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The IT Detective Agency: the case of Failed to convert character

A user of a web form noticed any password that includes an accented character is rejected. He came to use as the operator of the web application firewall for a fix.

More details
The web server was behind an F5 device running ASM – application security manager. The reported error that we saw was Failed to convert character. What does it all mean?

One suggestion is that the policy may have the wrong language, but the application language of this policy is unicode (utf-8), just like all our others we set up. And they don’t have any issues. I see where I can remove the block on this particular input violation, but that seems kind of an extreme measure, like throwing out the baby with the bathwater.

I wondered about a more granular way to deal with this?

Check characters on this parameter value is already disabled I notice, so we can’t further loosen there.

Ask the expert
So I ask someone who speaks a foreign language and has to deal with this stuff a lot more than I do. He responds:

Looking at the website I think that form just defaults to ISO-8859-1 instead of UTF-8 and that causes your problem.
Umlauts or accented letters are double byte encoded in UTF-8 and single byte in ISO-8859-1

To confirm the problem with the form, he enters an “ä” as the username, which the event log shows encoded to %E4 which is not a valid UTF-8 sequence.

Our takeaway
To repeat a key learning from this little problem:
Umlauts or accented letters are double byte encoded in UTF-8 and single byte in ISO-8859-1

So the web form itself was the problem in this case; and I went back to the user/developer with this informatoin.

So he fixed it?
Well, turns out his submission form was a private page he quickly threw together to test another problem, the real problem, when he noticed this particular issue.

So, yes, his form needed to mention utf-8 if he were going to properly encode accented characters, but that did not resolve the real issue, which remains unresolved.

It happens that way sometimes.

But, yes, the problem reported to us was resolved by the developer based on our feedback, so at least we have that success.

If like me, your eyes glaze over when someone mentions ISO-8859-1 versus UTF-8, the differences are pretty stark, easy-to-understand, and, just sometimes, really, important! I think ISO-8859-1 will represent some of the popular accented characters in positions 128 – 255, but not utf-8. utf-8 will use additional bytes to represent characters outside of the Latin alphabet plus the usual special characters.

We’ll call this one Case Closed!

References and related
I like to do a man ascii on any linux system to see the representation of the various Latin characters. I had to install the man-pages package on my RHEL system before that man page was available on my system.

Linux Perl

HTTP replay user-agent

When debugging F5’s Web Application Firewall (AKA ASM) you get all the HTTP request headers in the GUI which you can cut and paste. Sometimes it is not so obvious how to fix a particular SupportID and you don’t want to bother the user to reproduce the error. This is code that allows you to scrape the headers and send them back, assuming you have a Linux server on the Internet. It’s not quite exact – Perl wants to add a TE header and maybe some others. More importantly, F5 only gives you around the first 5 KB of the headers, and often the real headers + data can be much longer than that. But It’s pretty good at preserving the basic headers and the POSTed data, if any.

