="admin"/>
    <property name="" value="mypassword"/>

After correcting that, it began to work.

Update after several months

Well, after some months of inattention, now once again it doesn’t work! I checked my adduser log file and saw this nugget in the traceback:

[java] File "src/", line 846, in ?
[java] com.rsa.authn.AuthenticationCommandException: Access Denied

The only other clue I have is that another administrator changed the Super Admin password a couple weeks ago as it was expired. I haven’t resolved this one yet, it’s a work in progress! Ah. Simple. I needed to update my build.xml with the latest admin password. Hmm. That could be kind of a pain if it’s expiring every 90 days.

I was battered by this exercise, mostly by my own failure to read the manual. But some things are simply not documented. Why all the fuss just to get demo code working? Because we can customize it. I felt that once I had the demo running, the sky was the limit and creating customization to do automated add/delete would not be that difficult.

To see the jython script I created to do the user add/deletes click on this article: Add/Delete Jython Script for RSA Authentication Manager