A colleague of mine in another timezone created the necessary DKIM records in Cloudflare for a new mail domain. There was panic as the mail team realized too late these records were not validating. I was called in to help. Unfortunately at the beginning I only my smartphone to work with. Did you ever try to do this kind of detail work with a smartphone? Don’t.
The details
The smartphone thing is worthy of a separate post. I was getting somewhere, but it is like working with both hands tied behind yuor back.
So the mail team is telling me the dkim record doesn’t validate and showing me a screenshot of something from mxtoolbox to prove it.
I of course want to know the details so I can verify my mistakes before anyone else gets to – that’s how I roll!
Well, mxtoolbox, has a free validator for these dkim records which is pretty useful. Go to Supertool, then click the dropdown and select DKIM. A DKIM record involves a domain and a selector. Here’s a real live example for Hurricane Electric which uses as their sending mail domain. So in their DNS the DKIM txt record for them looks like this when viewed from dig:
"v=DKIM1; k=rsa; p=MIICIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAg8AMIICCgKCAgEAonNI5HmoWfZntOsU5G3t eKi70HHBhDMe7himvGBNfq119soydCj7KoR9DsFYAMqCcPghLY29ishIbzMKsCFy 68XN4MWOSrFr+ERDHIuLXcFvaYYQ0oI5HVcViKSX85/YLXe+5JUcf5VsKoBLifNy U1NFA3UPa6MHBIOcD+JVF6F67G9m7t+COhsrhcvl9x" "kNq2NAY0OxbBM+CM+V4p0J 6pgt0PqYGnwd9s3/P7TUD2jY9elJLB5CfIec4DDCROj3MgUyTl2JfBcNy0WGzkEl OpFipd5MMesZvgyIVBsgLY58hTPldYhekkKWlOhpMpYbAi8gnvk+aJv2jZcaYHpJ kLNrri+q2gMeEX30JSoXfYNKx+B6m1Udn7Ig2ngHNVTXgNZlCw6SvbfmwXBE97q5 iG1SOnrgLKQvtgZv08Y7k5sp9+2SfoOS5MSYt" "OTfCbtknUi/VbaU4kVE76jFB0xx 6CAoR1SC9lDJBGvyFMuGvyhOXTiYV44tk1fyrV9Ba4yaKi8dhgHwe9vVbCSK8Ebt CeMXrkS/I3Dc33B6+tM1poC06GVhxElpd8rHiWvNImBuqCWwtGDsXm4ulubTcjvS gglJrB7kl4l3+AcTZn15zCrePl6xHWtL29b9vEy1w7whgExoDHaXZl+Svne9pfZ7 esXNu+mfERmGb56OreCEQQMCAwEAAQ=="
This is the value for this record:
To validate this DKIM record in mxtoolbox we pull out the token in front of _domainkey and refer to it as the selector, and drop the _domainkey and enter it like this:

The problem with the DKIM entry I was assigned to rescue was that the DIM syntax check was not passing. Yet it looked just like the way the mail team requested. What is going on? How can this problem be broken down into smaller steps???
To be continued…
Appendix A
How did I know the exact selector for Hurricane Electric?
I looked at the SMTP headers of an email I received from them. I found this section:
DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=henet-20240223-153551
d must stand for domain and s for selector. This is all considered public information, albeit somewhat obscure. So the domain is and the selector is henet-20240223-153551.