Admin Linux Network Technologies SLES

Linux tip: how to enable remote syslog on SLES

I write this knowing I still don’t know anything to speak of about syslog, but, sometimes you gotta act without knowing. I needed to send syslog to somewhere in a big hurry so I figured out the absolute minimum I needed to do to get it running on one of my other systems.

The details
This all started because of a deficiency in the F5 ASM. At best it’s do slow when looking through the error log. But in particular there was one error that always timed out when I tried to bring up the details, a severity 5 error, so it looked pretty important. Worse, local logging, even though it is selected, also does not work – the /var/log/asm file exists but contains basically nothing of interest. I suppose there is some super-fancy and complicated MySQL command you could run to view the logs, but that would take a long time to figure out.

So for me the simplest route was to enable remote syslog on a Linux server and send the ASM logging to it. This seems to be working, by the way.

The minimal steps
Again, this was for Suse Enterprise Linux running syslog-ng.

  1. modify /etc/sysconfig/syslog as per the next step
  3. modify /etc/syslog-ng/syslog-ng.conf as per the next step
  4. uncomment this line: udp(ip(“”) port(514));
  5. launch yast (I use curses-based yast [no X-Windows] which is really cantankerous)
  6. go to Security and Users -> Firewall -> Allowed services -> Internal Zone -> Advanced
  7. add udp port 514 as additional allowed Ports in internal zone and save it
  8. service syslog stop
  9. service syslog start
  10. You should start seeing entries in /var/log/localmessages as in this suitably anonymized example (I added a couple line breaks for clarity:
Jul 27 14:42:22 f5-drj-mgmt ASM:"7653503868885627313","","/Common/drjohnstechtalk.com_profile","blocked","/drjcrm/bi/tjhmore345","0","Illegal URL,Attack signature detected","200021075","Automated client access ""curl""","US","<!--?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?-->44e7f1ffebff2dfb-800000000000000044f7f1ffebff2dfb-800000000000000044e7f1ffe3ff2dfb-80000000000000000000000000000000-000000000000000042VIOL_ATTACK_SIGNATURErequest200021075
VIOL_URL","GET /drjcrm/bi/tjhmore345 HTTP/1.1\r\nUser-Agent: curl/7.19.7 (x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu) libcurl/7.19.7 NSS/3.27.1 zlib/1.2.3 libidn/1.18 libssh2/1.4.2\r\nHost:\r\nAccept: */*\r\n\r\n"

Interestingly, there is no syslogd on this particular system, and yet the “-r” flag is designed for syslogd – it’s what turns it into a remote syslogging daemon. And yet it works.

It’s easy enough to log these messages to their own file, I just don’t know how to do it yet because I don’t need to. I learn as I need to. just as I learned enough to publish this tip.

We have demonstrated activating the simplest possible remote syslogger on Suse Linux Enterprise Server.

References and related

Want to know what syslog is? Howtonetwork has this very good writeup:


Suppress /apple-touch-icon URLs on an F5 ASM

Displaying the ASM event log is slow – it can take minutes on our older equipment. So anything that helps cut out the clutter in the returned log entries may save precious minutes of, e.g., paging to the next screen (also a minute). At some point I realized the logs were mostly filled with complaints about illegal URLs beginning with /apple-touch-icon… So i found a way to suppress those. This is for version 12.1

The problem

Typical example from a typical WAF log

The details

LTM policy to suppress those entries

How to edit policy
These are policies in the Local Traffic section. It’s not that intuitive. Clicking on the policy name will give you a read-only view and no evident way to switch to an edit mode. What you do is click on Create Draft. That creates a “draft policy” which you can edit. There you can introduce the rule above. Drag it to the top. Hit Save and publish draft and it should go live.

The best way?
It’s debatable if this is the best way to suppress these. if they come from legitmate devices mistakenly asking for these URLs it’s probably nicer to send them a 404 Not found. An iRule would be required for that.

We show how to suppress annoying ASM log entries saying illegal URL, /apple-touch-icon… on an F5 web application firewall. What is producing these URL attempts I just don’t know at this point. I suspect them to be innocuous.

