Admin Apache Linux

Cloudflare: an added layer of protection for your personal web site


I was looking at what Cloudflare could do for my web site. A colleague pointed out that they have a free usage tier which supplies a web application firewall and some anti-bot measures. I checked it out and immedaitely signed up!

The details

What Cloudflare is supplying at no cost (for personal web sites like mine) is amazing. It’s not just a world-class dns service. That would already be amazing. Run against and you will see several different IPs mentioned around the world- just like the big guns! I also get for free some level of mitigation against dns-based attackes.

Web site protections

I don’t fully understand their products so I don’t know what level of protections I am getting in the free tier, but there are at least some! They say they’ve blocked 10 requests in the last few days

Web usage stats

I have to admin using raw linux tools against my apache access file hasn’t bee n the most illuminating until now. Now that I use Cloudflare I get a nice visual presentation showing where (which country) my visitors came from, where the bots come from, how much data was transmitted.

Certificate for HTTPS

Cloudflare automatically takes care of the web site certificate. I had to do nothing at all. So now I can forget my call out to LetsEncrypt. I wonder if GoDaddy is still charging $69 annually for their certificates.


Yeah my web site just feels faster now since the switch. It just does. And Cloudflare stats say that about 30% of the content has been served from their cache – all with zero setup effort on my part! I also believe they use certain tcp acceleration techniques to speed things up.


And Cloudflare caches some of my objects to boost performance. Considering that I pay for data transfer at Amazon AWS, it’s a fair question to ask if this caching could even be saving me money? I investigated this and found that I get billed maybe $ .02 per GByte, and in a busy month I might use .8 GB or so, so $ .02 per month. So I might occasionally save a penny or so – nothing substantial though!


Even with this free tier you get some geoDNS functionality for free, namely, visitors from around the world will see an IP address which is geographically close to where they are, bossting their performance when using your site. Stop to think about that. That’s a whole lot of infrastructure sophistication that they’re just giving you for free!

Why are they giving this much away?

I think they have the noble aim of improving the security posture of the Internet writ large. Much as letsencrypt greatly accelerated the adoptipon of web page encyrption (https) by making certificates free, Cloudflare hopes to accelerate the adoption of basic security measures for every web site, thereby lifting the security posture of the Internet as a whole. Count me as a booster!

What’s their business model. How will they ever make money?

Well, you’re only supposed to use the free tier for a personal web site, for one. My web sites don’t really have any usage and do not display ads so I think I qualify.

More importantly, the free security protections and acceleration are a kind of teaser and the path to upgrading to profesisonal tier is very visibly marked. So they’re not 100% altruistic.

Why I dislike GoDaddy

Let’s contrast this with offerings from GoDaddy. GoDaddy squeezes cents out of you at every turn. They make it somewhat mysterious what you are actually paying for so they’re counting on fear of screwing up (FOSU, to coin a term). After all, except for the small hit to your wallet, getting that upgraded tier – whois cloaking, anyone? – might be what you need. Who knows. Won’t hurt, right? But I get really tired of it. Amazon AWS is perhaps middle tier in this regards. They do have a free tier virtual server which I used initially. But it really doesn’t work except as a toy. My very modest web site overwhlemed it on too many occasions. So, basically useless. Everything else: you pay for it. But somehow they’re not shaking the pennies out of you at every turn unlike GoDaddy. And AWS even shows you how to optimize your spend.

How I converted my live site to Cloudflare

After signing up for Cloudflare I began to enter my dns domains, e.g.,,, plsu a few others. They explained how at GoDaddy I had to update the nameserver records for these domains, which I did. Then Cloudflare has to verify these updates. Then my web sites basically stopped working. So I had to switch the encryption mode to full. This is done in Web sites > > SSL/TLS > Overview. This mode encrypts the back-end data to my web server, but it accepts a self-signed certificate, no matter if it’s expired or not and no matter who issued it. That is all good because you still get the encrypted channel to your content server.

Then it began to work!

Restoring original visitor IPs to my apache web server logs

Very important to know from a technical standpoint that Cloudflare acts as a reverse proxy to your “content server.” Knowing this, you will also know that your content server’s apache logs get kind of boring because they will only show the Cloudflare IPs. But Cloudflare has a way to fix that so you can see the original IPs, not the Cloudlfare IPs in your apache logs.

Locking down your virtual server

If Internet users can still access the web server of your virtual server directly (bypassing Cloudflare), your security posture is only somewhat improved. To go further you need to use a local firewall. I debated whether to use AWS Network Security Groups or iptables on my centos virtual server. I went with iptables.

I lossely followed this developer article. Did I mention that Cloudflare has an extensive developer community?

Actually I had to install iptables first because I hadn’t been using it. So my little iptables script I created goes like this.

# from
# For IPv4 addresses
curl -s|while read ip; do
 echo adding $ip to iptables restrictions
 iptables -I INPUT -p tcp -m multiport --dports http,https -s $ip -j ACCEPT
iptables -I INPUT -p tcp -m multiport --dports http,https -s $ip -j ACCEPT
# maybe needed it just once??
#iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -m multiport --dports http,https -j DROP
# list all rules
iptables -S

I believe I just need to run it the one time, not, e.g., after every boot. We’ll soon see. The output looks like this:

-A INPUT -s -p tcp -m multiport --dports 80,443 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -s -p tcp -m multiport --dports 80,443 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -s -p tcp -m multiport --dports 80,443 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -s -p tcp -m multiport --dports 80,443 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -s -p tcp -m multiport --dports 80,443 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -s -p tcp -m multiport --dports 80,443 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -s -p tcp -m multiport --dports 80,443 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -s -p tcp -m multiport --dports 80,443 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -s -p tcp -m multiport --dports 80,443 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -s -p tcp -m multiport --dports 80,443 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -s -p tcp -m multiport --dports 80,443 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -s -p tcp -m multiport --dports 80,443 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -s -p tcp -m multiport --dports 80,443 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -s -p tcp -m multiport --dports 80,443 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -s -p tcp -m multiport --dports 80,443 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -p tcp -m multiport --dports 80,443 -j DROP

Note that this still leaves ssh open, but that’s ok since it is locked down via Network Security Group rules. No urgent need to change those.

Then I made sure that direct access to my content server freezes, which it does, and that access through the official DNS channels which use Cloudflare still works, which it did. So… all good. The setup was not hard at all. But since I have several hosted web sites for the iptables to make any sense I had to be sure to migrate all my hosted sites over to Cloudflare.

Not GoDaddy

I was dreading migrating my other zones (dns domains) over to Cloudflare. Still being in the GoDaddy mindframe I figured, sure, Cloudflare will permit me one zone for free, but then charge me for a second one.

So I plunged ahead. No charge!

And a third one: Also no charge!

And a fourth, and a fifth and a sixth.

I thought perhaps five will be the threshold. But it wasn’t. I only have six “zones” as Cloudflare now calls them. But they are all in my account and all free. Big relief. This is like the anti-GoDaddy.

DNS changes

Making DNS changes is quite fast. The changes are propagated within a minute or two.

api access

Everything you can do in the GUI you can do through the api. I had previously created and shared some model python api scripts.


As if all the above weren’t already enough, I see Cloudflare also gives my web site accessibility via ipv6:

$ dig +short aaaa


I guess it’s accessible through ipv6 but I haven’t quite proven that yet.

Mail forwarding

I originally forgot that I had set up mail forwarding on GoDaddy. It was one of the few free things you could get. I think they switched native Outlook or something so my mail forwarding wasn’t working. On a lark I checked if Cloudflare has complementary mail forwarding for my domains. And they do! So that’s cool – another free service I will use.

Sending mail FROM this Cloudflare domain using your Gmail account

This is more tricky than simple mail forwarding. But I think I’ve got it working now. You use Gmail’s own server ( as your relay. You also need to set up an app password for Gmail. Even though you need to specify a device such as Windows, it seems once enabled, you can send from this new account from any of your devices. I’ve found that you also need to update your TXT record (see link below) with an expanded SPF information:

v=spf1 ~all

In words it means the Google and Cloudflare sending servers are authorized to sends emails with this domain in the sender field, mail from elsewhere will be marked.

