Internet Mail Linux Perl Raspberry Pi

Raspberry Pi phone home

In this article I described setting up my Raspberry Pi without ever connecting a monitor keyboard and mouse to it and how I got really good performance using an UHS SD card.

This article represents my first real DIY project on my Pi – one of my own design. My faithful subscribers will recall my post after Hurricane Sandy in which I reacted to an intense desire to know when the power was back on by creating a monitor for that situation. It relied on extremely unlikely pieces of infrastructure. I hinted that it may be possible to use the Raspberry Pi to accomplish the same thing.

I’ve given it a lot of thought and assembled all the pieces. Now I have a home power/Internet service monitor based on my Pi!

This still requires a somewhat unlikely but not impossible combination of infrastructure:
– your own hosted server in the cloud
– ability to send emails out from your cloud server
– access log files on your cloud server are rolled over regularly
– your Pi and your cloud server are in the same time zone
– Raspberry Pi which is acting as a server (meaning you are running it 24×7 and not rebooting it and fooling with it too much)
– a smart phone to receive alert emails or TXT messages

I used my old-school knowledge of Perl to whip something up quickly. One of this years I have to bite the bullet and learn Python decently, but it’s hard when you are so comfortable in another language.

The details
Here’s the concept. From your Pi you make regular “phone home” calls to your cloud server. This could use any protocol your server is listening on, but since most cloud servers run web servers, including mine, I phone home using HTTP. Then on your cloud server you look for the phone home messages. If you don’t see one after a certain time, you send an alert to an email account. Then, once service – be it power or Internet connectivity – is restored to your house, your Pi resumes phoning home and your cloud monitor detects this and sends a Good message.

I have tried to write minimalist code that yet will work and even handle common error conditions, so I think it is fairly robust.

Set up your Pi
On your Pi you are “phoning home” to your server. So you need a line something like this in your crontab file:

# This gets a file and leaves a timestamp behind in the access log
* * * * * /usr/bin/curl --connect-timeout 30`perl -e 'print time()'` > /dev/null 2>&1

Don’t know what I’m talking about when I say edit your crontab file?

> export EDITOR=vi
> crontab -e

That first line is only required for fans of the vi editor.

That part was easy, right? That will have your server “phone home” every minute, 24×7. But we need an aside to talk about time on the Pi.

Getting the right time on the Raspberry Pi
This monitoring solution assumes Ras Pi and home server are in the same time zone (because we kept it simple). I’ve seen at least a couple of my Raspberry Pi’s where the time zone was messed up so I need to document the fix.

Run the date command
$ date

Sat Apr 29 17:10:13 EDT 2017

Now it shows it is set for EDT so the timezone is correct. At first it showed something like UTC.

Make sure you are running ntp:
$ ntpq ‐p

     remote           refid      st t when poll reach   delay   offset  jitter
==============================================================================     2 u  689 1024  377   78.380    2.301   0.853     2 u  312 1024  377  116.254   11.565   5.864
+choppa.chieftek     3 u  909 1024  377   65.430    4.185   0.686
*   .GPS.            1 u  106 1024  377  162.089  -10.357   0.459

You should get results similar to those above. In particular the jitter numbers should be small, or at least less than 10 (units are msec for the curious).

If you’re missing the ntpq command then do a

$ sudo apt-get install ntp

Set the correct timezone with a

$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata

and choose Americas, then new York, or whatever is appropriate for your geography. The Internet has a lot of silly advice on this point so I hope this clarifies the point.

Note that you need to do both things. In my experience time on Raspberry Pis tends to drift so you’ll be off by seconds, which is a bad thing. ntp addresses that. And having it in the wrong timezone is just annoying in general as all your logs and file times etc will be off compared to how you expect to see them.

On your server
Here is the Perl script I cooked up. Some modifications are needed for others to use, such as email addresses, access log location and perhaps the name and switches for the mail client.