Raspberry Pi SLES Web Site Technologies

Pi-hole: it’s as easy as pi to get rid of your advertisements

I learned about pi-hole from Bloomberg Businessweek of all places. Seems right up my alley – uses Raspberry Pi in your home to get rid of advertisements. Turns out it was too easy and I don’t have much to contribute except my own experiences with it!

The details
When I read about it I got to thinking big picture and wondered what would prevent us from running an enterprise version of this same thing? Well, large enerprises don’t normally run production critical applications like DNS servers (which this is, by the way) on Raspberry Pis, which is not the world’s most stable hardware! But first I had to try it at home just to learn more about the technology.

pi-hole admin screen

I was surprised just how optimized it was for the Raspberry Pi, to the neglect of other systems. So the idea of using an old SLES server is out the window.

But I think I got the essence of the idea. It replaces your DNS server with a custom one that resolves normal queries for web sites the usual way, but for DNS queries that would resolve to an Ad server, it clobbers the DNS and returns its own IP address. Why? So that it can send you a harmless blank image or whatever in place of an Internet ad.

You know those sites that obnoxiously throw up those auto-playing videos? That ain’t gonna happen any more when you run pi-hole.

You have to be a little adept at modifying your home router, but they even have a rough tutorial for that.

For the record on my Rspberry Pi I only did this:
$ sudo su ‐
$ curl ‐sSL https://install.pi‐ | bash

It prompted me for a few configuration details, but the answers were obvious. I chose Google DNS servers because I have a long and positive history using them.

You can see that it installs a bunch of packages – surprisingly many considering how simple in theory the thing is.

Test it
On your Raspberry Pi do a few test resolutions:

$ dig @localhost # should look like it normally does
$ dig pi.hole # should return the IP of your Raspberry Pi
$ dig # I gotta check this one. Should return IP address of your Pi

It runs a little web server on your Pi so the Pi acts as and just serves out some white space instead of the ad you would have gotten.

Linksys router
Another word about the home router DHCP settings. You have the option to enter DNS server. So I put the IP address of my raspberry pi, What I expected is that this is the DNS server that would be directly handed out to the DHCP clients on my home network. But that is not the case. Instead it still hands out itself, as DNS server. But in turn it uses the raspberry PI for its resolution. This through me when I did an ipconfig /all on my Windows 10 and didn’t see the DNS server I expected. But it wa all working. About 10% of my DNS queries were pi-holed (see picture of my admin screen above).

I guess pi-hole is run by fanatics, because it works surprisingly well. Those complex sites still worked, like, But they probably load faster without the ads.

Two months check up

I checked back with pihole. I know a DNS server is running. The dashboard is broken – the sections just have spinning circle instead of data. It’s already asking me to upgrade to v 3.3.1. I run pihole -up to do the upgrade.

Another little advantage
I can now ssh to my pi by specifying the host as pi.hole – which I can actually remember!

Idea for enterprise
finally, the essence of the idea probably could be ported over to an enterprise. In my opinion the secret sauce are the lists of domain names to clobber. There are five or six of them. Some have 50,000 entries. So you’d probably need a specialized DNS server rather than the default ISC BIND. I remember running a specialized DNS server like that when I ran Puremessage by Sophos. It was optimized to suck in real-time blacklists and the like. I have to dig through my notes to see what we ran. I’m sure it wasn’t dnsmasq, which is what pi-hole runs on the Raspberry Pi! But with these lists and some string manipulation and a simple web server I’d think it’d be possible to replicate in enterprise environment. I may never get the opportunity, more for lack of time than for lack of ability…

Looking for a rewarding project for your Raspberry Pi? Spare yourself Internet advertisements at home by putting it to work.

References and related
The pi-hole web site:
Another Raspberry Pi project idea: monitor your cable modem and restart it when it goes south.


Docker on CentOS 6: FAIL

I think I’ve been running CentOS 6 for six years now. With upgrades I’m at v 6.9. It was nice and new six years ago, but not so much anymore. I think it showed its age when I tried to run Docker. It just wouldn’t fly an I don’t feel like debugging it. The conventional wisdom seems to be that it is not possible – the two are incompatible, which further discouraged me.