Even after all that I wasn’t seeing my sent message at work where Microsoft 365 is in use. It landed in the Junk folder! Why? The sending email “appears similar to someone who previously sent you email, but may not be that person.” Since I am a former mail admin I am sympathetic to what they’re trying to do – help hapless users avoid phishing; because it’s true – the characters in my test email did bear similarities to my regular email. My regular email is first_name.last_name @, while mail from this domain was first_name @ last_name + s .com Mail sent to a fellow Gmail user suffered no such fate however. Different providers, different approaches. So I can accept that. Once it’s set up you get a drop-down menu of sending addresses every time you compose a new message! The detailed instructions are at the Cloudflare community site.

Cost savings using Cloudflare

Suppose like me you only use GoDaddy as your registrar and get all your other services in some other way. Well, Cloudflare began to pitch me on transferring my domains to them. I thought, Aha, this is the moment they will make money off me. So I read their pitch. Their offer is to bill me for the charges they incur from ICANN or wherever, i.e., pass-through charges without any additional middleman overhead. It’s like, what? So let’s say at GoDaddy I pay $22 per year per domain. Well with Cloudflare I’d be paying something like $10 per year. For one domain I wouldn’t bother, but since I have more than five, I will be bothering and gladly leaving GoDaddy in the dust. I have just transferred the first two domains. GoDaddy seems to drag out the process as long as possible. I found I could expedite it by approving the transfer in the GoDaddy portal ( The trick there is that that one URL looks very different depending on whether or not a domain transfer is pending. If GoDaddy perceives a domain transfer has been initiated by an other registrar, it will show that page with a Transfer In and Transfer Out tabs. Just select Transfer Out and approve your domain for transfer. Then the transfer happens within five minutes. Otherwise that page is shown with no possibility to do a transfer out. So I guess you have to be patiennt, refresh it, or I don’t know what to get it to draw correctly. Once approved in the GoDaddy transfer out portal, Cloudflare had them within 5 minutes. It’s not super-easy to do a transfer, but also not impossble.

In typical GoDaddy style, executing a domain transfer to another registrar seems essentially impossible if you use their latest Domain portfolio app. Fortunately I eventually noticed the option to switch from “beta” to the old Domain manager, which still has the option and looks a bit more like their documentation. I’ve generated auth codes and unlocked, etc. And I even see the correct domain status (ok as opposed to client transfer prohibited) when I do a whois, but now Cloudflare, which is usually so quick to execute, seems to be lagging in recognizing that the domains have been unlocked and suggests to check back in some hours. Weird. The solution here was to provide my credit card info. Even 12 hours later I was having this trouble where it said none of my domains were eligible for transfer. As soon as I provided my payment information, it recognized two of my domains as eligible for transfer. In other cases Cloudflare recognized that domains were unlocked in a matter of 15 minutes or so. It may help to first unlock the domain in GoDaddy, then to view it in Cloudflare. Not sure.

A plug for GoDaddy

As my favorite sport seems to be bashing GoDaddy I wanted to balance that out and say a few kind words about them. Someone in my houisehold just started a job with a startup who uses GoDaddy. It provides desktop Outlook Email, MS Teams, Sharepoint, helps with consulting, etc. And on day one this person was up and running. So if you use their services, they definitely offer value. My issue is that I tried to restrict my usage to just one service – domain registrar – and they pushed me to use it more extensively, which I resisted. But for a small business which needs those thnigs, it’s fine.

How many domains are you sharing your IP with?

The thnig with Cloudflare is that they assign you to a couple of their IP addresses, often beginning with either 172.67 or 104…. . Now did you ever wonder with how many other web sites you’re sharing those IPs? If not, you should! I found a tool that provides the answer: So for this free tier they seem to keep the number around 500 unique domains per IP! Yes that’s a lot, but I’d only be concerned if there was evidence of service degradation, which so far I have not seen. What’s nice about the dnsyltics site is that it lists a few of the domains – far from all of them, but at least it’s 20 or 30 – associated with a given IP. That can be helpful during truobleshooting.


What Cloudflare provides for protective and performance services represents a huge forward advance in the state of the art. They do not niggle you for extra charges (entice is more the word here) for Fear of Screwing Up.

All in all, I am amazed, and I am something of an insider – a professional user of such services. So I heartily endorse using Cloudflare for all personal web servers. I have not been sponsored or even in contact with Cloudflare, by the way!

References and related

Cloudlfare tip: Restoring original visitor IPs to your apache web server.

Locking your virtual server down to just Cloudflare IPs:

Using the Cloudflare python api: working examples

Sending Gmail with your Cloudlflare domain as sending address

Cloudflare’s analysis of the exploit HTTP/2 Rapid Reset is extremely detailed. See and .

I remember being so excited to discover free certificates from LetsEncrypt.

A good explanation of SPF records

Turn an IP addres into a list of associated domain names:

Linux Perl Python SLES

Using syslog within python


We created a convention where-in our scripts log to syslog with a certain style. Originally these were Perl scripts but newer scripts are written in python. My question was, how to do in python what we had done in Perl?

The details

The linux system uses syslog-ng. In /etc/syslog-ng/conf.d I created a test file 03drj.conf with these contents:

destination d_drjtest { file("/var/log/drjtest.log"); };
filter f_drjtest{ program("drjtest"); };
log { source(s_src); filter(f_drjtest); destination(d_drjtest); flags(final); };

So we want that each of our little production scripts has its own log file in /var/log/.

The python test program I wrote which outputs to syslog is this:


import syslog
syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_NOTICE,'[Notice] Starting')
syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_ERR,'[Error] We got an error')
syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_INFO,'[Info] Just informational stuff')

Easy, right? Then someone newer to python showed me what he had done – not using syslog but logger, in which he accomplished pretty much the same goal but by different means. But he had to hard-code a lot more of the values and so it was not as elegant in my opinion.

In any case, the output is in /var/log/drjtest.log which look like this after a test run:

Jul 24 17:45:32 drjohnshost drjtest[928]: [Notice] Starting
Jul 24 17:45:32 drjohnshost drjtest[928]: [Error] We got an error
Jul 24 17:45:32 drjohnshost drjtest[928]: [Info] Just informational stuff
OSes using rsyslog

Today I needed to make this style of logging work on a new system which was running rsyslog. The OS is SLES v 15. For this OS I added a file to /etc/rsyslog.d called drjtest.conf with the contents:

if ($programname == 'drjtest' ) then {

But the python program did not need to change in any way.


We show how to properly use the syslog facility within python by using the syslog package. It’s all pretty obvious and barely needs to be mentioned, except when you’re just statring out you want a little hint that you may not find in the man pages or the documentation at syslog-ng.

References and related

I have a neat script which we use to parse all these other scripts and give us once a week summary emails, unless and error has been detected in which case the summary email goes out the day after a script has reported an error. It has some pretty nice logic if I say so myself. Here it is: drjohns script checker.

Linux Python

Cloudflare DNS: using the python api


The examples provided on github are kind of wrong. I created an example script which actually works. If you simply copy their example and try the one where you add a DNS record using the python interface to the api, you will get this error:

CloudFlare.exceptions.CloudFlareAPIError: Requires permission “” to create zones for the selected account

Read on to see the corrected script.

Then some months later I created a script – still using the python api – to do a DNS export of all the zone files our account owns on Cloudflare. I will also share that.

The details

I call the program below This one was copied from somewhere and it worked without modification:

import CloudFlare
import sys

def main():
    zone_name = sys.argv[1]

    cf = CloudFlare.CloudFlare()

    # query for the zone name and expect only one value back
        zones = cf.zones.get(params = {'name':zone_name,'per_page':1})
    except CloudFlare.exceptions.CloudFlareAPIError as e:
        exit('/zones.get %d %s - api call failed' % (e, e))
    except Exception as e:
        exit('/zones.get - %s - api call failed' % (e))

    if len(zones) == 0:
        exit('No zones found')

    # extract the zone_id which is needed to process that zone
    zone = zones[0]
    zone_id = zone['id']

    # request the DNS records from that zone
        dns_records = cf.zones.dns_records.get(zone_id)
    except CloudFlare.exceptions.CloudFlareAPIError as e:
        exit('/zones/dns_records.get %d %s - api call failed' % (e, e))

    # print the results - first the zone name
    print("zone_id=%s zone_name=%s" % (zone_id, zone_name))

    # then all the DNS records for that zone
    for dns_record in dns_records:
        r_name = dns_record['name']
        r_type = dns_record['type']
        r_value = dns_record['content']
        r_id = dns_record['id']
        print('\t', r_id, r_name, r_type, r_value)


if __name__ == '__main__':

The next script adds a DNS record. This is the one which I needed to modify.