The details

# DrJ - 6/2015
# take waf Full Request as input from STDIN and spit it out
use LWP;
$DEBUG = 1;
# example:
#POST /cognosbi/cgi-bin/cognos.cgi HTTP/1.1
#Accept: */*
#Accept-Language: en-us
#Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8
#Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
#User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/6.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; .
NET4.0C; .NET4.0E; Ion; InfoPath.3; MDPA101; OWASMIME/4.0200)
#Content-Length: 161667
#DNT: 1
#Connection: Keep-Alive
#Cache-Control: no-cache
#Cookie:; mob_lang=en; TSe36f05=b6a15d33eff8797d98bc75f22d2c85e1f
a99de5024487a2a9a99de5024487a2a; cc_state="null"; cam_passport=MTsxMDE6ZmVjNDEzYzQtMGVjOC03YjgyLTJlNTgtYjgxNWFhNTE0ZDQxOjMzNjQ5NDA0MDQ7MDszOzA7; CRN=col
cPageRefresh%3D30%26productLocale%3Den%26useAccessibilityFeatures%3Dfalse%26showOptionSummary%3Dtrue%26; cea-ssa=false; usersessionid="AQgAAAA/tHlVAAAA
AoAAACSXrdg581uvb1aFAAAAFJ3FMiV1XFHYYjmBPlmT/mXlCpnFAAAAFlzIt8pvs4xewrB8PBrB1omTHOq"; userCapabilities=f%3Bfdbffc6d%3Be000002f%3Bff077efa%26ARQAAABSdxTI
ldVxR2GI5gT5Zk%2F5l5QqZwtel%2FW97E5sO8sAbwnsxaQA5mLc; cc_session="s_cc:|s_conf:na|s_sch:td|s_hd:sa|s_serv:na|s_disp:na|s_set:|s_dep:na|s_dir:na|s_sms:dd
te:true|eom:0|pp:3364940404|null:|cachestamp:2015-06-04T13:04:34|null:";; TS83f7ea=c439d
#<SOAP-ENV:Envelope SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle="" xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:
SOAP-ENC="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd=""
xmlns:xs="" xmlns:bus='' xmlns:rns1='
ortService/1'><SOAP-ENV:Header><bus:biBusHeader xsi:type="bus:biBusHeader"><bus:CAM xsi:type="bus:CAM"><authenticityToken xsi:type="xsd:base64Binary">Vj
FZcyLfKb7OMXsKwfDwawdaJkxzqg==</authenticityToken></bus:CAM><bus:CAF xsi:type="bus:CAF"><contextID xsi:type="xsd:string">CAFW00000070Q0FGQTNjMDAwMDAwD
GQUFBQUZKM0ZNaVYxWEZIWVlqbUJQbG1ULW1YbENwbld5amlFRU5ObWJJcTZHaEdLNTdjVWZ0Zy1GWV8zOTgxNzd8cnM_</contextID></bus:CAF><bus:userPreferenceVars SOAP-ENC:arra
yType="bus:userPreferenceVar[]" xsi:type="SOAP-ENC:Array"><item><bus:name xsi:type="xsd:string">productLocale</bus:name><bus:value xsi:type="xsd:string"
>en</bus:value></item><item><bus:name xsi:type="xsd:string">contentLocale</bus:name><bus:value xsi:type="xsd:string">en-us</bus:value></item></bus:userP
referenceVars><bus:dispatcherTransportVars xsi:type="SOAP-ENC:Array" SOAP-ENC:arrayType="bus:dispatcherTransportVar[]"><item xsi:type="bus:dispatcherTra
nsportVar"><name xsi:type="xsd:string">rs</name><value xsi:type="xsd:string">true</value></item></bus:dispatcherTransportVars></bus:biBusHeader></SOAP-E
NV:Header><SOAP-ENV:Body><rns1:update><object xsi:type="bus:report"><searchPath><value xsi:type="xsd:string">/content/folder[@name=&apos;Dashboards and
Portals&apos;]/folder[@name=&apos;DRJOPS (DrJ)&apos;]/folder[@name=&apos;Dashboard Reports&apos;]/report[@name="Sales"]</value></searchPath><specific
ation><value xsi:type="xsd:string" xml:space="preserve">&lt;report xmlns=&quot;; useStyleVersion=&qu
ot;10&quot; expressionLocale=&quot;en-us&quot;&gt;
#&lt;modelPath&gt;/content/folder[@name=&apos;Shared Packages&apos;]/package[@name=&apos;DrJ_Dashboard_Cube&apos;]/model[@name=&apos;model&apos;]&lt;
#&lt;drillBehavior modelBasedDrillThru=&quot;true&quot;/&gt;
#&lt;page name=&quot;DrJ Dashbord&quot;&gt;
