CentOS Debian Linux

What happened to insert mode on the latest version of vi?


As a creature of habit, I fall for an editor and can never imagine using something else. In the VAX days there was EDT, which if memory serves was replaced by the even better VPU. On Ultrix we ran a pretty nice editor simply called e from Rand Corporation. Then there was the love affair with emacs, and finally for the last 30 years vi.

Well with my latest server, a Debian 12 machine, I was having trouble with insert mode, specifically, inserting text from my Windows clipboard. Never had problems before….

Well for some reason, if you want to insert text from the clipboard, you now use <CTRL.>-<SHIFT>V in command mode. Well, at least on Windows 11 running WSL 2 that seems to work. I now realize that doesn’t work from Windows 10 with WSL. I had better figure this out soon…

Windows 10 running WSL

The terminal type (check the TERM environment variable) is set toxterm-color256. I tried pasting any and all registers which is the standard thing you would do if you use the standard Internet advice. None of it worked for me. I finally realized on my own that – and this harkens back to my old days with the beloved VAX 780 – that if I set the terminal type to vt100 all was good! Seriously. Back in the day we had physical VT100 terminals. Well, before that I think there was a VT52? Then maybe a VT102. VT202 was a big upgrade. Anyway, initially I added the following line to my .bashrc file:

export TERM=vt100

and now I can insert clipboard text the way I always have (mouse right-click) in vi insert mode. This kludge was how we fixed a lot of terminal display issues in the old days. But now I see display from top is messed up! Probably other curses-based apps as well. So two steps forward, one step back. So now what I’ve done is removed that line from .bashrc and put the following lines in my .bash_aliases file:

# DrJ kludge to get vi to work and keep top working
alias top='export TERM=xterm-256color;\top'
alias vi='export TERM=vt100;\vi'

That \top harkens back to an old linux convention where a command preceded by \ invokes a program but ignores defined aliases for that program.


I have offered one possible solution to the can’t insert text from the clipboard problem into my vi: set the TERM environment variable to the old-fashioned vt100. Now I can once again right-click while in insert mode to paste in clipboard text.

This was a very vexing issue for a creature of habit such as me!

References and related

This whole issue came up only when I switched from CentOS 8 to Debian 12 as my back-end server. Believe me, Debian 12 is so superior in so many ways this little setback would never make a material impact in that decision. Here’s the write-up of my upgrade.


An SSH Terminal App for the HP Touchpad

October, 2016 Update
Needless to say, the HP Touchpad never caught on and mine is collecting dust.

What I just got is the new 8″ Amazon Fire HD Tablet. You can get a free good-quality ssh client for it called serverauditor. The keyboard emulation (linux CLI needs all those unusual keys pretty badly). The battery life is genuinely good – better than the Touchpad. It’s $89.

I’ll keep the blog post below online for historical purposes.

Updated Version
My previous post got out-of-date so rapidly that I have to start this topic all over! DO NOT follow my previous advice.

The Bluetooth Keyboard – It’s Worth It
My Bluetooth keyboard came in. It’s really awesome. I advise to get it if you want to treat your Touchpad (the cognoscenti prefer TP) like a Netbook from time-to-time, namely, by having the ability to type rapidly and comfortably. Get the HP one made for the Touchpad because:
– it’s small like you’d expect as a companion for a small tablet computer, yet the keys are full size
– it has some really convenient shortcut keys so you’re not spending too much time shifting your hand from keyboard to screen, namely:
— volume controls
— screen on/off
— even a key that shows your cards
– plus some keys that do stuff that’s harder with just a TP
— Ctrl (control) key, yeah!
— arrow keys
–mute key
–screen brightness/dimmer keys
–plus other keys I haven’t tested yet
– and the : and / keys are primary keys like they should be

So far I’m missing a
-Home/End key and if I ever get my terminal working again
– an ESC (escape) key

All-in-all I’d say the Bluetooth keyboard is an obviously well-engineered product – a perfect pairing for the TP.

It’s $45 at Amazon. And yes, I am writing this blog entry on my new keyboard!

I also bought an off-brand display stand. By Mivizu. It’s better than NOT having one, but it’s kind of flimsy and awkward. In no way a fun and beautifully engineered companion to the TP, unlike the IPad case that everyone likes to play with.

What About that SSH Terminal?
I probably messed things up with Preware alpha/beta software. They have released an Xterm, but I arrived at it from various previous upgrades and either Xecutah or the XServer is not working for me. The XServer does not launch a new card like it should. See below.

I will probably have to Web Dr my device (start from a factory install state), which they warn you should be prepared to do when using test software. Live and learn. I have not had time to do that yet, but I wanted to delete my old post and get the new facts out here before others went down the wrong path.

So, briefly, an ssh, bash, xterm to your underlying Linux on your TP are all available from the site.

Sep 29th I saw an upgrade for Xecutah, Servers and xterm – to v 0.9.3. I did the upgrade and, to my surprise, I am back in business again! The xterm launches once again and so I do not have to Web Dr my Touchpad.

I thought I owed it to the community to experiment, so I decided to change root’s shell to bash! That’s right, the shell is that old /bin/sh by default. Once you’ve installed it, bash appears in /opt/bin/bash. Well…that worked too. I now have a comfortable shell that launches for me when I fire up my xterm, or xterms. Of course I brought over my .bashrc file – using sftp of course – with its familiar prompt definition and convenience aliases such as the universal “ll” for ls -l. To make really sure I hadn’t blown up my Touchpad, I rebooted. Yes, reboot from your shell really does work to reboot your TP! And yes, it came back with flying colors.

Esc key in the xterm for real Keyboard Users
I don’t think the HP keyboard has an escape key, not that I can find. So you’re in a bit of a bind if you use it for your xterm during a vi editing session. What you can do is momentarily bring up the virtual keyboard by hitting the, um, keyboard key. Xecutah now comes with instructions on how to generate the escape key on the virtual keyboard (hold t, choose right-most character, then “[” as your next character) which work. Then, when you’ve got your Esc, which you don’t need to often anyways, hit that keyboard key again to recommended using your comfy real keyboard.

So I am a happier camper once again. I even contributed to webos-internals. You should, too, if you think they’re providing a valued service as I do.

To be continued.