Here are my notes

followed - DrJ 6/18/18
my problem:
level=error msg="[graphdriver] prior storage driver \"devicemapper\" failed: Error running DeviceCreate (CreatePool) dm_tas
k_run failed"
docker -d -D
DEBU[0000] Warning: could not change group /var/run/docker.sock to docker: Group docker not found
INFO[0000] Listening for HTTP on unix (/var/run/docker.sock)
WARN[0000] You are running linux kernel version 2.6.32-131.17.1.el6.x86_64, which might be unstable running docker. Please
upgrade your kernel to 3.10.0.
DEBU[0000] devicemapper: driver version is 4.20.6
DEBU[0000] Generated prefix: docker-202:65-131224
DEBU[0000] Checking for existence of the pool 'docker-202:65-131224-pool'
DEBU[0000] Pool doesn't exist. Creating it.
DEBU[0000] Error retrieving the next available loopback: open /dev/loop-control: no such file or directory
DEBU[0000] Error retrieving the next available loopback: open /dev/loop-control: no such file or directory
ERRO[0000] [graphdriver] prior storage driver "devicemapper" failed: Error running DeviceCreate (CreatePool) dm_task_run fa
FATA[0000] Error starting daemon: error initializing graphdriver: Error running DeviceCreate (CreatePool) dm_task_run faile
john@ip-10-164-80-53:~$ docker -v
Docker version 1.7.1, build 786b29d/1.7.1
yum install --setopt=obsoletes=0 \
   docker-ce-17.03.2.ce-1.el7.centos.x86_64 \

Running docker on CentOS v 6.9 in 2018 may be impossible or so difficult as to be practically impossible. I give up.


Future project idea: Interplanetary file system, IPFS

If I had more time and more energy, what I’d like is to explore the Interplanetary Filesystem, perhaps put up a server and create some objects. It seems right up my alley as I was an early adapter and put up one of the first web servers on the Internet. IPFS combines a lot of m interests: Linux (it extends the filesystem), web and computer science concepts.

But I don’t have spare time. Maybe later this year…

One year later
OK, I just heard on the Reveal podcast about an invidious use for IPFS. Although I was too busy before, now I’m simply loathe to embrace a technology that’s been embraced by the alt-right. Specifically, i have heard that Rob Monster has stored hate speech manifestos using IPFS and thereby using IPFS to create what is being called an alt-tech stack (their own web browser, social media sites, streaming video sites, etc, etc). It’s a shame.

References and related
Here’s the IPFS web site:
This lecture explains why we need this improved web technology and what it is:

Network Technologies Security

LDAP authentication on the F5 BigIP without Access Policy Manager

I recently received revised guidelines for dmz best practices which mentioned a requirement to implement application-independent authentication using the F5 web application firewall. I had never heard of it and didn’t think it was possible without buying the very expensive APM license. They insisted it was possible and even easy to do. So I investigated and found they were right!

The details
This is a feature added around version 11.4.

On the F5, go to Local Traffic|Profiles|Authentication|Configurations and create a new configuration. Here you put in the essential LDAP information and give these settings a name such as myLDAP. I needed to set Login Attribute to cn. Then go to …Authentication|Profiles and create a new one. Set parent profile as LDAP and associate the configvuration myLDAP to it. Rule can be _sys_auth_ldap.

In the virtual server Properties tab look for the section Authentication Profiles. Pick the profile you created.

That’s it! Your virtual server now has application-independent authentication using your preferred LDAP source.

So far I only tested against an LDAP source that doesn’t require an ldap bind. But I did successfully test against an ldaps source (which runs on port 636 and encrypts the communication using SSL. I got that to work setting SSL to Enabled and essentially taking the other SSL-related default values.

We show how to implement application-independent authentication on an F5 BigIP which only has the local traffic manager (LTM) license. We used an LDAP directory for the authentication source. I believe a certificate mechanism would also have been possible. As it happens our LDAP source was not an Active Directory (AD) tree, but I believe it would be possible to use that as well. We also did not limit access to any specific group, but that is probably possible as well.

Admin Linux Security Web Site Technologies

The IT Detective Agency: the vanishing certificate error

I was confronted with a web site certificate error. A user was reluctant – correctly – to proceed to an internal web site because he saw a message to the effect:

I tried it myself with IE and got the same thing.
Switch to Chrome and I saw this error:

I wouldn’t bother to document this one except for a twist: the certificate error went away in IE when you clicked through to the login page.