#&lt;contents&gt;&lt;table&gt;&lt;style&gt;&lt;defaultStyles&gt;&lt;defaultStyle refStyle=&quot;tb&quot;/&gt;&lt;/defaultStyles&gt;&lt;CSS value=&quot;f
ont-family:Arial;font-size:8pt;font-weight:bold&quot;/&gt;&lt;/style&gt;&lt;tableRows&gt;&lt;tableRow&gt;&lt;tableCells&gt;&lt;tableCell colSpan=&quot;1
&quot;&gt;&lt;contents&gt;&lt;table&gt;&lt;style&gt;&lt;defaultStyles&gt;&lt;defaultStyle refStyle=&quot;tb&quot;/&gt;&lt;/defaultStyles&gt;&lt;CSS valu
t;&lt;contents&gt;&lt;textItem&gt;&lt;dataSource&gt;&lt;staticValue&gt;In Thousands, Data As of: &lt;/staticValue&gt;&lt;/dataSource&gt;&lt;style&gt;&lt
;CSS value=&quot;color:#0D3F53&quot;/&gt;&lt;/style&gt;&lt;/textItem&gt;&lt;textItem&gt;&lt;dataSource&gt;&lt;reportExpression&gt;CubeDataUpdatedOn ([Gr
ower_Dashboard].[Year])&lt;/reportExpression&gt;&lt;/dataSource&gt;&lt;style&gt;&lt;CSS value=&quot;color:#0D3F53&quot;/&gt;&lt;/style&gt;&lt;/textItem&
gt;&lt;/contents&gt;&lt;style&gt;&lt;CSS value=&quot;text-align:left;vertical-align:middle;font-family:Arial;font-size:9pt;font-weight:bold;border-top-s
#&lt;conditionalStyles&gt;&lt;conditionalStyleCases refVariable=&quot;For ReportOutput&quot;&gt;&lt;conditionalStyle refVariableValue=&quot;1&quot;&gt;&
lt;CSS value=&quot;display:none&quot;/&gt;&lt;/conditionalStyle&gt;&lt;/conditionalStyleCases&gt;&lt;conditionalStyleDefault/&gt;&lt;/conditionalStyles&
gt;&lt;reportDrills&gt;&lt;reportDrill name=&quot;Excel&quot;&gt;&lt;drillLabel&gt;&lt;dataSource&gt;&lt;staticValue/&gt;&lt;/dataSource&gt;&lt;/drillLa
bel&gt;&lt;drillTarget method=&quot;execute&quot; outputFormat=&quot;spreadsheetML&quot; showInNewWindow=&quot;true&quot;&gt;&lt;reportPath path=&quot;/
content/folder[@name=&apos;Dashboards and Portals&apos;]/folder[@name=&apos;USCROP (Grower)&apos;]/folder[@name=&apos;Dashboard Reports&apos;]/report[@n
ame=&apos;Sales&apos;]&quot;&gt;&lt;XMLAttributes&gt;&lt;XMLAttribute name=&quot;ReportName&quot; value=&quot;Sales&quot; output=&quot;no&quot;/&gt;&lt;
XMLAttribute name=&quot;class&quot; value=&quot;report&quot; output=&quot;no&quot;/&gt;&lt;/XMLAttributes&gt;&lt;/reportPath&gt;&lt;drillLinks&gt;&lt;dr
illLink&gt;&lt;drillTargetContext&gt;&lt;parameterContext parameter=&quot;Select Area&quot;/&gt;&lt;/drillTargetContext&gt;&lt;drillSourceContext&gt;&lt
;parameterContext parameter=&quot;Select Area&quot;/&gt;&lt;/drillSourceContext&gt;&lt;/drillLink&gt;&lt;drillLink&gt;&lt;drillTargetContext&gt;&lt;para
meterContext parameter=&quot;Select DrJIdea Specialist&quot;/&gt;&lt;/drillTargetContext&gt;&lt;drillSourceContext&gt;&lt;parameterContext parameter=
&quot;Select Innovation Specialist&quot;/&gt;&lt;/drillSourceContext&gt;&lt;/drillLink&gt;&lt;drillLink&gt;&lt;drillTargetContext&gt;&lt;parameterContex
t parameter=&quot;AreaTgtBy&quot;/&gt;&lt;/drillTargetContext&gt;&lt;drillSourceContext&gt;&lt;parameterContext parameter=&quot;AreaTgtBy&quot;/&gt;&lt;
/drillSourceContext&gt;&lt;/drillLink&gt;&lt;drillLink&gt;&lt;drillTargetContext&gt;&lt;parameterContext parameter=&quot;ISTgtBy&quot;/&gt;&lt;/drillTar
getContext&gt;&lt;drillSourceContext&gt;&lt;parameterContext parameter=&quot;ISTgtBy&quot;/&gt;&lt;/drillSourceContext&gt;&lt;/drillLink&gt;&lt;drillLin
k&gt;&lt;drillTargetContext&gt;&lt;parameterContext parameter=&quot;Grower Type&quot;/&gt;&lt;/drillTargetContext&gt;&lt;drillSourceContext&gt;&lt;param