So without further ado. here is the monitor script:

# send out alerts related to Raspberry Pi phone home
# this is designed to be called periodically from cron
# DrJ - 2/2013
# to test good to error transition,
# call with a very small maxDiff, such as 0!
use Getopt::Std;
getopts('m:d'); # maximum allowed time difference
$maxDiff = $opt_m;
$DEBUG = 1 if $opt_d;
unless (defined($maxDiff)) {
# use values appropriate for your situation here...
$mailsender = '[email protected]';
$recipient = '[email protected]';
$monitorName = 'Raspberry Pi phone home';
# access line looks like:
# - - [02/Feb/2013:22:00:02 -0500] "GET /raspberrypiPhoneHome?136456789 HTTP/1.1" 200 455 "-" "curl/7.26.0"
$magicString = "raspberrypiPhoneHome";
# modify as needed for your situation...
$accessLog = "/var/log/drjohns/access.log";
# pick up timestamp in access file
$piTime = `grep $magicString $accessLog|tail -1|cut -d\? -f2|cut -d' ' -f1`;
$curTime = time();
$date = `date`;
# your PID file is somewhere else. It tells us when Apache was started.
# you could comment out these next lines just to get started with the program
$PID = "/var/run/";
($atime,$mtime,$ctime) = (stat($PID))[8,9,10];
$diff = $curTime - $piTime;
print "magicString, accessLog, piTime, curTime, diff: $magicString, $accessLog, $piTime, $curTime, $diff\n" if $DEBUG;
print "accessLog stat. atime, mtime, ctime: $atime,$mtime,$ctime\n" if $DEBUG;
if ($curTime - $ctime < $maxDiff) {
  print "Apache hasn't been running long enough yet to look for something in the log file. Maybe next time\n";
$goodFile = "/tmp/piGood";
$errorFile = "/tmp/piError";
# Think of it as state machine. There are just a few states and a few transitions to consider
if (-e $goodFile) {
  print "state: good\n" if $DEBUG;
  if ($diff < $maxDiff) {
    print "Remain in good state\n" if $DEBUG;
  } else {
# transition to error state
    print "Transition from good to error state at $date, diff is $diff\n";
    sendMail("Good","Error","Last call was $diff seconds ago");
# set state to Error
    system("rm $goodFile; touch $errorFile");
} elsif (-e $errorFile) {
  print "state: error\n" if $DEBUG;
  if ($diff > $maxDiff) {
    print "Remain in error state\n" if $DEBUG;
  } else {
# transition to good state
    print "Transition from error to good state at $date, diff is $diff\n";
    sendMail("Error","Good","Service restored. Last call was $diff seconds ago");
# set state to Good
    system("rm $errorFile; touch $goodFile");
} else {
  print "no state\n" if $DEBUG;
  if ($diff < $maxDiff) {
    system("touch $goodFile");
    sendMail("no state","Good","NA") if $DEBUG;
    print "Transition from no state to Good at $date\n";
# don't send alert
  } else {
    print "Remain in no state\n" if $DEBUG;
sub sendMail {
($oldState,$state,$additional) = @_;
print "oldState,state,additional: $oldState,$state,$additional\n" if $DEBUG;
$subject = "$state : $monitorName";
open(MAILX,"|mailx -r \"$mailsender\" -s \"$subject\" $recipient") || die "Cannot run mailx $mailsender $subject!!\n";
print MAILX qq(
$monitorName is now in state: $state
Time: $date
Former state was $oldState
Additional info: $additional
- sent from pialert program
sub usage {
  print "usage: $0 -m <maxDiff (seconds)> [-d (debug)]\n";

This is called from my server’s crontab. I set it like this:

 Call monitor that sends an alert if my Raspberry Pi fails to phone home - DrJ 2/13
0,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55 * * * * /home/drj/ -m 300 >> /tmp/pialert.log

My /tmp/pialert.log file looks like this so far:

Transition from no state to Good at Wed Feb  6 12:10:02 EST 2013
Apache hasn't been running long enough yet to look for something in the log file. Maybe next time
Apache hasn't been running long enough yet to look for something in the log file. Maybe next time
Transition from good to error state at Fri Feb  8 10:55:01 EST 2013, diff is 420
Transition from error to good state at Fri Feb  8 11:05:02 EST 2013, diff is 1

The last two lines result from a test I ran – i commented out the crontab entry on my Pi to be absolutely sure it was working.