# kind of from
# except that most of their python examples are wrong. So this is a working version...
import sys
import CloudFlare

def main():
    zone_name = sys.argv[1]
    print('input zone name',zone_name)
    cf = CloudFlare.CloudFlare()
# zone_info is a list: [{'id': '20bd55fbc94ff155c468739', 'name': '', 'status': 'pending',
    zone_info = cf.zones.get(params={'name': zone_name})
    zone_id = zone_info[0]['id']

    dns_records = [
        {'name':'foo', 'type':'A', 'content':''},

    for dns_record in dns_records:
        r =, data=dns_record)

if __name__ == '__main__':

The zone_id is where the original program’s wheels fell off. Cloudflare Support does not support this python api, at least that’s what they told me. So I was on my own. What gave me confidence that it really should work is that when you install the python package, it also installs cli4. And cli4 works pretty well! The examples work. cli4 is a command line program for linux. But when you examine it you realize it’s (I think) using the python behind the scenes. And in the original bad code there was a POST just to get the zone_id – that didn’t seem right to me.

Backup all zones in the Cloudflare account by doing a DNS export

I call this script

import os
import CloudFlare
from datetime import datetime

def listzones(cf):
    allzones = list()
    page_number = 0
    while True:
        page_number += 1
        raw_results = cf.zones.get(params={'per_page':20,'page':page_number})
        zones = raw_results['result']

        for zone in zones:
            zone_id = zone['id']
            zone_name = zone['name']
            print("zone_id=%s zone_name=%s" % (zone_id, zone_name))

        total_pages = raw_results['result_info']['total_pages']
        if page_number == total_pages:
    return allzones

# main program
today = # today's date
date = today.strftime('%Y%m%d') # formatted date
print('Begin backup of zones on this day:',date)
newdir = 'zones-' + date

cf = CloudFlare.CloudFlare(raw=True)
print('Getting list of all zones and zone ids')
allzones = listzones(cf)
print('Begin export of the zone data')
for zone in allzones:
    zone_id,zone_name = zone
    print('Doing dns export of',zone_id,zone_name)
# call to do a BIND-style export of the zone, specified by zoneid
    res = cf.zones.dns_records.export.get(zone_id)
    dns_records = res['result']
    with open(f'{newdir}/{zone_name}','w') as f:
# create compressed tar file and delete temp directory
print('Create compressed tar file')
os.system(f'tar czf backups/{newdir}.tar.gz {newdir}')
print(f'Remove directory {newdir} and all its contents')
os.system(f'rm -rf {newdir}')

As mentioned in the comments the cool thing in this backup is that the format output is the BIND style of files, which are quite readable. Obviously this script is designed for linux systems because that’s all I use.

Backup all zones again, without using the CF python api

After we upgraded to python 3.12 the CF api didn’t really work. It may just be we needed the private certificates installed. Regardless, that led us to create this backup script which does not depend on the CF python api. Well, it includes it, but it’s not material and could be removed. Instead direct url calls are made.

import os
import CloudFlare
from datetime import datetime,timezone
import urllib3
import requests

def listzones(cf):
    allzones = list()
    page_number = 0
    results_per_page = 50 # max allowed
    while True:
        page_number += 1
        #raw_results = cf.zones.get(params={'per_page':20,'page':page_number})
        url = f"{results_per_page}&page={page_number}"
        raw_results = requests.get(
                'Authorization': 'Bearer {}'.format(os.environ['CLOUDFLARE_API_TOKEN']),
                'Content-Type': 'application/json'
        zones = raw_results.json().get('result')

        for zone in zones:
            zone_id = zone['id']
            zone_name = zone['name']
            print("zone_id=%s zone_name=%s" % (zone_id, zone_name))

        total_count = raw_results.json()['result_info']['total_count']

        total_pages = int(total_count/results_per_page)
# fraction of a page is the last page, if applicable
        if total_count % results_per_page > 0: total_pages += 1
        if page_number == total_pages:
    return allzones

# main program
#today = datetime.utcnow() # today's date
today =
date = today.strftime('%Y%m%d') # formatted date
print('Begin backup of zones on this day:',date)
newdir = 'zones-' + date

cf = CloudFlare.CloudFlare(raw=True, warnings=False)
print('Getting list of all zones and zone ids')
allzones = listzones(cf)
print('Total zone count:',len(allzones))
print('Begin export of the zone data')
for zone in allzones:
    zone_id,zone_name = zone
    print('Doing dns export of',zone_id,zone_name)
# call to do a BIND-style export of the zone, specified by zoneid
    #res = cf.zones.dns_records.export.get(zone_id)
    raw_results = requests.get(
        url = '{}/dns_records/export'.format(zone_id),
            'Authorization': 'Bearer {}'.format(os.environ['CLOUDFLARE_API_TOKEN']),
            'Content-Type': 'application/json'
    dns_records = raw_results.text
    print('dns records: first few lines, skip a few, then a few more entries')
    with open(f'{newdir}/{zone_name}','w') as f:
# create compressed tar file and delete temp directory
print('Create compressed tar file')
os.system(f'tar czf backups/{newdir}.tar.gz {newdir}')
print(f'Remove directory {newdir} and all its contents')
os.system(f'rm -rf {newdir}')

The environment

Just to note it, you install the package with a pip3 install cloudflare. Then I set up an environment variable CLOUDFLARE_API_TOKEN before running these programs.


I’ve shown a corrected python script which uses the Cloudflare api. I’ve also shown another one which can do a backup of all Cloudflare zones.

References and related

The Cloudflare api

The (wrong) api examples on github

My hearty endorsement of Using Cloudflare’s free tier to protect your personal web site.

Linux Python Raspberry Pi

vlc command-line tips


I’m looking to test my old Raspberry Pi model 3 to see if it can play mp4 videos I recorded on my Samsung Galaxy A51 smartphone. I had assumed it would get overwhelmed and give up, but I haven’t tried in many years, so… The first couple videos did play, sort of. I was using vlc. Now if you’ve seen any of my posts you know I’ve written a zillion posts on running a dynamic slideshow based on RPi. Though the most important of these posts was written years ago, it honestly still runs and runs well to this day, amazingly enough. Usually technology changes or hardware breaks. But that didn’t happen. Every day I enjoy a brand new slideshow in my kitchen.

In most of my posts I use the old stalwart program fbi. In fact I don’t even have XWindows installed – it’s not a requirement if you know what you’re doing. But as far as I can see, good ‘ole fbi doesn’t do streaming media such as videos in mp4 format. As far as I know, vlc is more modern and most importantly, better supported. So after a FAIL trying with mplayer (still haven’t diagnose that one), I switched to trials with vlc.

I haven’t gotten very far, and that’s why I wanted to share my learnings. There’s just so much you can do with vlc, that even what you may think are the most common things anyone would want are very hard to find working examples for. So that’s where I plan to contribute to the community. As I figure out an ‘easy” thing, I will add it here. And if I’m the only one who ever refers to this post, so be it. I love my own My favorite python tips, post, for instance. it has everything I use on a regular basis. So I’m thinking this will be similar.

References and related

My RPi slideshow blog post

My favorite python tips – everything I need!

Linux Python

Blur images with Python


I sometimes find myself in need to blur images to avoid giving away details. I once blurred just a section of an image using a labor-intensive method involving MS Paint. Here I provide a python program to blur an entire image.

The program

I call it It uses the Pillow package and it takes an image file as its input.