Furthermore, when I examined the certificate with a tool I trust, openssl, it showed the date was not expired.

So what’s going on there?

The details
First thing I dug into was Chrome. I found this particular error can occur if you have an internal certificate issued with a valid common name, but without a Subject Alternative Name. My openssl examination confirmed this was indeed the case for this certificate.

So I decided the Chrome error was a red herring. And confirmed this after checking out other internal web sites which all suffered from this problem.

But that still leaves the IE error unexplained.

As I mentioned in a previous post, I created a shortcut bash function that combines several openssl functions I call examinecert:

examinecert () { echo|openssl s_client -servername "$@" -connect "$@":443|openssl x509 -text|more; }

Use it like this:

$ examinecert

        Version: 3 (0x2)
        Serial Number:
    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
        Issuer: C=US, O=Let's Encrypt, CN=Let's Encrypt Authority X3
            Not Before: Apr  4 08:34:56 2018 GMT
            Not After : Jul  3 08:34:56 2018 GMT
        Subject Public Key Info:
            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
        X509v3 extensions:
            X509v3 Subject Alternative Name:

I tried to show a friend the error. I could no longer get IE to show a certificate error. So my friend tried IE. He saw that initial error.

Most people give up at this point. But my position is the kind where problems no one else can resolve go to get resolution. And certificates is somewhat a specialty of mine. So I was not ready to throw in the towel.

I mistrust all browsers. They cache information, try to present you sanitized information. It’s all misleading.

So I ran examinecert again. This time I got a different result. It showed an expired certificate. So I ran it again. It showed a valid, non-expired certificate. And again. It kept switching back-and-forth!

Here it helps to know some peripheral information. The certificate resides on an old F5 BigIP load-balancer which I used to run. It has a known problem with updating certificate if you merely try to replace the certificate in the SSL client profile. It’s clear by looking at the dates the certificate had recently been renewed.

So I now had enough information to say the problem was on the load balancer and I could send the ticket over to the group that maintains it.

As for IE’s strange behavior? Also explainable for the most part. After an initial page with the expired certificate, if you click Continue to this web site it re-loads the page and gets the Good certificate so it no longer shows you the error! So when I clicked on the lock icon to examine the certificate, I always was getting the good version. In fact – and this is an example of the limitation of browsers like IE -you don’t have the option to examine the certificate about which it complained initially. Then IE caches this certificate I think so it persists sometimes even after closing and re-launching the browser.

Case closed.

An intermittent certificate error was explained and traced to a bad load balancer implementation of SSL profiles. The problem could only be understood by going the extra mile, being open-minded about possible causes and “using all my senses.” As I like to joke, that’s why I make the medium bucks!

Other conclusion? openssl is your friend.

References and related
My favorite openssl commands show how to use openssl x509 from any linux server.

Admin Network Technologies Security

The IT Detective agency: Some insights into 4096-bit SSL keys

I was recently asked if a new certificate a web site is about to deploy would require any changes to our clients such as needing to import this certificate into their Java keystore.

The details
Well, I saved the certificate on a Linux server calling it my.crt and examined it using openssl:

$ openssl x509 ‐text ‐in my.crt

My greatest hits amongst the openssl commands are listed here: My favorite openssl commands

Anyway, the output begins like this:

        Version: 3 (0x2)
        Serial Number:
        Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
        Issuer: C=US, ST=Arizona, L=Scottsdale,, Inc., OU=, CN=Go Daddy Secure Certificate Authority - G2
            Not Before: Apr  5 22:57:01 2018 GMT
            Not After : Apr  5 22:57:01 2020 GMT
        Subject: Organization/serialNumber=C2417721, C=US, ST=California, L=Carlsbad,
        Subject Public Key Info:
            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
            RSA Public Key: (4096 bit)
                Modulus (4096 bit):

So I checked the text after the Issuer field, C=US, ST=Arizona, L=Scottsdale,, Inc., OU=, CN=Go Daddy Secure Certificate Authority – G2
This is the intermediate CA. And it exactly matches their current certificate we already trust. So no problem, right, we are good to go, right? Not so fast grasshopper. This certificate contains a totally new element for us. I happened to notice it has a 4096 bit key length. Never seen that before though I have heard about it.