The error message I got in my email looked like this:

Subject: Error : Raspberry Pi phone home
Raspberry Pi phone home is now in state: Error 
Time: Fri Feb  8 10:55:01 EST 2013
Former state was Good
Additional info: Last call was 420 seconds ago
- sent from pialert program

Why not use Nagios?
Some will realize that I replicated functions that are provided in Nagios, why not just hang my stuff off that well-established monitoring software? I considered it, but I wanted to stay light. I think my approach, while more demanding of me as a programmer, keeps my server unburdened by running yet another piece of software that has to be understood, debugged, maintained and patched. If you already have it, fine, by all means use it for the alerting part. I’m sure it gives you more options. For an approach to installing nagios that makes it somewhat manageable see the references.

A few words about sending mail
I send mail directly from my cloud server, I have no idea what others do. With Amazon, my elastic IP was initially included in blacklists (RBLs), etc, so I really couldn’t send mail without it being rejected. they have procedures you can follow to remove your IP from those lists, and it really worked. Crucially, it allowed me to send as a TXT message. Just another reason why you can’t really beat Amazon hosting (there was no charge for this feature).

And sending TXT messages
I think most wireless providers have an email gateway that allows you to send a TXT message (SMS) to one of their users via email (SMTP) if you know their cell number. For instance with Verizon the formula is




We have assembled a working power/Internet service monitor as a DIY project for a Raspberry Pi. If you want to use your Pi for a lot of other things I suggest to leave this one for your power monitor and buy another – they’re cheap (and fun)!

I will now know whenever I lose power – could be any minute now thanks to Nemo – and when it is restored, even if I am not home (thanks to my SmartPhone). See in my case my ISP, CenturyLink, is pretty good and rarely drops my service. JCP&L, not so much.

Admittedly, most people, unlike me, do not have their own cloud-hosted server, but maybe it’s time to get one?

Open Monitoring Distribution (OMD) makes installing and configuring nagios a lot easier, or so I am told. It is described here.
I’ve gotten my mileage out of the monitor perl script in this post: I’ve recently re-used it with modifications for a similar situation except that the script is being called by HP SiteScope, and, again, a Raspberry Pi is phoning home. Described here.

Apache Linux Network Technologies Perl Raspberry Pi

Getting started on my Raspberry Pi

The Raspberry Pi computer is an awesome idea. Its performance is surprisingly good as well, as I will show below. Available packages? Not so impressive. I share some old X-windows tricks which will allow you to bring up the GUI without ever using the HDMI port.

The details
My Methodology
I was too lazy to set up an HDMI console plus keyboard and mouse. I’m more a server guy anyways so I’m more interested in what I can accomplish from a command prompt. And this also makes getting started that much easier. I had burned the Raspbian Wheezy image to a super-fast SD card (more on that below) the day that my Pi came in the mail. I attached power and ethernet, booted it up, guessed the IP it acquired by running some PINGs, did an ssh using the pi/raspberry user and Bingo! I was in. It couldn’t be easier. How I tested GUI applications without a console is explained further down below.

First Impressions
It feels fast.

Not much seems to be there by default – no apache, not many X utilities. There is a lame X browser called x-www-browser. I thought this is Debian, right? So we can just start downloading Debian packages, like Firefox. Wrong! It doesn’t work that way. There’s no Firefox, Safari, Chrome or Opera! It does come pre-loaded with curl, however, ha, ha.

No, the Raspbian FAQ explains why this is. It’s rather complicated. I guess the compiler works though I haven’t tested it yet. So I suppose you could compile packages from their source code.

The x-terminal-emulator is pretty decent, however.

If it comes with a web server, I didn’t notice. So I quickly checked for the availability of apache. It’s available. Then installed it:

> sudo apt-get install apache2

That worked out well. It installed it and the packages it depended on and even launched it, and it all felt fairly peppy. See the suggested fix further down if this gives you errors. The default HTML DOCROOT is /var/www. I accessed it locally:

> curl localhost

And a welcome message displayed. A good start.

Where’s the rest of my 16 GB SD card gone to?