# Dr John - 4/2023
# This will import Image and ImageChops modules
import optparse
from PIL import Image, ImageEnhance
import sys,re

p = optparse.OptionParser()
opt, args = p.parse_args()
brushWidth = opt.brushWidth

# Open Image
image = args[0]
print('image file',image)

base = re.sub(r'\.\S+$','',image)
file_type = re.sub(r'^.+\.','',image)
canvas =

width,height = canvas.size
print('Original image size',width,height)
widthn = int(width/brushWidth)
heightn = int(height/brushWidth)
smallerCanvas = canvas.resize((widthn, heightn), resample=Image.Resampling.LANCZOS)

# Creating object of Sharpness class
im3 = ImageEnhance.Sharpness(smallerCanvas)

# no of blurring passes to make. 5 seems to be a minimum required
iterations = 5

# showing resultant image
# 0,1,2: blurred,original,sharpened
for i in range(iterations):
    canvas_fuzzed = im3.enhance(0.0)
    im3 = ImageEnhance.Sharpness(canvas_fuzzed)

# resize back to original size
canvas = canvas_fuzzed.resize((width,height), resample=Image.Resampling.LANCZOS) + '-blurred.' + file_type)

So there would be nothing to write about if the the Pillow ImageEnhance worked as expected. But it doesn’t. As far as I can tell on its own it will only do a little blurring. My insight was to realize that by making several passes you can enhance the blurring effect. My second insight is that Image Enhance is probably only working within a 1 pixel radius. I have intruduced the concept of a brush size where the default width is 3.0 (pixels). I effectuate a brush size by reduing the image by the factor equal to the brush size! Then I do the blurring passes, then finally resize back to the original size! Brilliant, if I say so myself.

So in general it is called as

$ python3 -b 5 image.png

That example would be to use a brush size of 5 pixels. But that is optional so you can use my default value of 3 and call it simply as:

$ python3 image.png

Example output
Blur a select section of an image

You can easily find the coordinates of a rectangular section of an image by using, e.g., MS Paint and doing a mouseover in the corners of the rectangular section you wish to blur. Note the coordinates in the upper left corner and then again in the lower right corner. Mark them down in that order. My program even allows more than one section to be included. In this example I have three sections. The resulting image with its blurred sections is shown below.

Three rectangular setions of this image were blurred

Here is the code, which I call for lack of a better name.

# blur one or more sections of an image. Section coordinates can easiily be picked up using e.g., MS Paint
# partially inspired by this tutorial:
# This will import Image and ImageChops modules
from PIL import Image, ImageEnhance
import sys,re

def blur_this_rectangle(image,x1,y1,x2,y2):
    box = (x1,y1,x2,y2)
    cropped_image = image.crop(box)

# Creating object of Sharpness class
    im3 = ImageEnhance.Sharpness(cropped_image)

# no of blurring passes to make. 10 seems to be a minimum required
    iterations = 10

# showing resultant image
# 0,1,2: blurred,original,sharpened
    for i in range(iterations):
        cropped_fuzzed = im3.enhance(-.75)
        im3 = ImageEnhance.Sharpness(cropped_fuzzed)

# paste this blurred section back onto original image
    image.paste(cropped_fuzzed,(x1,y1)) # this modified the original image

# Open Image
image = sys.argv[1]
base = re.sub(r'\.\S+$','',image)
file_type = re.sub(r'^.+\.','',image)
canvas =

argNo = len(sys.argv)
boxNo = int(argNo/4) # number of box sections to blur
# (x1,y1) (x2,y2) of rectangle to blur is the next argument
for i in range(boxNo):
    j = i*4 + 2
    x1 = int(sys.argv[j])
    y1 = int(sys.argv[j+1])
    x2 = int(sys.argv[j+2])
    y2 = int(sys.argv[j+3])
    blur_this_rectangle(canvas,x1,y1,x2,y2) + '-blurred.' + file_type)

Here is how I called it:

$ python3 ~/draw/ MultipleVedges.PNG 626 415 1143 452 597 532 1164 566 621 645 1136 679


Since it can be a little hard to find an a simple and easy-to-use blurring program, I have written my own and provided it here for general use. Actually I have provided two programs. One blurs an entire picture, the other blurs rectangular sections within a picture. Although I hardcoded 10 passes, that number may need to be increased depending on the amount of blurriness desired. To blur a larger font I changed it to 50 passes, for example!

Obviously, obviously, if you have a decent image editing program like an Adobe Photoshop, you would just use that. There are also probably some online tools available. I myself am leery of using “free” online tools – there is always a hidden cost. And if you all you want to do is to erase in that rectangle and not blur, even lowly MS Paint can do that quite nicely all on its own. But as for me, I will continue to use my blurring program – I like it!

References and related

The need for the ability to blur an image arose when I wanted to share something concrete resulting from my network diagram as code effort.

I also am blurring some of the Grafana-generated images mentioned in this post: All I need to know about Grafana and InfluxDB.

Linux Raspberry Pi

Interpreting speech with a Raspberry Pi

Or the beginning or creating your own smart speaker


Imagine you could use a low-cost device to interpret speech without the aid of the big cloud services and their complexity and security and big-brotherly-ness. Well if you have a DIY mindset, you can!

I wanted to control the raspberry pi-based slideshow I have written about many times in the past with voice commands. The question became How could I do it and is it even possible at all? And would I need to master the complex apis provided by either Amazon or Google cloud services? Well, it turns out that it is possible to do passable speech to text without any external cloud provider; and I am very excited to share what I’ve learned so far.


raspberry pi 4 (even my old RPI 3 seems to work)

USB microphone

Raspberry Pi OS


basic linux and python skills are required

vosk – your main tool

I’m going to cut to the chase and just tell you that the vosk api is how I got this all working, but not before I drove into several dead-ends.

Here are the vosk installation instructions, which do work on RPi:

Vosk Installation (

It will be helpful to install and test the examples:

git clone
cd vosk-api/python/example
python3 ./ test.wav

On my RPi 4 it took 36 s the first time, and 6.6 s the second time to run this test.wav. So I got worried and fully expected it would be just too slow on these underpowed RPi systems.

But I forged ahead and looked for an example which could do real-time speech-to-text. They provide a microphone example. It requires some additional packages. But even after installing them it still produced a nasty segmentation fault. So I gave up on that. Then I noticed an ffmpeg-based example. Well, turns out I have lots of prior ffmpeg experience as I also post about live recording of audio with the raspberry pi.

It turns out their example was simply to use ffmpeg to interpret a file, but I didn’t know that to begin with. But I know my way around ffmpeg that I could use it for processing a lvie stream. So I made those changes, and voila. I’m glad to say I was dead wrong about the processing speed. On the RPi 4 it can keep up with its text-to-speech task in real time!

Basic program to examine your speech in real time

I developed the following python script based off one of the python examples from the api. I call it, just to give it a name:

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import subprocess
import re
from modules import aux_modules

from vosk import Model, KaldiRecognizer, SetLogLevel



model = Model(lang="en-us")
rec = KaldiRecognizer(model, SAMPLE_RATE)
start,start_a = 0,0
input_device = 'plughw:1,0'
phrase = ''
accumulating = False
# wake word hey photo is often confused with a photo by vosk...
wake_word_re = '^(hey|a) photo'

with subprocess.Popen(["ffmpeg","-loglevel", "quiet","-f","alsa","-i",
                            "-ar", str(SAMPLE_RATE) , "-ac", "1", "-f", "s16le", "-"],
                            stdout=subprocess.PIPE) as process:

    while True:
        data =
        if len(data) == 0:
        if rec.AcceptWaveform(data):
            print('in first part')
            text = rec.PartialResult()
# text is a "string" which is basically a dict
            start,start_a,accumulating,phrase = aux_modules.process_text(wake_word_re,text,start,start_a,accumulating,phrase)
# this part always seems to be executed for whatever reason
            print('in else part')
            text = rec.PartialResult()
            start,start_a,accumulating,phrase = aux_modules.process_text(wake_word_re,text,start,start_a,accumulating,phrase)

# we never seem to get here
    print('In final part')
    text = rec.FinalResult()

I created a modules directory and in it a file called It look like this:

import re,time,json

def process_text(wake_word_re,text_s,start,start_a,accumulating,phrase):
    max = 5.5 # seconds
    inactivity = 10 # seconds
    short_max = 1.5 # seconds
    elapsed = 0
    if time.time() - start_a < inactivity:
# Allow some time to elapse since we just took an action
        return start,start_a,accumulating,phrase
# convert text to real text. Real text is in 'partial'
    text_d = json.loads(text_s)
    text = ''
    if 'partial' in text_d:
        text = text_d['partial']
    if 'text' in text_d:
        text = text_d['text']
    if not text == '': phrase = text
        if not accumulating:
            start = time.time()
            accumulating = True
            print('Wake word detected. Now accumulating text.')
    l = len(re.split(r'\s',text))
    print('text, word ct',text,l)
    if accumulating:
        elapsed = time.time() - start
        print('Elapsed time:',elapsed)
        if l > 1:
           phrase = text
    if elapsed > max or (elapsed > short_max and l == 1):
# we're at a natural ending here...
        print('This is the total text',phrase)
# do some action
# reset everything
        accumulating = False
        phrase = ''
        start_a = time.time()
    return start,start_a,accumulating,phrase