How do we even know our old browsers and even proxy server are going to be good with that? The best way I reasoned is simply to find another site with a 4096 bit certificate. Well, it took me almost an hour before I found one, and DDG and Google searches proved fruitless. I found it by taking logical guesses, as in, surely some security-minded organization has deployed these already?? Nope. Nope. Nope., Nah, ah. Lets Encrypt. Also a no. Then I tried and found the weirdest thing. They send several certificates, one of which is * which is 4096 bits. But it makes no sense being part of the certificates on, as an server eval will tell you. So then I tried Paydirt!

$ examinecert

        Version: 3 (0x2)
        Serial Number:
    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
        Issuer: C=GB, ST=Greater Manchester, L=Salford, O=COMODO CA Limited, CN=COMODO RSA Domain Validation Secure Server
            Not Before: Oct 16 00:00:00 2015 GMT
            Not After : Oct 17 23:59:59 2018 GMT
        Subject: OU=Domain Control Validated, OU=Hosted by BlueHost.Com, INC, OU=PositiveSSL Wildcard, CN=*
        Subject Public Key Info:
            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
                Public-Key: (4096 bit)

examinecert is a bash function I created defined as:

examinecert () { echo|openssl s_client -connect "$@":443|openssl x509 -text|more; }

And for this company that brings up a host of questions. if their again IE 11 has never encountered a web site with this long of a key length, how will we know what will happen the first time?

Also, some sites get SSL intercepted by Bluecoat proxy. How will that infrastructure handle it? Will it handle it?

That;s why it was so important to find a real-world example, as painful as that exercise proved to be.

The answers are somewhat surprising.

Yes, ancient Internet Explorer probably handles 4096 bit key lengths just fine. I actually haven’t fully tested that one yet.

But it doesn’t matter for this company. Their Bluecoat proxy intercepts the SSL. So, yes, that part works, and re-creates its own certificate, but issued as a standard 2048-bit key length! So that is what IE sees so I know there will be no issue there. I say surprising because usually the generated certificates so carefully preserve all aspects of a certificate: same expiration date, same common name, etc. Whether or not this key length reduction is configurable or not I have yet to find out.

Follow up
As a result of my prodding, will include a 4096-bit certificate with which to test things out.

After an arduous search (I’m sure next year this time this will become much easier) we found a public site which can be used to test 4096 bit key lengths: Obviously GoDaddy also issues 4096-bit certificates since that is what this particular web site uses as their issuer, but I have yet to find an actual live example of one.

Bluecoat SSL interception by default does handle this long key length, but generates its private version of it with only a 2048 key length, to our surprise.

Just remember, if you have a Raspberry Pi you can run all these commands that I’ve shown because you have a bone fide Linux system.

Case: closed!

References and related
This site has all sorts of SSL scenarios to test against:
To jump straight to their 4096-bit CERT:

DNS Linux Network Technologies Raspberry Pi Security

Whois information without the pushy hard sell tactics

Did you ever want to learn about a domain registration but were put off by the hard sell tactics that basically all web-based whois searches subject you to? Me, too. Here’s what you can do.

The details
Linux – so that includes you, Raspberry Pi owners – has a little utility called whois which you can use to get the registrant information of a domain, e.g.,

$ whois

   Registry Domain ID: 1795918838_DOMAIN_COM-VRSN
   Registrar WHOIS Server:
   Registrar URL:
   Updated Date: 2017-03-27T00:52:51Z
   Creation Date: 2013-04-23T00:54:17Z
   Registry Expiry Date: 2019-04-23T00:54:17Z
   Registrar:, LLC
   Registrar IANA ID: 146
   Registrar Abuse Contact Email: [email protected]
   Registrar Abuse Contact Phone: 480-624-2505
   Domain Status: clientDeleteProhibited
   Domain Status: clientRenewProhibited
   Domain Status: clientTransferProhibited
   Domain Status: clientUpdateProhibited
   DNSSEC: unsigned
   URL of the ICANN Whois Inaccuracy Complaint Form:
>>> Last update of whois database: 2018-04-19T19:59:35Z <<<

Admittedly that did not tell us much, but it points us to another whois server we can try, So try that:

$ whois ‐h

Registry Domain ID: 1795918838_DOMAIN_COM-VRSN
Registrar WHOIS Server:
Registrar URL:
Updated Date: 2017-03-27T00:52:50Z
Creation Date: 2013-04-23T00:54:17Z
Registrar Registration Expiration Date: 2019-04-23T00:54:17Z
Registrar:, LLC
Registrar IANA ID: 146
Registrar Abuse Contact Email: [email protected]
Registrar Abuse Contact Phone: +1.4806242505
Domain Status: clientTransferProhibited
Domain Status: clientUpdateProhibited
Domain Status: clientRenewProhibited
Domain Status: clientDeleteProhibited
Registry Registrant ID: Not Available From Registry
Registrant Name: ******** ******** (see Notes section below on how to view unmasked data)
Registrant Organization:
Registrant Street: ***** ****
Registrant City: Newton
Registrant State/Province: New Jersey
Registrant Postal Code: 078**
Registrant Country: US
Registrant Phone: +*.**********
Registrant Phone Ext:
Registrant Fax:
Registrant Fax Ext:
Registrant Email: ********@*****.***
Registry Admin ID: Not Available From Registry
Admin Name: ******** ******** (see Notes section below on how to view unmasked data)

So now we’re getting somewhere. So GoDaddy tries to force you to their web page an sell you stuff in any case. Not at all surprising for anyone who’s ever been a GoDaddy customer (includes yours truly). Because that’s what they do. But not all registrars do that.

Here’s a real-life example which made me decide this technique should be more broadly disseminated. I searched for information on a domain in Argentina:

$ whois

This TLD has no whois server, but you can access the whois database at

Now if you actually try their suggested whois server, it doesn’t even work:

$ whois ‐h


What you can do to find the correct whois server is use iana – Internet Assigned Numbers Authority – namely, this page:

So for Argentina I clicked on .ar (I expected to find a separate listing for but that was not the case), leading to the page:

See it? At the bottom it shows Whois server: So I try that and voila, meaningful information is returned, no ads accompanying:

$ whois ‐h

% La información a la que estás accediendo se provee exclusivamente para
% fines relacionados con operaciones sobre nombres de dominios y DNS,
% quedando absolutamente prohibido su uso para otros fines.
% de la información que los usuarios declaran con la sola finalidad de
% registrar nombres de dominio en ‘.ar’, para ser publicada en el sitio web
% de NIC Argentina.
% La información personal que consta en la base de datos generada a partir
% del sistema de registro de nombres de dominios se encuentra amparada por
% la Ley N° 25326 “Protección de Datos Personales” y el Decreto
% Reglamentario 1558/01.
registrant:     50030338720
registrar:      nicar
registered:     2012-07-05 00:00:00
changed:        2017-06-27 17:42:45.944889
expire:         2018-07-05 00:00:00
contact:        50030338720
registrar:      nicar
created:        2013-09-05 00:00:00
changed:        2018-04-17 13:14:55.331068
nserver: ()
nserver: ()
nserver: ()
nserver: ()
registrar:      nicar
created:        2016-07-01 00:02:28.608837

2nd example:
I actually needed this one! So I learned of a domain and I wanted to get some background. So here goes…
$ whois

getaddrinfo( Name or service not known

So off to a bad start, right? So we hit up the .jobs link on iana,, and we spy a reference to their whois server:

Registry Information
This domain is managed under ICANN's registrar system. You may register domains in .JOBS through an ICANN accredited registrar. The official list of ICANN accredited registrars is available on ICANN's website.
URL for registration services:
WHOIS Server:

So we try that:
$ whois ‐h

   Domain Name: GOTO.JOBS
   Registry Domain ID: 91478530_DOMAIN_JOBS-VRSN
   Registrar WHOIS Server:
   Registrar URL:
   Updated Date: 2018-03-29T20:08:46Z
   Creation Date: 2010-02-04T23:54:33Z
   Registry Expiry Date: 2019-02-04T23:54:33Z
   Registrar: Name Share, Inc
   Registrar IANA ID: 667
   Registrar Abuse Contact Email:
   Registrar Abuse Contact Phone:
   Domain Status: clientTransferProhibited
   Name Server: NS1.REGISTRY.JOBS
   Name Server: NS2.REGISTRY.JOBS
   DNSSEC: unsigned
   URL of the ICANN Whois Inaccuracy Complaint Form:
>>> Last update of WHOIS database: 2018-04-23T18:54:31Z <<<