Original disk layout:

pi@raspberrypi:~$ df -k
Filesystem     1K-blocks    Used Available Use% Mounted on
rootfs           1804128 1492908    219572  88% /
/dev/root        1804128 1492908    219572  88% /
devtmpfs          224436       0    224436   0% /dev
tmpfs              44900     204     44696   1% /run
tmpfs               5120       0      5120   0% /run/lock
tmpfs              89780       0     89780   0% /run/shm
/dev/mmcblk0p1     57288   16872     40416  30% /boot

Layout after raspi-config:

pi@raspberrypi:~$ df -k
Filesystem     1K-blocks    Used Available Use% Mounted on
rootfs          15251960 1494852  12982544  11% /
/dev/root       15251960 1494852  12982544  11% /
devtmpfs          224436       0    224436   0% /dev
tmpfs              44900     196     44704   1% /run
tmpfs               5120       0      5120   0% /run/lock
tmpfs              89780       0     89780   0% /run/shm
/dev/mmcblk0p1     57288   16872     40416  30% /boot

Whew! That was easy. All 16 GB accounted for and actively used.

Was it worth it to buy that UHS SD card?
I didn’t want a sluggish server, so I paid a couple bucks more and bought a 16 GB SD UHS (ultra high speed) card for my “disk,” not knowing whether or not the Pi had the muscle to put it to work.

A quick aside about SD cards
I did a quickie self-education on this topic. Most SD cards are rated by class, so a class 4 SD card can do 4 MB/sec I/O, and a class 10 card can do at least 10 MB/sec. Faster still are the UHS SD cards. My Sandisk, which only cost about $19, is rated for 45 MB/sec I/O. A great write-up on this topic specifically for Raspberry Pi is: Raspberry Pi SD Card Speed Test – Raspberry Pi benchmark (higher numbers are better)
1333 file creation/destruction operations per second – Raspberry Pi with UHS SD card
6666 file creation/destruction operations per second – EBS volume on small image running CentOS in Amazon cloud
26000 file creation/destruction operations per second – high-end HP server (G7 DL380) running SLES 11

I think I provided the source for this simple Perl program I wrote, It creates a file, writes a random number into it, then deletes it – that all counts as one operation. Here it is:

# DrJ, 1/2000
# Test disk I/O
$DIR = $ARGV[0];
$t0 = time();
while(1) {
  $ran = rand();
  open(FILE,"&gt;$ran") || die "Cannot open file $ran in directory $DIR!!\n";
  print FILE $ran;
  if ($cnt % 20000 == 0) {
    $rate = $cnt / (time() - $t0) ;
    print "File creation/desctruction rate: $rate\n";

DrJ 2017 Note: The notes below are historical and does not seem to work at all for the Raspberry Pi 3 loaded with NOOBS. In NOOBS you select your OS to install. You can’t ssh to it. I know. I just tried! Even after you install Raspbian Wheezy, you still can’t access it via ssh until you enable the ssh daemon with raspi-condfig.

How to get the GUI working without a console
I have this feeling that many people trying out the Pi won’t have the faintest idea how X windows works, unlike us Unix old-timers. It’s fun to put 20-year-old lessons to work on something new. Like I said I’m lazy and didn’t feel the need to set up an actual console to the thing. I used some old X features to allow me to launch specific X-windows applications that are pre-loaded on the device, and display them on my PC. How?

On a Windows PC you install Cygwin. Then launch the XWin Server. You ssh to your pi. How do you know its IP the first time? Guess! It picks it up via DHCP, so start PINGing around the range where your other devices are numbered. My PC is, my pi was Maybe you have a bunch of devices responding to PING and are unsure which is which? Your MAC table is your friend. Here’s mine:

C:\Documents and Settings&gt;arp -a
Interface: --- 0x2
  Internet Address      Physical Address      Type           00-14-f6-e0-c0-4c     dynamic          b8-27-eb-dd-21-02     dynamic          00-90-a9-bb-3d-76     dynamic

arp displays the MAC table with the IP-to-physical (MAC) address correspondence. So most Pi’s will have a MAC address whose beginning is similar to b8-27-eb. A quick aside. Does the MAC address follow the board (SOC) or the SD Card? The board – I tested this with a friend’s SD Card.

You login with the pi/raspberry.