And you just invoke it with python3

Sample session output
in else part
text, word ct 1
"partial" : ""
in else part
text, word ct hey 1
"partial" : "hey"
in else part
text, word ct hey 1
"partial" : "hey"
in else part
text, word ct hey 1
"partial" : "hey"
in else part
Wake word detected. Now accumulating text.
text, word ct hey photo 2
Elapsed time: 0.0004639625549316406
"partial" : "hey photo"
in else part
text, word ct hey photo 2
Elapsed time: 0.003415822982788086
"partial" : "hey photo"
in else part
text, word ct hey photo 2
Elapsed time: 0.034906625747680664
"partial" : "hey photo"
in else part
text, word ct hey photo 2
Elapsed time: 0.09063172340393066
"partial" : "hey photo"
in else part
text, word ct hey photo 2
Elapsed time: 0.2488384246826172
"partial" : "hey photo"
in else part
text, word ct hey photo 2
Elapsed time: 0.33771753311157227
"partial" : "hey photo"
in else part
text, word ct hey photo place 3
Elapsed time: 0.7102789878845215
"partial" : "hey photo place"
in else part
text, word ct hey photo place 3
Elapsed time: 0.7134637832641602
"partial" : "hey photo place"
in else part
text, word ct hey photo player 3
Elapsed time: 0.8728365898132324
"partial" : "hey photo player"
in else part
text, word ct hey photo player 3
Elapsed time: 0.8759913444519043
"partial" : "hey photo player"
in else part
text, word ct hey photo play slideshow 4
Elapsed time: 1.0684640407562256
"partial" : "hey photo play slideshow"
in else part
text, word ct hey photo play slideshow 4
Elapsed time: 1.0879075527191162
"partial" : "hey photo play slideshow"
in else part
text, word ct hey photo play slideshow 4
Elapsed time: 1.3674390316009521
"partial" : "hey photo play slideshow"
in else part
text, word ct hey photo play slideshow 4
Elapsed time: 1.3706269264221191
"partial" : "hey photo play slideshow"
in else part
text, word ct hey photo play slideshow 4
Elapsed time: 1.5532972812652588
"partial" : "hey photo play slideshow"
in else part
text, word ct hey photo play slideshow 4
Elapsed time: 1.5963218212127686
"partial" : "hey photo play slideshow"
in else part
text, word ct hey photo play slideshow 4
Elapsed time: 1.74298095703125
"partial" : "hey photo play slideshow"
in else part
text, word ct hey photo play slideshow 4
Elapsed time: 1.842745065689087
"partial" : "hey photo play slideshow"
in else part
text, word ct hey photo play slideshow 4
Elapsed time: 1.9888567924499512
"partial" : "hey photo play slideshow"
in else part
text, word ct hey photo play slideshow 4
Elapsed time: 2.0897343158721924
"partial" : "hey photo play slideshow"
in first part
"text" : "hey photo play slideshow"
text, word ct 1
Elapsed time: 2.3853299617767334
This is the total text hey photo play slideshow
in else part
"partial" : ""
in else part
"partial" : ""
A word on accuracy

It isn’t Alexa or Google. No one expected it would be, right? But if you’re a native English speaker it isn’t too bad. You can see it trying to correct itself.

The desire to choose an uncommon wake word of three syllables is at direct odds with how neural networks are trained! So… although I desired my wake word to be “hey photo,” I also allow “a photo.” A photo was probably in their training set whereas Hey photo certainly was not. Hence the bias against recognizing a unique wake word. And no way will I re-train their model – way too much effort. But to lower false positives this phrase has to occur at the beginning of a spoken phrase.

Turning this into a smart speaker

You can see I’ve got all the pieces set up. At least I think I do! I’ve got my wake word. I don’t have natural language processing but I think I can forgo that. I have a place in the code where I print out the “final text.” That’s where the spoken command is perceived to have been uttered and and a potential action could be exectured at that point.

Dead ends

To be fleshed out later as time permits.


I have demonstrated how speech-to-text without use of complex cloud apis such as those provided by Amazon and Google can be easily achieved on an inexpensive raspberry pi.

I will be building on this facility in subsequent posts as I turn my RPi-powered slideshow into a slideshow which reacts to voice commands!

References and related

Vosk Installation (

Raspberry Pi slideshow

This conference USB mic works really well for me.

Linux not found running ffprobe


I use ffmpeg regularly on my RPi 4. I’ve written several articles. For no apparent reason, today ffprobe, which I use to get the length or a recording, stopped working for no apparent reason. The error was something like not found

I hadn’t done any upgrades or anything at all, I think.

The solution

$ sudo apt-get install libavdevice-dev

Even though it looked like it was already present as shown by a dpkg -l, running this command installed a bunch of related libraries and seemed to fix things up just fine.

ffmpeg version 4.3.4-0

Raspbian 11 bullseye

References and relate

Admin Linux Network Technologies Web Site Technologies

The IT Detective Agency: This site can’t be reached


It’s been awhile since I’ve had the opportunity to relatean IT mystery. After awhile they are repates of what’s already happened in the past, or it’s too complex to relate, or I was only peripherally involved. But today I came across a good one. It falls into the never been seen before category.

The details

A web server behind my web application firewall became unreachable. In the browser they get a message This site can’t be reached. The app owners came to me looking for input. I checked the WAF and it was fine. The virtual server was looking healthy. So I took a packet trace, something to this effect:

$ tcpdump -nni 0.0 host

14:00:45.180349 IP > Flags [S], seq 1106553901, win 23360, options [mss 1460,sackOK,TS val 3715803515 ecr 0], length 0 out slot1/tmm3 lis=/Common/ port=0.53 trunk=
14:00:45.181081 IP > ICMP host unreachable - admin prohibited filter, length 64 in slot1/tmm2 lis= port=0.47 trunk=
14:00:45.181239 IP > Flags [R.], seq 1106553902, ack 0, win 0, length 0 out slot1/tmm3 lis=/Common/ port=0.53 trunk=

I’ve never seen that before, ICMP host unreachable – admin prohibited filter. But I know ICMP can be used to relay out-of-band routing information on occasion, though I do not see it often. I suspect it is a BAD THING and forces the connection to be shut down. Question is, where was it coming from?

The communication is via a firewall so I check the firewall. I see a little more traffic so I narrow the filter down:

$ tcpdump -nni 0.0 host host 443

And then I only see the initial SYN packet followed by the RST – from the same source IP! So since I didn’t see the bad ICMP packet on the firewall, but I do see it on the WAF, I preliminarily conclude the problem exists on the WAF.

Rookie mistake! Did you fall for it? So very, very often, in the heat of debugging, we invent some unit test which we’ve never done before, and we have to be satisified with the uncertainty in the testing method and hope to find a control test somehow, somewhere to validate our new unit test.

Although I very commonly do compound filters, in this case it makes no sense, as I realized a few minutes later. My port 443 filter would of course exclude logging the bad ICMP packets because ICMP does not use tcp port 443! So I took that out and re-run it. Yup. bad ICMP packet still present on the firewall, even on the interface of the firewall directly connected to the server.

So at this point I have proven to my satisfaction that this packet, which is ruining the communication, really comes frmo the server.

What the server guys say

Server support is outsourced. The vendor replies

As far as the patching activities go , there is nothing changed to the server except distro upgrading from 15.2 to 15.3. no other configs were changed. This is a regular procedure executed on almost all 15.2 servers in your environment. No other complains received so far…

So, the usual It’s not us, look somewhere else. So the app owner asks me for further guidance. I find it’s helpful to create a test that will convince the other party of the error with their service. And what is one test I would have liked to have seen but didn’t cnoduct? A packet trace on the server itself. So I write

I would suggest they (or you) do a packet trace on the server itself to prove to themselves that this server is not behaving ini an acceptable way, network-wise, if they see that same ICMP packet which I see.

The resolution

This kind of thing can often come to a stand-off, or many days can be wasted as an issue gets escalated to sufficiently competent technicians. In this case it wasn’t so bad. A few hours later the app owners write and mention that the home-grown local firewall seemed suspect to them. They dsabled it and this traffic began to work.