Better, but it seems to merely point to a registrar and its whois server:

Registrar WHOIS Server:

So let’s try that:

$ whois ‐h

Domain Name: GOTO.JOBS
Registry Domain ID: 91478530_DOMAIN_JOBS-VRSN
Registrar WHOIS Server:
Registrar URL:
Updated Date: 2018-03-29T20:08:46Z
Creation Date: 2010-02-04T23:54:33Z
Registrar Registration Expiration Date: 2017-02-04T23:54:33Z
Registrar: NameShare, Inc.
Registrar IANA ID: 667
Registrar Abuse Contact Email: [email protected]
Registrar Abuse Contact Phone: +1.7809429975
Domain Status: clientTransferProhibited
Registry Registrant ID:
Registrant Name: DNS Administrator
Registrant Organization: Employ Media LLC
Registrant Street: 3029 Prospect Avenue
Registrant City: Cleveland
Registrant State/Province: OH
Registrant Postal Code: 44115
Registrant Country: United States
Registrant Phone: +1.2064261500
Registrant Phone Ext:
Registrant Fax: +1.1111111111
Registrant Fax Ext:
Registrant Email: [email protected]
Registry Admin ID:
Admin Name: DNS Administrator
Admin Organization: Employ Media LLC
Admin Street: 3029 Prospect Avenue

Bingo! We have hit pay dirt. We have meaningful information about the registrant – an address, phone number and email address – and received no obnoxious ads in return. For me it’s worth the extra steps.

ICANN: another alternative
Most registrar’s whois sites are rate-limited. ICANN’s is not. And they also do not sic ads on you. It is

ICANN, for the record, it the body that decides what goes on in DNS namespace, for instance, what new gTLDS should be added. You can use its whois tool for all gTLDs, but not in general for ccTLDs.

whois is undergoing changes due to GDPR. Especially the “social” information of the contacts: registrant, admin and technical contacts will be masked, except for perhaps state and country, in the future. But whois is slowly dying and a new standard called RDAP will take its place.

References and related
This page has some great tips. Wish I had seen it first!

Here’s that iana root zone database link again:

ICANN’s whois:

Admin Web Site Technologies

A taste of the Instagram API

I always want to know more about how things really work behind the scenes, so I was excited when I overheard talk about how one company uses the Instagram API to do some cool things. An API is an application programming interface. It allows you to write programs to automate tasks and do some really cool stuff. So I spoke to one of my sources who shared with me a few companies he knows about who use Instagram’s API to do some cool things. Unfortunately, none of them were willing to reveal the technical details of how they interact with the API, so I am left with only the marketing descriptions of what they have managed to do with it. But what they don’t realize is that as a capable IT person, in some cases I only have to hear that a thing is possible to motivate me. I have literally gone into meetings telling a customer No that’s not possible, hearing from them Yeah, well, they have it running in Europe, and going back to my desk afterwards to totally revise my opinion of what is or isn’t possible and how it could be done. Having said all that, here is what these companies have managed to do, without revealing the secret sauce of how they do it.

Example apps
Post scheduling software
This is used by social media managers to schedule their Instagram posts weeks or months in advance. It allows them to make a bunch of posts at once quickly and saves them time. A friend of a friend in NYC owns a company that does this. His website is

Analytic software
Simply Measured offers a free Instagram report for users with up to 25,000 followers. The stats and insights are presented clearly and will help inform your Instagram posting strategy. The report lets you quickly see what has worked well in your Instagram marketing so you can apply these insights to future posts. Web site:

Automaton software
Some companies connect with Instagram’s API to automate redundant tasks and increase traffic to your Instagram page. Social Network Elite is one of the best sources for growing organic Instagram followers.

Although I don’t even have an Instagram account, I am interested in APIs. The Instagram API does not look too daunting and seems well-documented. I cite a few small businesses that put it to use to do cool stuff. Unfortunately at this time I can’t deliver on the promise of the title of this article – a taste of the API – because I haven’t received any details about the actual usage. Perhaps in some future I will get my own account and develop my own application.

References and related
The Instagram API is documented here:
My attempt to use the GoDaddy domain API.