Then set your DISPLAY environment variable:

> export DISPLAY=

Most of your X applications begin with the letter “x,” so enter

> x<tab><tab>

to see a display of available programs like this:

xapian-config        xdg-screensaver      xkbevd               xpdf.real            xxd
xarchiver            xdg-settings         xkbprint             xprop                xz
xargs                xdpyinfo             xkbvleds             x-session-manager    xzcat
xauth                xdriinfo             xkbwatch             xsubpp               xzcmp
xdg-desktop-icon     xev                  xkill                xtables-multi        xzdiff
xdg-desktop-menu     xfd                  xlsatoms             x-terminal-emulator  xzegrep
xdg-email            xfontsel             xlsclients           xvinfo               xzfgrep
xdg-icon-resource    xinit                xlsfonts             x-window-manager     xzgrep
xdg-mime             xkbbell              xmessage             xwininfo             xzless
xdg-open             xkbcomp              xpdf                 x-www-browser        xzmore

Actually I don’t know how many of these are X. But at least a few are.

Start an xterm in Cygwin. In the xterm window, give permission to the Pi to use it as its Xserver:

> xhost +

Now in the Pi shell (ha, ha), type:

> x-terminal-emulator

and you should see the colorful terminal emulator on your PC in a few seconds. this is a true GUI application. You similarly launch the x-www-browser. Don’t forget to background your X-windows in the Pi shell:

> bg

so you can use the one window to launch multiple X windows.

Another example the book Programming the Raspberry Pi has is the Python interactive development environment. I reasoned from the screen shots that idles3 would also be an X application – hey, they don’t have to start with the letter x – and indeed it is!

Want the whole ball of wax, a complete console? I just figured this one out by taking an educated guess:

> x-session-manager

and you will see the complete GUI on your PC! Cool, huh?

Want to get rid of the last thing you backgrounded, like, say, that x-session-mnager which has taken over your PC?! Type

> fg

and it will be killed.

How to get the GUI working without a console, Method 2
The above steps look a little daunting? Even I don’t want to install cygwin on my new PC. There is an alternative which can suffice for light usage.

On the Pi install a vnc server:

$ sudo apt-get install tightvncserver

Launch it:

$ vncserver

The first time only it will ask you to set up a password. Might as well make it raspberry like everything else we do on the Pi.

Then install a VNC client on your PC (Or Macbook). I use RealVNC.

Launch your VNC client and connect to your Pi’s IP address (which you need to know) + the display number, like this:

For a Pi at IP in which the vncserver started display 1. Normally it will be display 1, but I guess it might be display 0.

Don’t launch vncserver more than once! You don’t want a bunch of those running and dragging on performance.

Anyways, that’s it! You should see the Pi’s GUI on your PC, but it might seem a wee bit small.

Setting a static IP
If you’re going to use the Pi more as a server like I am, I think it’s a good idea to give it a static IP. What I did is to edit /etc/network/interfaces. Mine now looks like this:

Nagios can be installed! That's pretty cool - it's a sophisticated network monitoring utility.

Get a decent browser
The web browsers that come with the Pi are horrible. Midori? Seriously? I found you can get Firefox, but the downside is that it’s sloooww. But at least it works. The secret is that it’s not called Firefox. Instead:

$ sudo apt-get install iceweasel

Yes, it’s iceweasel, not Firefox, in Debian Linux. Go figure.

My cool transparent case
I recommend to get a case. I got the one with the best reviews. It’s kind of expensive, about $20, but worth it. It’s practically a work-of-art. Clear, the PC board fits snugly. I put it in my pocket and showed it around to my friends, feeling it was well protected, and yet also a sight to behold the first time. I even has a thoughtful light guide so the LEDs look beautiful as their light follows the rectangular opening to open air. I never had this much fun in show-and-tell! I just pulled the Pi wrapped in its case from my shirt pocket and amazed those around me. So go ahead and splurge. Anyways some of the cheaper cases look just that. Here is what I bought:

Helping a friend out with his Pi
So I dutifully take my friend’s Pi home and offer to install a web server. What did I do wrong? Well, duh, I could have just taken his SD Card home and plugged it into my Pi case! That concept takes some getting used to! We all have the same hardware. Our SD cards – our disk – are what make one Pi different from another.

So I followed my own blog post to recall some things. This Pi also had a MAC address beginning with the same six characters.