They are reaching out to the vendor to understand what may have happened.

Case: closed!


An IT mystery was resolved today – something we’ve never seen but were able to diagnose and overcome. We learned it’s sometimes a good thing to throw a wider net when seeing unexpected reset packets because maybe just maybe there is an ICMP host unreachable packet somewhere in the mix.

Most firewalls would just drop packets and you wait for a timeout. But this was a homegrown firewall running on SLES 15. So it abides by its own ways of working, I guess. So because of the RST, your connection closes quickly, not timing out as with a normal network firewall.

As always, one has to maintain an open mind as to the true source of an issue. What was working yesterday does not today. No one admits to changing anything. Finding clever ad hoc unit tests is the way forward, and don’t forget to validate the ad hoc test. We use curl a lot for these kinds of tests. A browser is a complex beast and too much of a black box.


Install WSL2 for Windows 10 Home Edition: not as easy as they say, but not impossible either, and definitely worth it, plus tips for Windows 11

2023 Intro – Windows 11 Home Edition

I just got my HP Aero with Windows 11. One of the very first things I did is to get WSL going, that’s how important it is to me. I did not do a simple wsl –install, at least not initially. Maybe it would have worked, maybe not. Instead I launched a PowerShell window as administrator and ran the two dism commands as shown below. Then this command did nothing – it’s not recognized:

wsl --set-default-version 2

Then I just went for it and tried to install Debian:

wsl --install --distribution Debian

It seemed to go through, but I remember that it always does (the fake). But all of a sudden I was being asked to set up an account. A reboot, and then a there was a Debian window. And the wsl command works. So no kernel patching needed any longer (I believe).

The section below is my original post based on my experience installing wsl on Windows 10 home edition.


I installed WSL2 on my work laptop a couple weeks ago. It didn’t go terribly smoothly but now that I have it, I love it. I had been using a Cygwin environment, but I fear that is looking a little long in the tooth. WSL2 is fast to start up. But the main contrast is that while Cygwin is an emulator, WSL2 is a true hypervisor so you get a full-fledged linux VM, right on your PC. Of course this was always possible with products like VirtualBox or whatnot, but Microsoft has sort of built in this capability with newer versions of Windows 10, so there’s no mussing with external software any longer.

But at work I have Windows 10 Professional, of course. What about at home where I have Windows 10 Home Edition like most of us? My understanding is that you could not run a hypervisor with Windows 10 Home Edition. And I was probably right, until recently. But now you can. I know because I just managed it tonight.

None of the tutorials out there were exactly right, but they all contained pieces of the truth. So my contribution is to add weight to the correct steps you’ll need to take. Unfortunately I only get to do it once so my notes aren’t the best. Still, I may be able to spare you some pitfalls.

Why you should want WSL2

If you love linux command-line, then I would say this is a must-have.

What doesn’t work

You’ll see suggestions to fire up powershell and simply run

wsl –install

Chances are about 95% that that won’t work if you are reading this article – would that it would be so simple.

Instead, do this

Open a powershell window as administrator. To do that type powershell in the start menu, and look around at all the options. Pick out the one that mentions Run as administrator.

Running Powershell as Administrator

Then enter this command into the PS window.

dism.exe /online /enable-feature /featurename:Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux /all /norestart

Then this.

dism.exe /online /enable-feature /featurename:VirtualMachinePlatform /all /norestart

Then this.

wsl --set-default-version 2

You need to update your kernel. Download this WSL2 kernel update file and install it:

A reboot at this point is probably a good idea.

Now you need to get yourself a linux distro to install.

There are certain wsl commands you can issue which will helpfully give you the URL to the Debian distro: You put the URL into the browser and it redirects you to the MS Store. But I forget what that is. perhaps wsl -d Debian. But I suppose you can simply go to the MS Store directly and search for Debian and install it.

Nameserver issues when using vpn

Actually when I switched from wsl v 1 to wsl v 2, name resolution really didn’t work at all. The proximate cause is that the /etc/resolv.conf file contained the IP of the host system. But the host system doesn’t have a dns server… So after considering other options, I think the best is to embrace this guy’s script. It is supposed to dynamically figure out the best nameservers, which is pretty cool:

He writes:

(Optionally) save it to your startup folder (%APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup), so it is automatically launched when you log in.

So I guess that’s the current way to run a custom program upon startup. That could be useful.

Well, that approach hasn’t been working so well for me. For now I am updating /etc/resolv.conf by hand. First I break the symlink then I run chattr -i resolv.conf to bypass the warning that this is a read-only file and finally I edit it by hand. I know. Crude. But it works.

Enhance your experience with Windows Terminal

One good suggestion out of Windows Central is to use Windows Terminal. At least it looks good. I haven’t had time to try it myself. I normally just fire up a CMD window and type wsl. My Debian starts immediately and I have a satisfactory command-line environment. But working with multiple windows will be nice so I have to check it out.

Just look for Windows Terminal in the MS Store.

Windows Central suggestions

A web site called Windows Central has a pretty good stepwise guide. But their advertising is so obnoxious, I’m afraid to accidentally touch any part of the page for fear of getting sent to one of their many advertisers. Even still it probably happened about five times. So I won’t make the link to them too prominent. And, anyway, their guide is a little oversimplified.

My equipment

I have a four-year old HP Pavilion laptop running Windows 10 2021 H2 if I remember correctly. It has solid state drives so it’s not too slow, and it boots pretty quickly.

BIOS – basically impossible to get into these days

I’m sure people who do this for a living will disagree, but for ordinary people it’s basically impossible to disrupt the boot process to modify the BIOS settings. And you may need to do that. In fact that was the hardest thing of all for me. Pressing F10 or delete or Escape or F2 – and does that mean hold the FN key down first?? No one explains that, and I don’t have patience to watch a YouTube video. But after trying a bunch of combinations and booting a bunch of times, and never getting into the BIOS settings, I was really glad to learn Windows 10 offers an alternate way! And it works…

Access BIOS settings from Windows 10

Very briefly, the steps are:

Windows Settings > Update & Security > Recovery > Restart Now > Advanced Startup -> Restart Now > Reboot > select Troubleshoot > Advanced Options > UEFI Firmware Settings > (BIOS menu) enable virtualization > Save.

To see the details, go to this HP article: How to Enter BIOS Setup on Windows PCs | HP® Tech Takes

Why you may need to alter the BIOS settings

Well, on my laptop my installation of Debian kept failing with this error. Error: 0x80370102 The virtual machine could not be started because a required feature is not installed. I read on a Microsoft site that could be because the ability to run virtual servers was not enabled in the BIOS. And, yes, that turned out to be absolutely true. It was disabled. So I enabled it and bam, the Debian install started asking me for a username and password, and I was running a Debian VM!

To be fleshed out as my time permits…

But, I love my Debian linux. It’s just like Raspberry Pi OS Lite. I just install packages as I need them: python, pip, curl, bind9-dnsutils, ssh, etc.

Operating inbound TCP services

After the initial thrill wears off, you realize you may need practical things that you have on your Raspberry Pi such as an ssh server or a web server. I believe this will be possible. Still working on it. After installing ssh you can fire it up:

$ sudo service ssh start

This post describes some of those service commands which you have under a WSL linux install: [3 Fixes] System Has Not Been Booted With Systemd as Init System (

If you ignore that article you may see this error! System has not been booted with systemd as init system (PID 1). Can’t operate.

Back to your ssh server. Now you can already connect to it from the Windows system itself, e.g., from a CMD window:

C:\Users\me> ssh user@localhost

user is the Debian user you set during initial setup. So, anyway, that works and that’s cool. But you’re still locked out from the outside.

This helpful Microsoft article discusses networking for WSL2. Apparently it is still evolving and so it’s a bit primitive right now: Accessing network applications with WSL | Microsoft Docs

From a CMD Window launched as administrator:

netsh interface portproxy add v4tov4 listenport=22 listenaddress= connectport=22 connectaddress=

But this does not work in my case. Firewall thing, I’m sure. Yes! for me, where I also run Mcafee, I needed to go to their firewall settings > Ports and system services. Then I had to add a service for TCP port 22 – the ssh default port. Then it began to work and my RPi could ssh and sftp to my Debian VM! sftp kind of hanged a bit. Have to see how bad that is.