eterContext parameter=&quot;Grower Type&quot;/&gt;&lt;/drillSourceContext&gt;&lt;/drillLink&gt;&lt;/drillLinks&gt;&lt;/drillTarget&gt;&lt;/reportDrill&g
#&lt;conditionalStyles&gt;&lt;conditionalStyleCases refVariable=&quot;For ReportOutput&quot;&gt;&lt;conditionalStyle refVariableValue=&quot;1&quot;&gt;&
lt;CSS value=&quot;display:none&quot;/&gt;&lt;/conditionalStyle&gt;&lt;/conditionalStyleCases&gt;&lt;conditionalStyleDefault/&gt;&lt;/conditionalStyles&
gt;&lt;reportDrills&gt;&lt;reportDrill name=&quot;PDF&quot;&gt;&lt;drillLabel&gt;&lt;dataSource&gt;&lt;staticValue/&gt;&lt;/dataSource&gt;&lt;/drillLabe
l&gt;&lt;drillTarget method=&quot;execute&quot; outputFormat=&quot;PDF&quot; showInNewWindow=&quot;true&quot;&gt;&lt;reportPath path=&quot;/content/fold
er[@name=&apos;Dashboards and Portals&apos;]/folder[@name=&apos;DRJOPS (Grower)&apos;]/folder[@name=&apos;Dashboard Reports&apos;]/report[@name=&apos;Sa
@lines = <STDIN>;
for $line (@lines) {
  $_ = $line;
  if (/^(GET|POST)\s+(\/.*)\s(http|HTTP)/) {
    $uri = $2;
    $method = $1;
  } elsif (/^User-Agent:/ && ! $datasec) {
    ($agent) = /^User-Agent:\s+(.+)$/;
    print "User-Agent: $agent\n" if $DEBUG;
  } elsif (/^Content-Length:\s/ && ! $datasec) {
# LWP calculates its own content-length header
  } elsif  (! $datasec) {
# add header to hash
      ($hdr,$val) = /^(\S+):\s+(.+)$/;
      print "hdr,val: $hdr, $val\n" if $DEBUG;
      $myhash{$hdr} = $val if $hdr;
  if (/^Host: (\S+)/i && ! $datasec) {
    $host = $1;
  $data .= $line if $datasec;
# test if we are at the end of the headers
  $datasec = 1 if /^$/;
# Create a user agent object
use LWP::UserAgent;
$ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
$req = HTTP::Request->new($method => "https://$host$uri");
# enter all the headers
foreach $key (keys %myhash) {
  $val = $myhash{$key};
  print "key,val: $key, $val\n" if $DEBUG;
  $req->header($key => $val);
print "data: $data\n" if $DEBUG;
# Pass request to the user agent and get a response back
my $res = $ua->request($req);
# Check the outcome of the response
if ($res->is_success) {
 print $res->content;
} else {
  print $res->status_line, "\n";

We’ve created a Perl-based HTTP user agent to preserve headers. It’s not perfect but it’s a help, for instance in debugging am F5 web application firewall policy.

Admin Web Site Technologies

Tipsheet: How to run NTP on F5 BigIP

If you feel you’ve added your ntp servers correctly via the GUI (System|Configuration|Device|NTP), and yet you get an output like this:

# ntpq -p

     remote           refid      st t when poll reach   delay   offset  jitter
 ntp1.drj        .INIT.          16 -    - 1024    0    0.000    0.000   0.000
 ntp2.drj        .INIT.          16 -    - 1024    0    0.000    0.000   0.000

and you observe the time is off by seconds or even minutes, then you may have made the mistake I made. I used fully-qualified domain names (FQDN) for the ntp servers.

Switch from FQDNs to IP addresses and it will work fine:

# ntpq -p

     remote           refid      st t when poll reach   delay   offset  jitter
*ntp1.drj     3 u  783 1024  377    0.951   -8.830   0.775
+ntp2.drj     3 u  120 1024  377   20.963   -8.051   5.705

The date command will now give the correct time.

Having correct time is useful for the logging, especially if you are using ASM and are trying to correlate known activity against the reported errors.