The apache2 installation did not work out, however. What to do? Well, I eventually read the darn output from running it. It suggests to try this:

> sudo apt-get update

So I ran that, figuring it could do no harm. Then I re-ran

> sudo apt-get install apache2

and this time the install actually worked!

Reading a flash drive
I was curious to see if you could stick a flash drive in the thing and just read it. I didn’t think so since I thought it would be formatted for NTFS. But if you have the GUI running and bring up a file manager, I’ll be darned if it doesn’t just work. I noticed the drive is mounted as /media/Cruzer (my flash drive has the brand name Cruzer).

If you don’t launch the file manager, I think you can still work with it as follows:

$ sudo mkdir /media/Cruzer; sudo mount /dev/sda1 /media/Cruzer

Then when you’re all done and before you remove it:

$ sudo umount /media/Cruzer

So that’s pretty cool. You can create tar archives on the flash drive, plug it into someone else’s Pi and untar it, etc, just like on Windows.

Raspberry Pi is respectable as a computer. It will be a lot of fun to explore for the hobbyist.


Raspberry Pi SD Card Speed Test – Raspberry Pi – a great discussion of the various speeds of Micro SD cards and how to measure yours
Go here for my next project – using your Raspberry Pi to monitor your home’s power or Internet connection.
Interested in networking? A lot of useful tips can be found in this posting describing how to turn your Pi into a router. distributes realVNC viewers for various platforms.
How about a Raspberry Pi-driven digital photo frame? I describe an approach in this article.
Brief Nagios for Raspberry Pi writeup.

Admin Linux Network Technologies Raspberry Pi

Compiling hping on CentOS

hping was recommend to me as a tool to stage a mock DOS test against one of our servers. I found that I did not have it installed on my CentOS 6 instance and could not find it with a yum search. I’m sure there is an rpm for it somewhere, but I figured it would be just as easy to compile it myself as to find the rpm. I was wrong. It probably was a _little_ harder to compile it, but I learned some things in doing so. So I’ll share my experience. It wasn’t too bad. I have nothing original to add here to what you find elsewhere, except that I didn’t find anywhere else with all these problems documented in one place. So I’ve produced this blog post as a convenient reference.

I’ve also faced this same situation on SLES – can’t find a package for hping anywhere – and found the same recipe below works to compile hping3.

The Details
I downloaded the source, hping3-20051105.tar.gz, from Try a ./configure and…

error can not find the byte order for this architecture, fix bytesex.h

After a few quick searches I began to wonder what the byte order is in the Amazon cloud. Inspired I wrote this C program to find out and remove all doubt:

/* returns true if system is big_endian. See - DrJ */
    printf("Hello World");
    int ans = am_big_endian();
    printf("am_big_endian value: %d",ans);
int am_big_endian()
     long one= 1;
     return !(*((char *)(&one)));

This program makes me realize a) how much I dislike C, and b) how I will never be a C expert no matter how much I dabble.

The program returns 0 so the Amazon cloud has little endian byte order as we could have guessed. All Intel i386 family chips are little endian it seems. Back to bytesex.h. I edited it so that it has:

/* # error can not find the byte order for this architecture, fix bytesex.h */

Now I can run make. Next error:

pcap.h No such file or directory.

I installed libpcap-devel with yum to provide that header file:

$ yum install libpcap-devel

Next error:

net/bpf.h no such file or directory

For this I did:

$ ln -s /usr/include/pcap-bpf.h /usr/include/net/bpf.h

Next error:

/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -ltcl

I decided that I wouldn’t need TCL anyways to run in simple command-line fashion, so I excised it:

./configure --no-tcl

Then, finally, it compiled OK with some warnings.

hping3 for Raspberry Pi
On the Raspberry Pi it was simple to install hping3:

$ sudo apt-get install hping3

That’s it!

Raspberry Pi’s are pretty slow to generate serious traffic, but if you have a bunch I suppose they could amount to something in total.

Now I’m ready to go to use hping3 for a SYN_FLOOD simulated attack or whatever else we want to test.

Admin CentOS Linux Raspberry Pi

A few RPM and YUM commands and equivalent on Raspberry Pi

This post adds nothing to the knowledge out there and readily available on the Internet. I just got tired of looking up elsewhere the few useful rpm and yum commands that I employ. Here’s how I installed a missing binary on one system when I have a similar system that has it.