How the filesystems are mapped

Where are your nice, tidy linux directories to be found on your ugly File Explorer? You should have a Linux > Debian (or whatever your installed distribution is) section added to the bottom of your File Explorer.

Debian filesystem as it appears in File Explorer

But really, where is that? For me, it is:


And turning things around, how do you navigate to the C drive from your linux command line? Just

cd /mnt/c

Most of the interesting files in my case are in /mnt/c/user/USERNAME

Debian linux loses time

Older versions of WSL may have their system clock drift severely compared to the underlying system’s hardware clock. sudo hwclock -s may restore things. Also see

References and related

That obnoxious Windows Central article I mentioned above with a lot of the WSL2 installation information. It’s a veritable minefield of links to irrelevant stuff, so you’ve been warned: How to install Linux WSL2 on Windows 10 and Windows 11 | Windows Central

WSL2 kernel update.

Seeing Error: 0x80370102? Try Troubleshooting Windows Subsystem for Linux | Microsoft Docs A whole host of other WSL2 errors are addressed in this article as well.

This article purports to be for servers, but I think it’s applicable to PCs as well. It gets pretty technical. System requirements for Hyper-V on Windows Server | Microsoft Docs

About starting system services such as the ssh daemon: [3 Fixes] System Has Not Been Booted With Systemd as Init System (

A good overview of WSL2 networking: Accessing network applications with WSL | Microsoft Docs

How to Enter BIOS Setup on Windows PCs | HP® Tech Takes

With WSL 2 dns name resolution can often be mucked up. This guy has a nice fix:

Info about a clock drift problem:

Admin Linux Raspberry Pi

Scripts checker


Imagine an infrastructure team empowered to create its own scripts to do such things as regularly update external dynamic lists (EDLs) or interact with APIs in an automated fashion. At some point they will want to have a meta script in place to check the output of the all the automation scripts. This is something I developed to meet that need.

I am getting tired of perl, and I still don’t know python, so I decided to enhance my bash scripting for this script. I learned some valuable things along the way.

I call the script Here it is.

# DrJ 2021/12/17, updated 2023/7/26
# it is desired to run this using the logrotate mechanism
# logrotate invokes with /bin/sh so we have to do this trick...
if [ ! "$BASH_VERSION" ] ; then
  exec /bin/bash "$0" "$@"
DIR=$(cd $(dirname $0);pwd)
DAY=2 # Day of week to analyze full week of logs. Monday is 1, Tuesday 2, etc
recipients="[email protected]"
checklog2() {
  [[ "$DEBUG" -eq "1" ]] && echo ID, $ID, LPATH, $LPATH, START, $START, ERROR, $ERROR, END, $END
# the Ec switches mean (E) extnded regular expressions, (c) count of matching lines
  zgrep -Ec "$START" ${LPATH}|cut -d: -f2|while read sline; do starts=$((starts + sline));echo $starts>starts; done
  zgrep -Ec "$END" ${LPATH}|cut -d: -f2|while read sline; do ends=$((ends + sline));echo $ends>ends; done
# Outlook likes to remove our newline characters - double up on them with this sed trick!
  zgrep -Ec "$ERROR" ${LPATH}|cut -d: -f2|sed 'a\\'|while read sline; do errors=$((errors + sline));echo $errors>errors; done
  exampleerrors=$(zgrep -E "$ERROR" ${LPATH}|head -10)
  starts=$(cat starts)
  ends=$(cat ends)
  errors=$(cat errors)
  Total starts: $starts
  Total finishes: $ends
  Total errors: $errors
  Most recent errors: "

  unset NEW
# get cumulative totals
  starttot=$((starttot + starts))
  endtot=$((endtot + ends))
  errortot=$((errortot + errors))
  [[ "$DEBUG" -eq "1" ]] && echo starttot, $starttot, endtot, $endtot, errortot, $errortot
  [[ "$DEBUG" -eq "1" ]] || rm starts ends errors
} # end of checklog2 function

checklog() {
# clear out stats and some variables
#this IFS and following line is trick to preserve those darn backslash charactes in the input file
for line in $(<$INI); do
  [[ "$line" =~ ^# ]] || {
  pval=$(echo "$line"|sed s'/: */:/')
  lhs=$(echo $pval|cut -d: -f1)
  rhs=$(echo "$pval"|cut -d: -f2-)
  lhs=$(echo $lhs|tr [:upper:] [:lower:])
  [[ "$DEBUG" -eq "1" ]] && echo line is "$line", pval is $pval, lhs is $lhs, rhs is "$rhs"
  if [ "$lhs" = "identifier" ]; then
    [[ "$DEBUG" -eq "1" ]] && echo matched lhs = identifer section
    [[ -n "$NEW" ]] && checklog2
  [[ "$lhs" = "path" ]] && LPATH="$rhs" && NEW=false
  [[ "$lhs" = "error" ]] && ERROR="$rhs"
  [[ "$lhs" = "start" ]] && START="$rhs"
  [[ "$lhs" = "end" ]] && END="$rhs"
# call one last time at the end
} # end of checklog function

anomalydetection() {
# a few tests - you can always come up with more...
  diff=$((starttot - endtot))
  [[ $diff -gt $maxdiff ]] || [[ $starttot -lt $minstarts ]] || [[ $errortot -gt $maxerrors ]] && {
    [[ "$DEBUG" -eq "1" ]] && echo ANOMALIES, $ANOMALIES, starttot, $starttot, endtot, $endtot, errortot, $errortot
} # end function anomalydetection

sendsummary() {
  subject="Weekly summary of sesamstrasse automation scripts - please review"
  [[ -n "$ANOMALIES" ]] && subject="${subject} - ANOMALIES DETECTED PLEASE REVIEW CAREFULLY!!"

  intro="This summarizes the results from the past week of running automation scripts on sesamstrasse.
Please check that values seem reasonable. If things are out of range, check with Heiko or look at
sesamstrasse yourself.


  [[ "$DEBUG" -eq "1" ]] && echo subject, $subject, intro, "$intro", info, "$info"
  [[ "$DEBUG" -eq "1" ]] && args="-v"
  echo "${intro}${info}"|mail "$args" -s "$subject" "$recipients"
} # end function sendsummary

# always check the latest log

# only check all logs if it is certain day of the week. Monday = 1, etc
day=$(date +%u)
[[ "$DEBUG" -eq "1" ]] && echo day, $day
[[ $day -eq $DAY ]] || [[ -n "$ANOMALIES" ]] && {
  [[ "$DEBUG" -eq "1" ]] && echo calling checklog with wildcard set

[[ "$DEBUG" -eq "1" ]] && echo message so far is "$info"


# The suggestion: To have a configuration file with log identifiers
#(e.g. “anydesk-edl”) and per identifier: log file path (“/var/log/anydesk-edl.log”),
# error pattern (“.+\[Error\].+”), start pattern (“.+\[Notice\] Starting$”) end pattern (“.+\[Notice\] Done$”).
#Then just count number of executions (based on start/end) and number of errors.

# the start/end/error values are interpreted as extended regular expressions - see regex(7) man page
identifier: anydesk-edl
path: /var/log/anydesk-edl.log
error: .+\[Error\].+
start: .+\[Notice\] Starting$
end: .+\[Notice\] Done$

identifier: firewall-requester-to-edl
path: /var/log/firewall-requester-to-edl.log
error: .+\[Error\].+
start: .+\[Notice\] Starting$
end: .+\[Notice\] Done$

identifier: sase-ips-to-bigip
path: /var/log/sase-ips-to-bigip.log
error: .+\[Error\].+
start: .+\[Notice\] Starting$
end: .+\[Notice\] Done$

What this script does

So when the guy writes an automation script, he is so meticulous that he follows the same convention and hooks it into the syslogger to create uniquely named log files for it. He writes out a [Notice] Starting when his script starts, and a [Notice] Done when it ends. And errors are reported with an [Error] details. Some of the scripts are called hourly. So we agreed to have a script that checks all the other scripts once a week and send a summary email of the results. I look to see that the count of starts and ends is roughly the same, and I report back the ten most recent errors from a given script. I also look for other basic things. That’s the purpose of the function anomalydetection in my script. It’s just basic tests. I didn’t want to go wild.

But what if there was a problem with one of the scripts, wouldn’t we want to know sooner than possibly six days later? So I decided to have my script run every day, but only send email on the off days if an anomaly was detected. This made the logic a tad more complex, but nothing bash and I couldn’t handle. It fits the need of an overworked operational staff.

Techniques I learned and re-learned from developing this script

cron scheduling – more to it than you thought

I used to naively think that it suffices to look into the crontab files of all users to discover all the scheduled processes. What I missed is thinking about how log rotate works. How does it work? Turns out there is another section of cron for jobs run daily, weekly and monthly. logrotate is called from cron.daily.

logrotate – potential to do more

The person who wrote the automation scripts is a much better scripter than I am. I didn’t want to disappoint so I put in the extra effort to discover the best way to call my script. I reasoned that logrotate would offer the opportunity to run side scripts, and I was absolutely right about that! You can run a script just before the logs rotate, or just after. I chose the just before timing – prerotate. In actual fact logrotate calls the prerotate script with all the log files to be rotate as arguments, which you notice we don’t take advantage of, because at the time we were unsure how we were going to interface. But I figure let’s just leave it now. man logrotate to learn more.

By the way although I developed on a generic Debian system, it should work on a Raspberry Pi as well since it is Debian based.

BASH – the potential to do more, at a price

You’ll note that I use some bash-specific extensions in my script. I figure bash is near universal, so why not? The downside is that when logrotate invokes an external script, it calls is using old-fashioned shell. And my script does not work. Except I learned this useful trick:

if [ ! "$BASH_VERSION" ]; then
  exec /bin/bash "$0" "$@"

Note this is legit syntax in SHELL and a legit conditional operator expression. So it means if you – and by you I mean the script talking about itself – are invoked via SHELL, then invoke yourself via BASH and exit the parent afterwards. And this actually does work (To do: have to check which occurs first, the syntax checking or the command invocation).


Speaking of that conditional, if you want to know all the major comparison tests, do a man test. I have around to use the double bracket expressions [[ more and more, though they are BASH specific I believe. The double bracket can be followed by a && and then an open curly brace { which can introduce a block of code delimited of course by a close curly brace }. So for me this is an attractive alternative to SHELL’s if conditional then code block fi syntax, and probably just slightly more compact. Replace && with || to execute the code block when the condition does not evaluate to be true.

zgrep is grep for compressed files, but we knew that right? But it’s agnostic – it works like grep on both compressed and uncompressed files. That’s important because with rotated logs you usually have a combination of both.

Now the expert suggested a certain regular expression for the search string. It wasn’t working in my first pass. I reasoned that zgrep may have a special mode to act more like egrep which supports extended regular expressions (EREs). EREs aren’t really the same as perl-compatible regular expressions (PCREs) but for this kind of simple stuff we want, they’re close enough. And sure enough zgrep has the -E option to force it to interpret the expression as an ERE. Great.


So in the log.ini file the regular expression has a \[…\] syntax. The backslash is actually required because otherwise the […] syntax is interpreted as a character class, where all the characters between the brackets get tried to match a single character in the string to be matched. That’s a very different match!

My big thing was – will I have to further escape those lines read in from log.ini, perhaps to replace a \[ with a \\[? Stuff like that happens. I found as long as I used those double quotes around the variables (see below) I did not need to further escape them. Similarly, I found that the EREs in log.ini did not need to be placed between quotes though the guy initially proposed that. It looks cleaner without them.

Variable scope

I wasted a lot of time on a problem which I thought may be due to some weird variable scoping. I’ve memorized this syntax cat file|while read line; do etc, etc so I use it a lot in my tiny scripts. It’s amazing I got away with it as much as I have because it has one huge flaw. if you start using variables within the loop you can’t really suck them out, unless you write them to a file. So while at first I thought it was a problem of variable scoping – why do my loop variables have no values when the code comes out of the loop? – it really isn’t that issue. It’s that the pipe, |, created a forked process which has its own variables. So to avoid that I switched to this weird syntax for line in $(<$INI); do etc. So it does the line-by-line file reading as before but without the pipe and hence without the “variable scope” problem.

But in another place in the script – where I add up numbers – I felt I could not avoid the pipe. So there I do write the value to a file.

The conclusion is that with the caveat that if you know what you’re doing, all variables have global scope, and that’s just as it should be. Hey, I’m from the old Fortran 66/77 school where we were writing Monte Carlos with thousands of lines of code and dozens of variables in a COMMON block (global scope), and dozens of contributors. It worked just fine thank you very much. Because we knew what we were doing.

Adding numbers in bash

Speaking of adding, I can never remember how to add numbers (integers). In bash you can do starts=$((starts + sline)) , where starts and sline are integers. At least this worked in Debian linux Stretch. I did not really get the same to work so well in SLES Linux – at least not inside a loop where I most needed it.

When you look up how to add numbers in bash there are about a zillion different ways to do it. I’m trying to stick to the built-in way.

Sending mail in Debian linux

You probably need to configure a smarthost if you haven’t used your server to send emails up until now. You have to reconfigure of the exim4 package:

dpkg-reconfigure exim4-config

This also can be done on a RPi if you ever find you need for it to send out emails.


If a variables includes linebreaks and you want to see that, put it between double-quotes, e.g., echo “$myVariableWithLineBreaks”. If you don’t do that it seems to remove the linebreaks. Use of the double quotes also seems to help avoid mangling variables that contain meta characters found in regular expressions such as .+ or \[.

Result of executing the commands

I grew up using the backtick metacharacter, `, to indicate that the enclosed command should be executed. E.g., old way:

DIR=`dirname $0`

But when you think about it, that metacharacter is small, and often you are unlucky and it sits right alongside a double quote or a single quote, making for a visual trainwreck. So this year I’ve come to love the use of $(command to be executed) syntax instead. It offers much improved readability. But then the question became, could I nest a command within a command, e.g., for my DIR assignment? I tried it. Now this kind of runs counter to my philosophy of being able to examine every single step as it executes because now I’m executing two steps at once, but since it’s pretty straightforward, I went for it. And it does work. Hence the DIR variable is assigned with the compound command:

DIR=$(cd $(dirname $0);pwd)

So now I wonder if you can go more than two levels deep? Each level is an incrementally bad idea – just begging for undetectable mistakes, so I didn’t experiment with that!

By the way the reason I needed to do that is that the script jumps around to another directory to create temporary files, and I wanted it to be able to reference the full path to its original directory, so a simpler DIR=$(dirname $0) wasn’t going to cut it if it’s called with a relative path such as ./


I make mistakes left and right. But I know what results I expect. So I generously insert statements as variables get assigned to double check them, prefacing them with a conditional [[ $DEBUG -eq 1 ]] && print out these values. As I develop DEBUG is set to 1. When it’s finally working, I usually set it to 0, though in some script I never quite reach that point. It looks like a lot of typing, but it’s really just cut and paste and not over-thinking it for the variable dump, so it’s very quick to type.

Another thing I do when I’m stuck is to watch as the script executes in great detail by appending -xv to the first line, e.g., #!/bin/bash -xv. But the output is always confusing. Sometimes it helps though.

Compensating for Outlook’s newline handling

Outlook is too clever for its own good and “helpfully” removes what it considers extra linefeeds. Thanks Microsoft. Really helpful. So if you add extra linefeeds you can kind of get around that, but then you go from 0 linefeeds in the displayed output to two. Again, thanks Microsoft.

Anyway, I disocvered sed ‘a/\\/’ is a way to add an extra linefeed to my error lines, where the problem was especially acute and noticeable.

Techniques I’d like to use in the future

You can assign a function to a variable and then call that variable. I know that will have lots of uses but I’m not used to the construct. So maybe for my next program.


This fairly simple yet still powerful script has forced me to become a better BASH shell scripter. In this post I review some of the basics that make for successful scripting using the BASH shell. I feel the time invested will pay off as there are many opportunities to write such utility scripts. I actually prefer bash to perl or python for these tasks as it is conceptually simpler, less ambitious, less pretentious, yes, far less capable, but adequate for my tasks. A few rules of the road and you’re off and running! bash lends itself to very quick testing cycles. Different versions of bash introduced additional features, and that gets trying. I hope I have found and utilized some of the basic stuff that will be available on just about any bash implementation you are likely to run across.

References and related

The nitty gritty details about BASH shell can be gleaned by doing a man bash. It seems daunting at first but it’s really not too bad once you learn how to skim through it.

This post shows how to properly use the syslog package within python to create these log files that I parse.