RPM is the Redhat Package Manager. It is also used on Suse Linux (SLES). A much better resource than this page (Hey, we can’t all be experts!) is

List all installed packages:

$ rpm −qa

Same as above – list all installed packages – but list the most recently installed packages first (Wish I had discovered this command sooner)!

$ rpm −qa −−last

libcurl-devel-7.19.7-35.el6                   Mon Apr  1 20:00:47 2013
curl-7.19.7-35.el6                            Mon Apr  1 20:00:47 2013
libidn-devel-1.18-2.el6                       Mon Apr  1 20:00:46 2013
libcurl-7.19.7-35.el6                         Mon Apr  1 20:00:46 2013
libssh2-1.4.2-1.el6                           Mon Apr  1 20:00:45 2013
ncurses-static-5.7-3.20090208.el6             Mon Apr  1 19:59:24 2013
ncurses-devel-5.7-3.20090208.el6              Mon Apr  1 19:58:40 2013
gcc-c++-4.4.7-3.el6                           Fri Mar 15 07:59:36 2013
gcc-gfortran-4.4.7-3.el6                      Fri Mar 15 07:59:34 2013

Which package owns a command:

$ rpm −qf `which make`

(This was run on an older Redhat 5.6 system which has make.)

Similarly, which package owns a file:

$ rpm −qf /usr/lib64/

List files in (an installed) package:
$ rpm −ql freeradius-client-1.1.6-40.1

List files in an rpm package file:
$ rpm −qlp packages/HPSiS1124Core-11.24.241-Linux2.4.rpm

Get history of the package versions on this server:

$ yum history list te-agent

Get history of the list of changes to this package:

$ rpm -q -changelog te-agent

Install a package from a local RPM file:
$ rpm −i openmotif-libs-32bit-2.3.1-3.13.x86_64.rpm

Uninstall a packge:
$ rpm −e package
$ rpm −e freeradius-server-libs-2.1.1-7.12.1

How will you install the missing make in CentOS? Use yum to search for it:

$ yum search make

Loaded plugins: fastestmirror
Determining fastest mirrors
 * base:
 * extras:
 * updates:
============================== N/S Matched: make ===============================
automake.noarch : A GNU tool for automatically creating Makefiles
imake.x86_64 : imake source code configuration and build system
make.x86_64 : A GNU tool which simplifies the build process for users
makebootfat.x86_64 : Utility for creation bootable FAT disk
mendexk.x86_64 : Replacement for makeindex with many enhancements

How to install it:

$ sudo yum install make.x86_64

Loaded plugins: fastestmirror
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
 * base:
 * extras:
 * updates:
Setting up Install Process
Resolving Dependencies
--&gt; Running transaction check
---&gt; Package make.x86_64 1:3.81-19.el6 will be installed
--&gt; Finished Dependency Resolution
Dependencies Resolved
 Package                   Arch                        Version                             Repository                 Size
 make                      x86_64                      1:3.81-19.el6                       base                      389 k
Transaction Summary
Install       1 Package(s)
Total download size: 389 k
Installed size: 1.0 M
Is this ok [y/N]: y
Downloading Packages:
make-3.81-19.el6.x86_64.rpm                                                                         | 389 kB     00:00
Running rpm_check_debug
Running Transaction Test
Transaction Test Succeeded
Running Transaction
  Installing : 1:make-3.81-19.el6.x86_64                                                                               1/1
  make.x86_64 1:3.81-19.el6

make should now be in your path.

If we were dealing with SLES I would use zypper instead of yum, but the idea of searching and installing is similar.

Debian Linux, e.g. Raspberry Pi

Find which package a file belongs to:

> dpkg -S filepath

List installed packages:

> dpkg -l

List all files belonging to the package iperf3:

> dpkg -L iperf3

Transferring packages from one system to another

When I needed to transfer Debian packages from one system with Internet access to another without, I would do:

apt download apache2

Then sftp the file to the other system and on it do

apt install ./apache2_2.4.53-1~deb11u1_amd64.deb

In fact that only worked after I installed all dependencies. This web of files covered all dependencies:
